Custom MB Buiilder
Waiting for the Tubes in my first C.B. radio to warm up. Hoping I left my Space Ghost Lunch Box in my locker. 

There was a game we used to play with pocket knives. You started by standing face to face a couple of feet apart then throwning the knife down so your opponent had to spread his feet to where your knive stuck in these ground. Each throw, you took turns, got wider and wider until one of you couldn't stand anymore. The guy still standing was the winner.
Of course the trick was to keep from throwing your knife and sticking it into the other guy's foot. You didn't play this game bare footed.
ya those are Hub-Shiners (at least that's what i've heard them called) popular on fat tire cruisers. They keep the hub clean but are **** on your wheel bearings because they are constantly making a very fine dust that can get sucked into the hub.
Mumbly peg...I haven't heard that in years!
I can remember when every boy in class carried a pocket knife, most of the time it was a hand me down from either Grandpa or Dad...only the 'elite' carried Boy Scout knives. LadyG says she even had a Dale Evans pocket knife when she was in shool. I had a pair of lace up boots with a knife pocket on the side.
If kids showed up with something like that today they'd be calling the SWAT team, Homeland Security and the kid would be off to the hoosegow for detention and a mental evaluation.
Does any one remember playing marbles? I don't mean plastic ones either.....cats eyes, crockies made out of cereamics...I can't remember all the others. You had your favorite shooter, every one would put them in the drawn circle and the last marble standing was the winner. If you played for keeps it could be a real challenge, then some kid would show up with a big steel ball bearing and ruin it for everybody. And the fist fights begin!!!