For Old Guys Only

Here's a good laff,a Friend had his grandkids over for a campout in the dinning room...Under the table with a bed spread over it...His idea was to read from some old comic books so the kids would be entertained...He started to read from an old "Hot Stuff" comic,And his 7 year old grandson said "I hope this story don't STINK like that old book" "It smells like the basement" "WHEEUU"...Thats where My buddy keep his stash of old comics...LOL!...And He thought that their going to be worth lots of money some day LOL!...Tigmaster....
If your Dad drank the "good stuff" you had a Crown Royal bag to put the marbles in. It was purple with gold piping on the seams and a gold draw string with Crown Royal embroidered on the front.


I have a Crown Royal bag with about 100 marbles, all are from the early part of last century- nothing later than the 30's as far as I know, but there may be a few from when my mom was a kid, since most or all of them are from my Grandpa Nellise- I even have one old "Bennington" in there.
A holding tank for all those oil wells?

It's a power. In the building is 100 hp Continental engine. It's 100 hp about 50 rpm's. Two cylinder, huge pistons. It has a belt that runs to that big bull wheel. Those are rod lines that run to each pump jack from an eccentric post on the bull wheel. That was how they pumped oil back in the day before electricity was readily available. The wells also made a little natural gas, and that is what ran the engine.....
It's a power. In the building is 100 hp Continental engine. It's 100 hp about 50 rpm's. Two cylinder, huge pistons. It has a belt that runs to that big bull wheel. Those are rod lines that run to each pump jack from an eccentric post on the bull wheel. That was how they pumped oil back in the day before electricity was readily available. The wells also made a little natural gas, and that is what ran the engine.....
But, was it OSHA approved? :)

Just thought of something today: Games you don't see anymore.

1. Pick-up Sticks

2. Cootie

3. Mr. Potato Head

Simple games for a simpler time.

And who remembers when Windex used to be a product that when applied left a white film on the glass that you had to wipe off and they had stencils with Christmas decorations. Snow flakes, snow men. holly leafs and stars that you dabbed Windex on to decorate your windows?

Burma Shave Signs

Clabber Girl Flour and Red Pouch Tobacco signs painted on barn roofs.

Fireworks stands (that sold the good stuff like M-80s and Cherry Bombs)

When I was a kid my grandfather gave me some BrilCream for my hair, since I hadn't brought along any hair gel. I took one smell of it and wore a ball cap instead! What is in that stuff! Today I just use aloe vera hand lotion and a brush. My scalp feels great.
When I was a kid my grandfather gave me some BrilCream for my hair, since I hadn't brought along any hair gel. I took one smell of it and wore a ball cap instead! What is in that stuff! Today I just use aloe vera hand lotion and a brush. My scalp feels great.

Brylcreem, A little dab'll do ya. I used lots of that stuff when I was a kid. That and Butchwax. If you think Brylcreem is nasty try some that butchwax. Nasty stuff........
When I was a kid my grandfather gave me some BrilCream for my hair, since I hadn't brought along any hair gel. I took one smell of it and wore a ball cap instead! What is in that stuff! Today I just use aloe vera hand lotion and a brush. My scalp feels great.

I think it had lard in it. Used it for a while when I was a kid it gave you that slick back Fonzy look.
In my room I had a bed without a head board and there was a grease spot on the wall paper behind my pillow, my Mom made me get rid of the Brylcreme. I haven't been to a barber shop for a haircut since 1979. I keep it in a pony tail Willie Nelson style. Real long and bald on top, gives that Colorado yuppy look. You know what I'm talking about Tom? LOL
Who remembers when stores had peanuts in a jar, you scooped what you wanted in a paper sack.


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The night before my first day in kindergarten, I put my cloths on, then my pajamas. Just to be ready to go in the morning.

Wanting to really impress the other kids, I slathered my hair with half a jar of Vaseline and combed it like Eddy Monster. Man, I looked cool! No matter what choice words came out of my Mother's mouth as she frantically attempted to wash it out. Took a good many days if I remember correctly.

Worst of all, Mrs DeBonis was telling us about using the lavatory. My little brain was going a mile a minute thinking about beakers, bunsen burners and all the cool stuff.

Then she showed us a small room with a toilet and a sink. I decided I did not like her. A week later I was in love with her.
She said she would wait.


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Sears in the Livonia Mall, MI had a candy & nut shop where they fresh roasted the nuts in this cool revolving tray thing that dunked them into the hot oil and let them cool off properly and you could buy them in any quantity you wanted.

They weighed them and dropped them into a paper sack. They were really good.

That disappeared a long time ago. Long before they bulldozed the Livonia Mall - :(
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Mike, you had malls?
The first shopping mall I remember came about when I was a late teen. Dadeland Mall in Miami >

Before that we had, 'shopping centers'. They pre-dated malls by several years. They would throw up a row of buildings and lease them out to small independant merchants and they had one common parking lot. You were lucky if your local 'shopping center' had more than six stores to choose from.

"Colorado Yuppy" ????? Hmmm, never considered myself a yuppy but the description fits :) Actually I prefer the term, "60s Burned Out Radical". I'm sad to say I lost the ponytail when I took a management position back in 94 but what's left is long. Covers my ears anyway.

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I remember riding on the buses in my hometown that still had the electric circut wires above that ran the transit system. And the nasty coal burning metal soot that filled the air in our neiborhood thru the night., come morning watched my mother sweep it off the front porch. We lived near a foundry that made lawnmower castings. Right in the center of town. I was 5 years old then. It was an Irish Italian neighborhood. Not the best of ethnic mixes. but survivable. The only place to actually call a fast food joint (so to quote my father) was DQ. Only one that I knew of. Later a Burger Chef came to town. I dont ever remember going to anything but the DQ for a cone when the old man wanted to pile in and go for a ride. All our meals were cooked or grilled at home. "EVERY DAY". Now I'm lucky to watch my daughters cook a meal once a week! Bikes were the only way to be mobile. And Big Bear, IGA and Kroger were the only Grocery stores. A&P came in later. The parks were full of people on the weekends and on Friday and saturday night when you were a kid in a mixed neiborhood with a Bar within 2 city blocks you know theirs gonna be entertainment.