For Old Guys Only

Tom that sounds like all the kids in the neighborhood where I grew up, I grew up before cable TV and we didn't have ac so it was outside as soon as possible. We didn't need a game console and $40 each games we made our own games, we spent hours playing softball or tag football in the vacant lot on the next street. Mom didn't have to worry about child abduction or someone hurting us, there was always one of the neighbor around the vacant lot sitting on the porch watching. Very good times, although we didn't have a lot of toys or gadgets we made it just fine.
I wouldn't trade my childhood for anything. Even the part about believing that the best steak you could ever have was "Sirloin" that was cooked well-done. Having my first ribeye as an adult was almost as shattering as finding out the truth about Santa Claus!
Wait. What's this "truth" about Santa? He comes down the chimney and brings toys. Right? Lives at the North Pole with elves? Trains deer to fly, even gets them instrument ratings.
What's the "truth" you speak of?????

Tom, the "truth" is he never leaves you if you truly believe. He may not be the same, but he's still with you.
Check it out, I think I may have heard some K to 12 go all year long. What that means is Summer is not really Summer off. You get out sooner and get to work sooner, or do you get retro active 2 months X 12 year to make 24 months off before you get the boot out the door?

Summer was something with heat up in 80-90's and way high humidity, but a nice trip to the beach for fun anyway.
After a hot sweaty day of pedaling in the sun you'd think this old body would offend,
but the power of old goat pheromones is remarkable.

Where can I get some "old goat pheromones" pray tell? Maybe Santa will bring me some this year!

Only if you go to the mall, or Sears, and sit on his lap and tell him what you want. Letters to Santa wind up in the 'dead letter' box at the post office. At least that's always been my experience.

Wait, don't it come in pellet form ---- brownish black if I remember correctly. About the size of a Lima bean. If you end up buy'n some off the internet, be sure to pay the premium for 'aged' pellets.........they don't smell as bad.

Good luck!

Only if you go to the mall, or Sears, and sit on his lap and tell him what you want. Letters to Santa wind up in the 'dead letter' box at the post office. At least that's always been my experience.


Hmmm... I'm trying to picture Tinsmith at a mal sitting on a possibly boozy Santa's lap and asking about old goat pheromones. You tell me; what is wrong with this picture, eh?
What's wrong this picture is that when men sit in the mall it is only at
some forlorn outpost searching the horizon for their wife who is running
loose in the place with credit cards in her purse.
Retaining mental capacity in later life.

Excellent Lud!

Oh! I happen to know Santa and IF I REMEMBER I'll have a sit in his lap this Christmas and see if he can get me the "good" stuff. And, I'll post the pic for all to see.

Dan, if ya want the 'good stuff', ya gotta work for it. 10 yrs. ago I was up to 409 pds.
Recently I made in back down to 250, which isn't bad for a guy 6'3" & mostly
muscle. The main obstacle is the grocery store; chicken and dairy are full of estrogen,
especially now with genetically engineered milk. To make things worse, it's found
it's way into many water supplies. Moobs? It's pretty easy to spot a guy using a lot
of dairy. Fish & pork are the least offensive meats but a steady diet isn't the best
idea. I consume a lot of protein, but most of it comes from vegetable sources.(beans,
peanuts, etc.) The average American diet is tantamount to chemical castration.
Exercise? It's taken a long time, but I've created a regular discipline; I pedal 8 to 10
miles a day. I work on upper body strength 3 to 4 days a wk. ...... Now if only I could
rid of some of this leftover skin, I'd be a truly badass 66 yr. old.
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That was funny right there Lud! Yep "O" you are correct. Congrats on your success with the weight loss. I've been at it for the past two years or so. Now that I don't go to work anymore I can control the food and exercise much better and it works. At 6'1" I "ballooned" to 215. Pretty much by cutting out the carbs and a lot of processed foods the weight slowly goes away with a bit of exercise on a regular basis. Weighed in at 173 this morning. Been in this range for several months, and think I'll try to stay here as long as I can. Left the USMC at 170 over 40 years ago so I'm in the ball park. As to the MOOBS, they aren't bad but I definitely got 'em. Oh well, ain't it good to still be around?

Hahaha! Haven't you looked at my avatar, Lud. Only way I'm gonna do that
is by flapping my ears. As for moobs, mine are more like old lady dugs. nipples
pointed at the ground like lawn darts. I'm headed out again on my second
bicycle tour this summer Sat. or Sun. The first was on the Historic Columbia
Trail that follows the gorge from Portland towards Hood River on the shady
Oregon side of the river. Hard to keep from pulling a U-turn on all the passing
This time I'll be looping around the Olympic National Park passing thru several
NW rezs. It's an Injun thing, Oh Boy!
I'll let you guys in on a little secret ---- inventory in a big box store sure isn't for the faint of heart. I don't know if it's just me getting older or the process now is just harder. Had a marathon 36 hour stretch of 'no sleep' from Tuesday to Wednesday evening (though I did get a 'gift' of a 3 hour gap between shifts). Got a little sleep then back at 5am this morning to complete adjustments and reports. I'm off tomorrow and I think that I will turn off my phone.

May just take a 15mph jaunt on the bike and see where I end up.