For Old Guys Only

maybe I should make a doctors appt. I could use some new bike parts too.
LOL....I needed a laugh. Thanks Red.

It's gonna be a while before you live this one down. But I should warn you. It might become one of those perpetual insider jokes that gets referred to for years. It's happened before. :)

I had a hernia operation and simultaneous vasectomy a while back. They didn't find so much as a front fender in there. I was kinda disappointed. :)
Yep, had my gall bladder out last year and sure would've liked to get a new front fork for my chopper out of the deal.

Racie, Please give me advance notice of your next procedure as I would like to order some parts. Perhaps you could give us a list of what you have in "storage".

har har hardy har har
I don't know if this is a slow change that has been ocurring over a long period of time, or what..

The flavor "grape". As y'all know, it's usually as drink or candy that is colored purple. Well, the makers must have a different concept of the "grape" flavor. This stuff just tastes like -----------well, "purple". Ain't even close to what I associate with the flavor "grape".

There. I said it. You guys were probably thinking the same thing.
Terrible news. The so called flavor grape actually stands for Genetically Re-purposed Alien Pizz Extract.

Did you ever think about the people who taste stuff to see what it tastes like purple stuff for grapes . Oh and the people who taste dog and cat food . Does my cats food really taste like raw ocean perch or raw chicken . This implies that someone had to taste both and compare . I'm sure they don't have some cat that talks yet or sit down at it computer and paws out type written reviews . Now dog foods aren't quite so bad of flavors roast beef , chicken , etc. . If you want to make a flavor of dog food that dogs will really love try poop all dogs love poop . I'm not sure where they are going to get a taste tester for all the kinds of poop . After all they would not only have to taste the real thing but also the dog food to compare .
Ah well my mind woke up this AM with weird thoughts . Must be from the strain of pushing my MB for a half a mile yesterday to get home . No problems with the motor just me my senile old self forgot to check the gas tank before I left . Went for a short ride about 10 miles and ran out of gas about a half mile from home . I guess I needed the exercise .
At least you actually ran out of gas and didn't just bump the petcock with your knee then not discover it until you'd pushed the bike home.
I happen to know a guy personally, who did that a few years ago. I've,,, I mean 'he' knows not to make that mistake again.


I don't know if you've ever tried it but you just described MD20/20. Every member in the U.S. knows what I'm talking about.

It's a fortified wine most likely found in skid row alleyways and where ever the local high school crowd hang out to party. MD is Mogan David and the 20/20 is 20% alcohol and 20 ounces. Bottle is shaped like mickey.

Comes in a variety of flavours but the grape is the most popular where I lived. Hey, for $3 a bottle you get to visit places that you never wanted to on the trip.

Another delight was Purple Passion. Cheap wine with Ever Clear added. Ever Clear is pure grain alcohol.

Saw a lot of guys start the trip with that stuff but they crashed before they got to the end of the trip.

There's a chain called Yates' Wine Lodge over here. Years ago, they were very down market and justifiably notorious for this cheap Australian white wine they sold. Not just trodden grapes, trodden with year old socks. Oh deary me.
Thunderbird! Now there is a classic 'fruit of the vine'.
But remember what Benjamin Franklin said.

"Wine is a perfect example that God loves us and wants to see us happy", or something close to that. I guess He never lived through the morning after a Chianti binge.


In 1966 my friend and I drove down Route 66 in a 1966 Triumph Spitfire that I bought 3 weeks before.

There was a girl who had been a pen pal for years on the other end of the trip and a couple of kids from Canada got a look at the California life style. That involved a T Bird party where everyone who brought a gallon of Thunder Bird wine poured it into a garbage can half full of ice with a tap at the bottom.

We were astounded at the little Thunder Bird wine bottle that held about 3 or 4 ounces of wine for 11 cents.
I think the gallon of wine was 98 cents.

If it wasn't for the fact that we had jobs to come back to we would never have left.

I hope at least that someone rinsed out the garbage can first. On second thought you probably wouldn't have known the difference anyway :)

The reason I mention chianti is because of a party I once went to. I think it was about 1975. It was callled, 'Wine-O-Rama. It was a spagetti dinner and everyone brought chianti. The party was great! It was the day after, and maybe even the day after that, that brought back the bad memories.

There is nothing worse than a wine hangover. Not even tequila can compete with it.
