Different Style Tanks?

Wow, that is a nice looking tank. I'm pretty well versed in the ways of the fiber-glass myself and I have been thinking for months about making a tank. You have inspired me! Maybe I will get my other project out of the way and work on it next week. ;)

Sojudave and Cookie, A guy named Layem'low did exactly that and it looks awesome, check it out. I think of that every time I see one of those kegs. I work part time for a beverage company so I see them a lot, lol.
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Check out these new style tanks from Imperial Cycles.

Imperial Cycles: Custom Boardtracker style gas tanks

Custom boardtracker style gas tanks. Italian made comes with gas cap and petcock. For you DIYers build an imperial bike.

before taxes and or shipping


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It turns out that the fiberglass resin that I always use for other projects is not compatible with gasoline, and I don't want to pay for some that is. So I started on a steel tank for my next build. The image below shows what I have so far. I'm waiting until I find a springer fork that will fit my frame before I weld sides onto it. I need to make sure that any fork that I put on this bike will not hit the tank during normal riding.


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Coastal, I use epoxy resin from US Composites. I've made fenders for my bike and a few non bike related things with it so it's what I'm used to. Just to make sure, I asked the manufacturer if it was compatible with gas and they said no. There are many different types of epoxy and some will work with gasoline and some will not. I had planned to seal the tank with some type of tank sealer either way, but I'm just a little paranoid that the gas will some how get around it, maybe through a fitting or something. So I decided to go the steel route instead.
figured i send a pic of my new tank from a 1972 yamaha jt dirtbike and watch when u buy a tank u get messurements because i made the mistake of getting a tank that is huge thats the second pic


slump, that is really a head turner the white tires really set it off. You must get a lot of compliments with that bike. Nice work, beautifully done, you are a perfectionist.
The only down side to your bike the 132 dollars less shipping & handling is a imperial price, beauty is pain.
The only down side to your bike the 132 dollars less shipping & handling is a imperial price, beauty is pain.

Very true. Custom parts as ours do come at a premium but compared to tanks like these

plastic tanks $199:
Just Gas Tanks

pirate cycles in frame tank $300:
Just Gas Tanks

I believe for a tank that fits the bike perfectly and looks great is worth the cost.

Honestly Goat, despite the fact Ima DIYer, made my own tank & diggit when others do too, $300 for a stainless tank all fabbed up and ready to go really isn't that bad a price, particularly considering the additional markup needed for resale through a retailer. Stuff adds up quick too - 20ga stainless can run up to around $15- $20 per square foot (depending, actually more as there's a LOT of cut-off wastage), a 2lb spool of stainless MIG wire another $30ish (don't ferget argon etc. & he's prolly TIGing them - but that's not really any cheaper) and labor? lol, while it's not that bad & even fun - it's time consuming as all get-out. While I'm capable and have the resources to make tanks to sell - I've no interest in puttin' that kinda time into it heh, glad someone does tho :D

So... while I'll freely admit Ima cheap SOB and I'd make my own too, even that if the price was lower there'd be more potential buyers, I really don't think the price is more than the tank is worth and I'm defo glad there's an option for those that simply can't make it themselves, for FAR too long all we had were the gdang peanut tanks heh

It'd be interesting to see if the price could be brought down some tho - through popularity (sell more & cover initial setup costs) or offering a mild steel version for less? *shrug* Spend time/spend money - even both, whichever ya choose the nicer boardtrackers ain't cheap ;)
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Not that anyone would want a Wildfire (preassembled) mb but it did come with a twice if not more capacity than the peanut tank in the kits (have one of those too). Now I'm thinking I'm gonna try and get another Wildfire tank Wildfire Motors the dealer is only a hour from where I live.
Pat's tanks are definitely worth it :)
I saw one at this years DeathRace,,,
top quality work and materials (^)
Agreed regarding Bairdco's copper tank. I'll never weld, but I can solder (maybe not as well as he did) so I see a copper tank somewhere in my future. I've made copper drop stands and am now making copper jewel lights, so a copper in frame tank is a for sure. Question. If a person wanted to leave copper unpainted, but wanted it shiny, could it take a clear coat to preserve it from oxidizing? Just wondering about that as an option. Natural oxidation is nice, too. Last night I dreamed about how I could make 1" copper handlebars with regular 7/8" handlebar sections inside to beef it up. Just thinkin'. Copper & brass are the poor man's gold!