Hi Steve....I believe chrome plating didn't arrive commercially until the mid 1920's... I can stand corrected here...as there are a lot of different stories about it ......DD
Hi .... Have been playing around with the Casswell nickle kit..applied some nickel solution onto the lever rods...have applied more coatings on the levers as well...there will be a few hours polishing these items ...something to do !!!!!!!....DD
When I messed around with antique cars years ago there were always people who showed up with an early car or truck that had chrome plating when it shouldn't have and the fight would break out about if was right or not.
Your absolutely right. It was in the twenties that chrome plating started because the nickle finish was fairly easily scratched and the chrome was harder.
Hi... Been messing around with the pedal spindal...have that installed ....fitted up the brake and clutch levers and cables...just cruizin along ....DD
Hi.... Have been busy on another project.....Have finished the pedal setup with the chain wheel attached ...its only there for apearance...the pedal set up actuates the rear brake by back pedaling and will be set in a position for gear changer on left side..got the wiring sorted now and just need to tidy up so it will fit inside left tank...have an amp meter setup in the battery loop for when I start it ..to make sure its charging....Have started the engine to day...I have only filled the carby bowl ..so it started on 2 cylinders....and started to run lean and only run on 1 cylinder...it stared first pop ....Amp meter was showing charging.....alls good... just a little busy at the moment to work on the bike.... DD
Hi ... Have fixed the link to Youtube .. I left out www ..Made and fitted a chain tensioner.....I didn't want to fit a 1/2 link in the chain...theres plenty of room the adjust the rear wheel back with the tensioner..DD
Hi .... Sorry I haven't been on the forum lately....have rather large other project at moment...as I was silver soldering and soft lead soldering to day ....the fuel line for my Excelsior has been laying on the bench for months.. so I soldered it together today and fitted it up the fuel tank...still need some gas for it....not far off having a ride.....DD