I have yet to own a phone of any kind. My life is simple. Aren't you jealous?
My brother in law, who should know better showed me this 'killer app' where you could hold the phone up to the sky and it would show you the constellations.... I asked him why he just didn't look up st the sky.
His answer was 'wall, this tells you the names.'
The only thing was, I know a lot of the names, and it was looking at the fake stars on the screen over the real deal.
Guess I just don't get technology.
A certain ex-member here accused me of 'political incorrectness' regarding my signature line: "Charlie don't ride". He said it was "Offensive to Vietnames nationals". Hmmmmm.
I have to wonder what he thought of all the WWII movies where they called German soldiers 'krauts" and Japanese combatants, "Nips".
Me thinks you can carry PC just a little too far.
My advice? "Lighten up!" Fer-cryin'-out-loud!"
KC, real life is just to scary. Ya gotta bury your face in a video game to escape.
I,m 67 and I can't go to the park & find a pickup game of touch football on a
Saturday. 3 parks not a half mile away & no kids at any of them. At least
I see a few riding bikes in summer, but it would seem they've forgotten how
to play for the most part.
I did a Timex/Sinclair Z80.Yea different times.
PC was a Commodore Vic 20 with cassette tape drive.
Does raking and blowing leaves qualify? I've been doing that for two weeks and the trees are only about half done with me. Cleaned gutters twice and they'll need it again soon.So true, I start my day with a bunch of mental calisthenics, some puzzles,
& a game or two of chess against my PC. Then it's time to get physical, a
bit of spinning on the stationary bike & some Tai Chi to get the blood moving.
I'm in a war with old age & refuse to surrender. If you live young, you'll never
be old.
Dan,Tom: raking does not qualify, but a chainsaw will take care of the trees, the leaves and qualify as exercise. (Just kidding) Love trees. We are fortunate so have some real nice old ones which give us much enjoyment in the heat of the summer and we have been here long enough to see some we planted 25 years ago up over 20' tall.