For Old Guys Only

Just thought of something today: Games you don't see anymore.

1. Pick-up Sticks

2. Cootie

3. Mr. Potato Head

Simple games for a simpler time.

And who remembers when Windex used to be a product that when applied left a white film on the glass that you had to wipe off and they had stencils with Christmas decorations. Snow flakes, snow men. holly leafs and stars that you dabbed Windex on to decorate your windows?

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Tom you can still find the Mr potato head, we got our granddaughter one for Christmas and she loved it.
Here one for old guys, who remembers "clackers "? Two hard plastic ball about golf ball size with a string about 18 inches through them. Then there was a knot in the center you held onto and started clacking them together till you got enough momentum to get them to clack over the top and the back to the bottom. Kinda hard to explain but some know what I'm talking about. I think I have permanent wrist damage from all the hit I took!
Klackers were taken off the market because of the lawsuits resulting from people getting hurt with them. LOL, another victim of personal injury lawyers, along with three wheel ATVs.

How about 'Lawn Darts'?

Hey, remember when Leggs Pantihose used to come in those plastic eggs? I knew a guy back in the 70s who collected a ton of the chrome ones and made a wall in his apartment out of them. Hundreds of little chrome things that made weird reflections when the light hit them just right. Maybe a precursor to disco balls. :)

Any one up north play 'knockers" as we called it. You had to have a horse chestnut tree available and it was first come, best served. Best thing was if your Dad had a length of 2x2 that you could drive some nails into to get the chestnuts down.

Then you drilled a hole in the middle and put a shoelace through the center. You could thread as many as you wanted on but you had to have at least a foot of shoelace left hanging. The game was to put one on the bottom of the shoelace and your victim put one on the end of his and you took turns hitting the other guys chestnut until one of them broke and that made you the winner or maybe the loser since yours could just as easily break when you hit the other guys.

You just pulled another one in to place and the game continued. We'd hold the chestnut between two fingers and pull down as we let the chestnut go. Smashing your opponents hand was added fun but a real a no no and if you did it you were soon out of the game.

Kind of seems lame to talk about it today but there was a month in the fall when it was the thing to do.

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I remember playing chicken with lawn darts in the dark. We'd all throw them up at the same time and then stand there yelling "oh ****!"

No, we never got hurt.

No we weren't too brite back then.
Anyone remember mumbly peg. You shove a wooden peg into the ground and draw a circle around it. You would take turns doing trick drops with your pocket knife. If it stuck in the ground blade first your opponent had to repeat the trick. If you failed to repeat the trick you had to pull the peg out of the ground with your teeth. Ah the simple times, how I miss them......
There was a game we used to play with pocket knives. You started by standing face to face a couple of feet apart then throwning the knife down so your opponent had to spread his feet to where your knive stuck in the ground. Each throw, you took turns, got wider and wider until one of you couldn't stand anymore. The guy still standing was the winner.
Of course the trick was to keep from throwing your knife and sticking it into the other guy's foot. You didn't play this game bare footed. :)

There was a game we used to play with pocket knives. You started by standing face to face a couple of feet apart then throwning the knife down so your opponent had to spread his feet to where your knive stuck in these ground. Each throw, you took turns, got wider and wider until one of you couldn't stand anymore. The guy still standing was the winner.
Of course the trick was to keep from throwing your knife and sticking it into the other guy's foot. You didn't play this game bare footed. :)


