Building a work shop

Paint or stain?

  • Barn red paint

    Votes: 13 39.4%
  • Clear stain

    Votes: 5 15.2%
  • other color Paint

    Votes: 8 24.2%
  • other stain

    Votes: 7 21.2%

  • Total voters
Will be sure to check it out and thanks Greg. I am in the car on a laptop and connected via a cell phone. Lotta data to watch now.

Just applied for the building permit. $62 bucks. Had 13 minutes to get to an ATM. But made it.

Just got an email quote from a local lumber yard. Is almost to the penny $1,000 more.
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Shop Theme song. Sing to the pardy "Amish Paradise"

Tinker's paridise

As I ride through the valley where I harvest my brain
I take look at my bike and realize she's quite plain
But that's just perfect for a Tinker like me
You know I shun fancy things like electricty
At 4:30 in the morning I'm changing oil,
Then I needs the coffee and to use toydie.
And I've been wrenching' and growling' so long that
Even the dog thinks that my mind is gone.
I'm a man of the land, I'm into discipline
Got my 10MM in my hand and a grease on my chin.
But if I finish all my chores and you finish thine
Then tonight we're gonna party like it's 1899.

We've been spending most our lives living in a Tinker's Paradise
I've mixed the oil once or twice living in a Tinker's Paradise
It's hard work and sarifice living in a Tinkers paradise
We sell bikes at discount price, living in a Tinker's Paradise

A local motorcycle kicked my butt last week
I just smiled at him and I turned the other cheek,
I really don't care, in fact I wish him well
'cause I'll be laughing my head off when he's paying his tax bill.
But I ain't never punched a cyclest even if he deserved it,
A Tinker with a 'tude, you know that's unheard of.
I never wear leathers but I got a cool helmet
And my homies agree I really look good in black...fool!
If you come to visit you'll be bored to tears
We haven't even paid a road use tax in 15 years.
But we ain't really quaint so please don't point and stare,
We're just spending impared.

There's no emisions, no lights, no motor cars not a single luxury
Like Robinson carusoe we're as primitive as can be.


We've been spending most our lives living in a Tinker's Paradise.
We're just plain and simple guys lving in a Tinker's Paradise
There's no time for sin and vice living in a Tinker's Paradise.
We don't fight, we all play nice living in a Tinker's Paradise.

Hitchin' up the trailer, churnin' lots of gears, true a wheel on Monday,
Soon I'll true another.
Think you're really righeous, think you're bike will start
Well, I know I'm a mile away from where thou art.
I'm the pious guy the little Amlets wanna be like
On my knees day and night fixing that, that broke last ride.
So don't be vain and don't be whiny or else my brother I might have to get gearhead on your heiny


We've been spending most our lives living in a Tinker's Paradise
We're all crazy Mechonites, living in a Tinker's Paradise
There's no cops or traffic lights living in a Tinker's Paradise
But you'd probably think it bites living in a Tinker's Paradise.
LOL Paul, that took exactly 8 minutes. Just when the muse in my head started singing it, (This one was Weird Al him self. Normally it is George Carlin or Ernest Borgnine. Dunno why Ernest, but he chimes in a lot) A call came in and I had 8 minutes.

Copied & pasted, then just changed the 14 words Al said to, snork.

We gotta find a band to do some of these songs. "Motor Bicycling, the CD" Doc Bolm was Happy's theatrical agent. I'm gonna write him. Hate when folks go MIA.
Lowe's guy got back to me. He came up with some great ideas! Use the same siding to make the doors rather then making them. He also agreed with you guys on painting it rather then staining. With the upgraded and actually suggested wood, was cheaper and more importantly, better. He also turned me on to a family run, local company that will make and deliver roof trusses cheaper then I could make them. With hurricane clips and a slight redesign, $301 for 7 trusses and 2 ends, delivered to work site. Rated for winds of 110 MPH. Another cool part is I am sure the inspector will have dealt with them and will help get passed.

Still waiting on the building dept. to contact me about the actual permit to, oddly enough, build the thing.
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Rethinking using the same sidding as doors. Would be really heavy.

LOL, and would mean I wouldn't need to make the "rabbit cuts"
Building inspector just called. It's a go and I can start tomorrow!

Really odd. It's Sunday and raining.

He opened with "I have to commend you on the plans. I get house plans that aren't as well done." I laughed and told him I bought them.

He is prolly working in the rain right now!:D(^)

LOL Goat. I really did think about it. Was headed out with a pick ax and a shovel. Then it started raining a lil harder. Fixed that right quick.

thats great dan. bet you are big time excited!

Oh man Paul. The minute before said to Mrs. that I couldn't do a project she wanted done as the garage was full and what space is left, is covered with drying printed stuff.

great news.
enjoy your project.
hope to see some photos.

Thanks TJ. Ayup, lots of pics. Gonna try and actually chronical it as a build and "kids, don't try this at home" LOL

Watch, tomorrow I'll have some paying work.
Called that one. Had just enough jobs Monday that I got nothing done on ordering the wood/supplies. Got there when my buddy at Lowe's was there on Tuesday. Is Thursday now and every thing should be here in a few hrs. Have to prep the ground, so is kinda perfect.

Final coast of every thing material wise was $2,107. Including paint, fasteners (Forgot screws) shingles. Around 97 for permits and 300 for trusses. Total; $2,500. Baring any "opps" or "forgotit"
Yeppers. 5 gal. of stain tinted as close to barn red as I could get. Should leave a gal. or 2 over.

They sent me all 4" blocks! Was supposed to be 10 4" and 20 2inch. Luckily, Mrs. has about 30 neatly piled by her food garden and she volunteered em.

Setting the blocks now. Ground there 45s down to front corner a wee bit with a slight ridge in the middle. Fun, fun.

This is great, is in the shade until almost 2 (14:00), under leafed trees. So shade in summer. Sunlight in winter. Was more by accident then any thing else. I was just trying to hide it.
hehe, I would get fired if some one was paying me to do this. Took 3 hours to set the rear wall stone/foundation. Having a blast though! Been a real long while since I have done any honest work and is good to feel budding calluses.

OH, I was worried about one 400 lb pc. Dawned on me I could just shore up the foundation under where it will go. Douhhh, lol.
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