Different Style Tanks?

I got an old aluminum satellite dish the size of a room and a steel one. The only thing in my way is the initiative to do something with them.:D Yes you make a valid point BarelyAwake!
OH Man! Polished copper looks awesome. For compass binnacles on sailing ships, I would polish them with in an inch of their lives, (polished copper and brass is just plane gorgeous) Then use car wax to preserve it for a couple of days. They were exposed to the elements on deck. Worked awesome. Until, standing at the wheel in the rain, Capt. Foss noticed how it was not tarnishing. LOL. It was part of my gig to polish it every day.

Gonna go look for Baidco's thread on em.

Is there one? Couldn't find any
OH Man! Polished copper looks awesome. For compass binnacles on sailing ships, I would polish them with in an inch of their lives, (polished copper and brass is just plane gorgeous) Then use car wax to preserve it for a couple of days. They were exposed to the elements on deck. Worked awesome. Until, standing at the wheel in the rain, Capt. Foss noticed how it was not tarnishing. LOL. It was part of my gig to polish it every day.

Gonna go look for Baidco's thread on em.

Is there one? Couldn't find any

Heh - cheater, I did that same trick on the oiled teak (varnish is lame) with excellent results (^)

...but, as far as links go - I did dutifully post each bike's link right under it's picture but as bairdco's bikes are so shineh it musta distracted the eye lol, so here they are again :D





No worriez Dan, but I gotta admit I've deliberately let alla copper & brass on my bike tarnish up as much as it feels like, someday (like mebbe next year) I'll get around to doin' a "casual" polish (recesses etc. untouched)... part of this is I'm trying to "age" in new stuff to match the old... but... an equal part of that is prolly a bad case of lazy :p
I make my own tanks using the factory tank and fabricating a fiberglass shell around it
my avatar is an example of my new streached marcagi build, with a custom made tank.
it affords you the luxury of freedon of design rarely does another tank off of a moped or motorcycle have a natural look to it.
I had a hard time figuring out what kind of tank to use on my bike. I didn't want to bolt a stock kit tank back onto my shiny now-white frame, so I went with a 6x12" Coyote-Gear spun aluminum tank instead.

Fun fact: the tank brackets weigh as much as the tank does! Sans fuel anyway. I really want to get a small aluminum fuel cell for under-seat mount.


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Oh very nice design guys.. this gave me a idea im also going to modify my tank.. i want to get the tank a bit larger so that it will be able to fill in a little more gas.. i will post pictures when im done.. i also like to cover the engine and the tank with fiber glass spray painted with a nice design .. then again im afraid if this will add more eight to the by bicycle and slow me down .. usflg
With a little masking tape, insulating foam and fiberglass you can make a HUGE difference in your stock tank.

Instructions are below the bike shot.


Great work! Can anyone tell me what size the gas out fitting should be? I think it's a 1/4 NPT Female but correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks!
Great work! Can anyone tell me what size the gas out fitting should be? I think it's a 1/4 NPT Female but correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks!

FYI, the petcock for the "stock" tank is 1/8 NPT. You can have a 1/4 tank outlet, but you'd need to step it down for the petcock. I had to do this on my tank.