For Old Guys Only


I am not a fan of the quote, "It is what it is." But sometimes, it is. I prefer "It is what you make it." However, that is probably offensive to those that can't make it.

So be it.
Maybe it's something in the water today; but everyone seems to have 'thin skin'. Everyone is offended by the simpliest, most innocent words. Everyone is a 'victim'.

As Charlie Brown would say, "Good Grief". Oh wait, someone living with 'grief' will be offended by Charlie's words. Can't even say that.

The 3 letter abbreviation for Japanese is considered offensive in America, which has political baggage to deal with. In Britain, it's just an abbreviation, but cultural drift has seen me criticised by some younger countrymen who take their lead from your culture. I get annoyed. I won't use it here, which is largely American occupied, but I will carry on using it at home and among my own people; it's just an abbreviation, that's all.
My brother in law, who should know better showed me this 'killer app' where you could hold the phone up to the sky and it would show you the constellations.... I asked him why he just didn't look up st the sky.

His answer was 'wall, this tells you the names.'

The only thing was, I know a lot of the names, and it was looking at the fake stars on the screen over the real deal.

Guess I just don't get technology.

I learned the hard way: when you already have the knowledge, you don't really need the app. I too have a smart phone. It is excellent at making calls, hardly any dead zones. A couple years ago I kept stumbling upon all these apps which interested me and I thought were cool. Do I use them much? No. Almost never. And I found I could dial the phone numbers of people I knew even faster than I could pull them up in the contact list and pick from "home", "work", or "mobile". Well, at least it makes a good telephone.
A certain ex-member here accused me of 'political incorrectness' regarding my signature line: "Charlie don't ride". He said it was "Offensive to Vietnames nationals". Hmmmmm.

I have to wonder what he thought of all the WWII movies where they called German soldiers 'krauts" and Japanese combatants, "Nips".
Me thinks you can carry PC just a little too far.

My advice? "Lighten up!" Fer-cryin'-out-loud!"


Ya know, technically being full-blooded German (just born in the states) I'd actually considered the online handle of "Jerry Kraut". And if anybody put up a stink, I was prepared to post photocopies of my grandparents' birth certificates, which were printed in an old Fraktur typeface. What's the würst that could happen?
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At the very least, Allen, if you used that as a screen name here now, we'd all know who you are. :)

Sorry for my misspell on Kraut. I just noticed it and edited.

My PC filter is broken, or at least in bad enough shape I have to hold the pieces together when I'm in public.....some of the time.....or at least when I don't want to whisper.

Sometimes I just let it fly and the looks I get are priceless. I am always prepared to defend my statements/thoughts/opinions with witty facts and sarcasm however.
Sorry if this is a temporary hijacking...

Today, I start a new job.
Next Monday, I will be 54.

I got tired of my 'rebel lifestyle' and self employment, especially since the 'recession' hit. I am going to be delivering furniture and appliances, something I used to do when I was much younger.

The funny thing is, I have done it on and off since the early 80's and rough count is 21,000 deliveries give or take. None the less, they are giving me 3 weeks paid training to learn the ropes, haha.

I am posting this in the old guys thread for a couple of reasons- one is the fact that EVERYTHING was done on line, and I HAVE YET TO SET FOOT IN THE STORE. Weird. Plus 'corporate' lost my background check twice, due to on line screw ups.
The other reason is that I am going into a young mans game as a semi 'old guy'.

Should be interesting, wish me luck. Either I will show them damn kids how it is, or it's gonna kill me.laff
Good luck Joe, I myself changed jobs back in March. Mine was not my choice, the facility I worked at closed. You're not old, I am older than you.
I have seen inside the store in passing, and everyone in there looks like they are early 20's.
This should be interesting to say the least.

I haven't had a 'corporate based' job in 25 years.
Good Luck Joe! I spent my last 8 "work years" working for a friend in his machine shop. Up until then had always been self-employed. The work was hard, but putting in a 40 hour week was a piece of cake. Went to half-days the last year due to the old arthritis gig, and now busier than ever not going to work.

KC, real life is just to scary. Ya gotta bury your face in a video game to escape.
I,m 67 and I can't go to the park & find a pickup game of touch football on a
Saturday. 3 parks not a half mile away & no kids at any of them. At least
I see a few riding bikes in summer, but it would seem they've forgotten how
to play for the most part.

Riding bikes (no motor) was all the time on the 24 inch wheel kind. Then 17 years old I copied what my brother did by riding a 75 mi round trip to the beach on Long Island from NY. Another time I did similar with my dad where we rode to Manhattan Island and visited the 59th street festival block party. Also we saw the very beginning of the World Trade Center being started with the something like 5 stories deep basement, through the wood fence peep holes. Yea different times. PC was a Commodore Vic 20 with cassette tape drive.

Yea different times.
PC was a Commodore Vic 20 with cassette tape drive.
I did a Timex/Sinclair Z80.
Still have it in my 'treasures' box along with my own hardware and code to some crazy things, like having it control my lawn sprinklers to turn on for a couple minutes, then off for a couple minutes all day long when I seeded my lawn to keep the birds from eating the seed.

It was hilarious to watch a flock of birds just keep trying.

Very fond memories of those exciting times when I was into digital electronics when my tech school still had tube classes!

Binary, multiple tiny Logic Gates in a chip, dealing with Hex base 16 math, I loved it all.

Anyway, just a memory I thought I'd share as like any muscle you got to exercise the brain too.
So true, I start my day with a bunch of mental calisthenics, some puzzles,
& a game or two of chess against my PC. Then it's time to get physical, a
bit of spinning on the stationary bike & some Tai Chi to get the blood moving.
I'm in a war with old age & refuse to surrender. If you live young, you'll never
be old.
So true, I start my day with a bunch of mental calisthenics, some puzzles,
& a game or two of chess against my PC. Then it's time to get physical, a
bit of spinning on the stationary bike & some Tai Chi to get the blood moving.
I'm in a war with old age & refuse to surrender. If you live young, you'll never
be old.
Does raking and blowing leaves qualify? I've been doing that for two weeks and the trees are only about half done with me. Cleaned gutters twice and they'll need it again soon.

Every year I get older and every year the trees get bigger and make more leaves. Not sure I can keep up with them much longer.

Tom: raking does not qualify, but a chainsaw will take care of the trees, the leaves and qualify as exercise. (Just kidding) Love trees. We are fortunate so have some real nice old ones which give us much enjoyment in the heat of the summer and we have been here long enough to see some we planted 25 years ago up over 20' tall.
Tom: raking does not qualify, but a chainsaw will take care of the trees, the leaves and qualify as exercise. (Just kidding) Love trees. We are fortunate so have some real nice old ones which give us much enjoyment in the heat of the summer and we have been here long enough to see some we planted 25 years ago up over 20' tall.
The only one I'd like to take a chainsaw to is this gosh-darned crabapple tree my wife wanted so badly. It's pretty when it blooms but that only lasts about a week, then it's nothing but a mess maker the rest of the year. I hate that tree. It overhangs our back patio. I have to hose off the patio all spring and summer to keep the apples from staining the concrete, dig out and snip off all the suckers from the roots surrounding it and then the birds and tree rats eat the apples and drop their mess.

I heard once that if you drive a copper nail into a tree it will kill it. Any truth to that?
(No, I wouldn't do that to my wife's tree. But it's tempting)
