BGF Hongdu/Solex

I've just ordered myself one of these engines from a local supplier I've purchased motorised bicycle parts from in the past. I was able to get it at a nice discount too. I was thinking of mounting it up on a Raleigh 20 as I have several frames under the house and a lot of spare parts for them as well.
The picture is of the supplier's own test bike and I know he found this to be a successful conversion.


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Wow cant believe this thread is still kickin. Strangely was just going through the boxes of parts of my Velosolex to get back on the restoration. I recently moved to a smaller place on the Ga. coast and had to sell 7 of my 11 MBs One of the 4 I kept was the Macargi 24" pictured at the beginning of this thread. Never fails to put a grin on my face when I ride it! Just too cool!
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Wow cant believe this thread is still kickin. Strangely was just going through the boxes of parts of my Velosolex to get back on the restoration. I recently moved to a smaller place on the Ga. coast and had to sell 7 of my 11 MBs One of the 4 I kept was the Macargi 24" pictured at the beginning of this thread. Never fails to put a grin on my face when I ride it! Just too cool!

Let me say that this thread is a real gem Cannonball as I started to read it from the beginning with a good many questions in my head and by the time i got to the end all my questions were answered.
Let me say that this thread is a real gem Cannonball as I started to read it from the beginning with a good many questions in my head and by the time i got to the end all my questions were answered.

The thread has had many fine contributors over is span. Many problems and quirks have been ironed out. Never sure exactly what you are getting with the Chinese versions, but it can generally be turned into a very fine(and In my opinion) amusing little power unit. As long as one is not in a great hurry I believe it would put put along just about forever. Its about as eclectic as you can get. Mine has been highly reliable after bringing it to spec. Hopefully you will get a great runner right out of the box!
I was interested to see that some of the guys had mounted the motor over the rear wheel and I found myself wondering about that. I have a mountain bike that I purchased cheaply second hand recently. It needs a good clean, service and repaint, but it could be good to try out rear mounting the engine on. The MB has suspension forks and an unsprung rear wheel so it could be good to use on the rail trails around the district where i live. I've got a brand new MB as well with front and back suspension, but something tells me that I'd be definitely getting too ambitious trying to put an H-Solex engine on that!
Generally a non-suspended mounting would be easiest, however if in the case of a suspended front fork if its properly mounted to the sliders its relation to the tire remains the same, would just have to have clearance on the rest of the front for the unit to travel unobstructed, using the disengagement hook might be an issue. Perhaps a cable? I have a 22lb 99cc Lifan mounted on the rear of a full suspension MTB that has been running for thousands of miles with no issues. With proper mounting I dont know why the HD wouldnt do like wise, could probably raise it with a clutch lever and scissors lift. Works for my Lifan.
Wish I could get down there with my bike, I've watched a great many videos
of the rail trails and and other NZ rides. Of course I'd have to bring my fly
pole. Trout fishing here is not what it once was. Washington State has done
a rather poor job of managing its fisheries. Too many hatcheries have weakened
the wild stocks so fewer fish each year, that any too many dams.
Generally a non-suspended mounting would be easiest, however if in the case of a suspended front fork if its properly mounted to the sliders its relation to the tire remains the same, would just have to have clearance on the rest of the front for the unit to travel unobstructed, using the disengagement hook might be an issue. Perhaps a cable? I have a 22lb 99cc Lifan mounted on the rear of a full suspension MTB that has been running for thousands of miles with no issues. With proper mounting I dont know why the HD wouldnt do like wise, could probably raise it with a clutch lever and scissors lift. Works for my Lifan.

Wow! Now that is amazing because I didn't think it would be possible to mount such a heavy engine on the back of a fully suspended bike. I most probably won't look at attempting such a conversion on my first H-Solex build, but will definitely try it once I can obtain another engine.

Otero, yes the rail trails project here in New Zealand was one of those strangely good decisions that governments make from time to time, It's possible to ride to all the surrounding townships from where I live by using the new rail trails alone. This is a very good thing as most of the country roads around here are narrow and winding and we get far too many idiots driving far too fast on them. In Summer at the height of the tourist season the siren on the fire station never seems to stop sounding because yet another go-fast Johnny who doesn't know the roads has run off the road or into the river.
I don't fish myself, but I know the Dept of Conservation here goes to a lot of trouble to look after the natural fisheries on NZ's trout rivers. Perhaps you'll make it here to NZ one day :)
We have idiots treating our country roads in general and the mountain roads of Wales as a private Isle Of Man TT course every year. Then they wonder why policemen keep stopping them and asking questions. Outside of Monmouth they have what amounts to a temporary casualty unit in one layby.
I think NZ has set the pace. Here in Washington and elsewhere in the states
a lot of old rail lines are being turned to trails. Unfortunately, motor-assisted
bicycles are banned from most all of them. It's a shame because the alter-
native is often a 6 inch wide white line on a busy road with no shoulder. It's
likely worse if your an ordinary cyclist because it takes longer to cover the
same distance with more chance to get clobbered. I got knocked off my
bike by the side mirror of a passing dump truck. The guy didn't even slow down.
Maybe one day I'll make it down there,(if I win the lottery or sumpin).
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That's scarey about the dump truck I hope you are Ok now and haven't suffered any long term effects. Fortunately Kiwi drivers are a little more aware about cyclists, but when the roads are so narrow as they are around here accidents are still likely to happen.

I'm not sure about the situation with our bike trails around here. I know motorcycles are expressly forbidden, but I don't know what the policy is with motorised bicycles. Electric bikes may be Ok (must check about this), but petrol powered bikes might be out no matter how small the engine.


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Naw, takes more than that to kill me. I've been flat out run over
twice. Got couple steel rods in one leg. tuther was split open from
knee to mid thigh to the bone. I still pedal more than I motor and
take long hikes in the mtns. I'm an onery 64 that's to mean to die.cvlt1
Well on Monday I went and collected my new H-Solex engine from Motrax who import them into New Zealand, Motrax bring in all manner of other things from China and have been doing so for a while now. They employ an agent in China to check on the quality of the goods they import too so I was pretty confident that my Solex motor was going to be a good one.
Once home I opened the box to discover that the engine was very well packed in amongst chunks of a firm grade of upholstery foam and that everything about the engine was pristine and perfect. No cracks, no dents and the inside of the fuel tank was as clean as a whistle.
There were no transfers or decals on my engine so I'm going to get myself some proper Velosolex decals so i can dress my engine up a bit.

I'm building a cycletruck around a Raleigh Twenty frame and this engine will be used as its motive power. If everything works out as I hope it will I'll buy a second engine to use on the other spare Raleigh Twenty frame I have.
Motrax have a Raleigh Twenty fitted with a H-Solex engine in their showroom so while I was there I had a good look at it. Oh and that's the other thing Motrax have created their own instruction sheet which is included with these engines and what's more it has nice coloured pictures of each stage of the installation.
I sent links about some Chinese engine kits to Petrol Scooter in Coventry to show them what was available besides the HT type engines, as they'd got some in as a toe in the water. It would be interesting to find out who Motrax are using in China though.
I thought these would be of interest.


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Yeah, the Solex always looked best on a girls bike (step through frame) and that's who they were marketing to.

I agree, but it works better with the motor on the back - :)

I'm still intending to have a look at that kind of setup Mike. After I've put together the Cycletruck/Triporteur that I'm working on I want to build a Velo powered bicycle as well.
Found this, must see if I can get it printed up poster sized.


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