Tom, we played that game too. We called it stretch. We used to play those knife games at school during recess. Can you imagine how the headline would read if two kids on the playground were throwing knives toward each other now days...
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Mumbly peg...I haven't heard that in years!
I can remember when every boy in class carried a pocket knife, most of the time it was a hand me down from either Grandpa or Dad...only the 'elite' carried Boy Scout knives. LadyG says she even had a Dale Evans pocket knife when she was in shool. I had a pair of lace up boots with a knife pocket on the side.
If kids showed up with something like that today they'd be calling the SWAT team, Homeland Security and the kid would be off to the hoosegow for detention and a mental evaluation.
Does any one remember playing marbles? I don't mean plastic ones either.....cats eyes, crockies made out of cereamics...I can't remember all the others. You had your favorite shooter, every one would put them in the drawn circle and the last marble standing was the winner. If you played for keeps it could be a real challenge, then some kid would show up with a big steel ball bearing and ruin it for everybody. And the fist fights begin!!!
Marbles. Yes, I carried mine in a little cloth bag with a draw string. You never wanted to go up against a 'steelie' ball bearing. I used to keep my cat eys seperated from the rest because I thought they were special, somehow. Heck, I wish I could remember all the names we had for the certain types. And playing 'for keeps' was for the bold. You never, never put your favorites down in a game of 'keeps'. :)

God, you guys are killing me..........
When we were calling out what marbles we were going to use there was some one who would call boulders which were the really large glass marbles and the kid who's Dad owned the local gas station would call "Steelies"

They were the big whacking steel ballbearings your talking about. Once you called yours you were committed to play. We used to draw a circle with a shallow hole in the center and the game was to knock the other guys marble into the pit and you could claim it and the next shot was yours until you missed or went into the hole as well. kind of like shooting pool
When you went into the "bullseye' you had to toss yours in the air and where ever it landed the game went on.

Same thing when the game started. Every one tossed their marbles in from the start line and the guy farthest from the pit started first. If you went into the pit with your marble you had to give everyone a marble.

I remember when you got a new bag of marbles you went through them to see if there were any pidgeon bloods. pure red marble which were the Holy Grail in our town. Then there were the swirled marbles. Orange ones were marmalades, brown ones were butterscotches, red ones were valentines.

Memories are a wonderfull thing. The kids of today will be talking about sitting in their bedroom with their buddies playing Grand Theft Auto.

If your Dad drank the "good stuff" you had a Crown Royal bag to put the marbles in. It was purple with gold piping on the seams and a gold draw string with Crown Royal embroidered on the front.

Oh yea, marbles. No one would play for keeps with me. My Dad worked for an oil production company. They had the powers that turned an eccentric and had rod lines that ran to each well. So they had lots of huge ball bearings. No one had steelies like me. I was the Godzilla of marbles...
Anybody know what this is?
ya those are Hub-Shiners (at least that's what i've heard them called) popular on fat tire cruisers. They keep the hub clean but are **** on your wheel bearings because they are constantly making a very fine dust that can get sucked into the hub.

i tie a small loop of shoe string around my bmx hubs to keep them clean when ridding dirt trails, but i run sealed bearings. i feel like a older school rider on my bmx, since i ride a first production run FBM Angel of Death and a first gen Hazard cassette hub, i dont trust any of the new "light-weight" bmx stuff. to me weight equals quality.
Mumbly peg...I haven't heard that in years!
I can remember when every boy in class carried a pocket knife, most of the time it was a hand me down from either Grandpa or Dad...only the 'elite' carried Boy Scout knives. LadyG says she even had a Dale Evans pocket knife when she was in shool. I had a pair of lace up boots with a knife pocket on the side.
If kids showed up with something like that today they'd be calling the SWAT team, Homeland Security and the kid would be off to the hoosegow for detention and a mental evaluation.
Does any one remember playing marbles? I don't mean plastic ones either.....cats eyes, crockies made out of cereamics...I can't remember all the others. You had your favorite shooter, every one would put them in the drawn circle and the last marble standing was the winner. If you played for keeps it could be a real challenge, then some kid would show up with a big steel ball bearing and ruin it for everybody. And the fist fights begin!!!

I was in the Scouts, so I had a few good knives. I knew about Mumbly Peg but I never played it. I did know the trick of whittling a pair of pliers from a stick of wood. I found out later that one of my buddies whom I gave a pair to used them for roach clips.