Different Style Tanks?

Starting a mockup of a styrofoam tank. Thanks to a neighbor throwing out a boogie board, i got a pretty good jump on it. Still have some adding and shaping to do, as i wanted to build more of a board track look, but didnt really want to hide the cantilever frame. So i used the original tank theme, just a little larger. We'll see where this goes. What is the best/most cost effective way to seal the styrofoam in preparation for laying the fiberglass? I will probably doe the Acetone melty thing, but i'd prefer not to melt the styrofoam BEFORE making the tank!!

Hi all....thought I would chime in on the tank I made. Its made from an old light pole with the ends covered in sheet metal and brazed. The gas cap, I cut off the tank that came with my kit. I found a leather bag at Iron Horse Leathers to put the tank in.
These photos are only a mock-up. The seat is moving back a bit and the bars a getting lowered a lot. Still a ton of work to be done...but lots of fun.


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In a battle (in my head anyway) Of brains vs experiment, I have put the styrofoam down for a bit and looked at the metal tank i was gonna use as some kinda mold. I might try my hand welding this one together. Cut cut, chop chop, spark. We'll see. My little mig likes to burn little holes in metal.

What do you think would be best, Flybytaco? Brazing,Maybe? I spent quite some time now cutting and shaping....to torch little holes in it would kill me.

Or just make me a little upset. Depends on my mood..duh.
make your mold out of styrofoam and when it cures pour acetone in it and melt out the mold i've seen it done for speaker enclosures idk about a gas tank

Polyester resin will melt styrofome in a new york second! Epoxy resin won't, but polyester won't stick to epoxy while epoxy will stick to polyester! For proof of exp with epoxy resin see the transom of my afforementioned duck boat (self designed and built stitch and tape 14'-10" pirogue) in pic of my bike in this thread. http://motorbicycling.com/f41/falcon-gts-build-18324.html

Also, from my limited exp in custom mold making, there is a special wax called release agent that you can apply directly to your old tank so you can lay up a master mold. Pop out your "slug", and lay up your new tank in the master (again many coats of release agent). Then glass the halves together and coat the new tank with epoxy inside and out.
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Nice job on the tank, CCC! I just dont have the brazing equipment! I am Mig welding them using the tack and fill method, Tack tack, grind, tack, tack grind. Taking a while, but coming out ok. Gives me some time to think about how i will re-shape the front of the tank. Plus it gives me plenty of time to get better at mig welding. PLENTY of time... .weld
You want to be sure and pull a leak test with low air pressure and soap water, usually it's the corners that will bubble, plug the hole with a rag and blow air into it and have someone brush on the soap water.
bad example if you want i can weld it up if you ship it to me

I really appreciate that, Flyby, but i want to see what kind of damage i can do myself. My pigeons are poopin closer together,and it is sealing up ok. If i get into a bind I'll holler. But I really do appreciate the help!

Now I have to find some lotion for my face -welding goggles are great for my eyes, but dont seem to help my "instant welding tan" lol. My bad, i shoulda known better. Back to the full face mask.
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i always thaught goggles were for cutting torches and brazing lol watch ur eyes man flashburn is no joke!!! it's like sand in the eyes followed by tabsco sauce and then some bear mace lmao
That's called Flash Burn, what it is is the ultraviolet rays produced by the welding method (stick,machine no difference except machine welding is worse because of less defuseing smoke) and what happens is the outer layer of the eye is burned and then blisters, when the blisters brake is when the Tabasco sause anoligy comes in and it's a good one, the eye being the fastest healing organ will heal it's self in about 4 to 12 hours depending on the severity of the burn, this is a VERY unpleasant process, all the Doc's can do is give a salve to stop the eye lid from causing friction and more damage,,,protect your eyes even if your 10 feet away, I speak from 35 years of experience, no BS just fact.
oh i hear ya bud i learned after the second time lol nothing but the best helmets for me theese days as i weld 4 out of 7 days a week lol
Yeah, my old helmet is pretty cheap and tends to let a lot of light in from around the sides, not letting my eyes adjust to seeing thru the lens. Thats why i got the goggles. ..and the face burn. oops.