BGF Hongdu/Solex

What a screw-up. I laid a t-shirt down on the work bench and removed the fuel pump. I knew about the check ball, so when I got to taking the retaining bolt from the top of the pump, I carefully put the bolt, copper washer, and check ball down on the t. pulled the diaphram off and inspected. then I went about blowing through the inlet and outlet. At first the other check valve seemed to be reluctant to seal then after blowing through a few more times, it worked. Yea. Blew a few more times and then went to reassemble. While picking up the check ball I dropped it, not on the t, and although I've looked for the past hour, the fricking thing won't show itself. I'm so pieved at myself. Going on line in a few and order a new pump from velocruz. Hope they come with the check balls in place.
Worked for me - :)

The new design is sealed off and there is a plastic flapper in the port.

Yeah, I pulled the tank, checked the lines, removed the fuel pump and cleaned it, put it all back togrther and no go.

Replaced the fuel pump with the velocruz unit and it works great!
Yup, just bolt on the new one and you are good to go.

I got a new diaphram and base too. The base needed to be trimmed to fit, so I just used the old one.
Pump came this week. Just got around to putting it together. I took off down the street and it was bypassing so much that a little kink in my return line was enough to back the fuel up and flood it. Went down to the parts store and got a foot of real fuel line and cut a piece and replaced the clear line I'd put on to see if I was pumping fuel. Running like a little trooper. Not fast, I'd guess 15 or so. I've got a speedo on my MTN bike with a PF33 so I think I know about what the speed is. It's only had about a pint of fuel through it, so it's not broke in.
Now to sort out the light.
I took mine for a bit of a run this morning. Air was cool, about 65, and I'm at 100 ft altitude. Went 10 miles down to the waterfront and back. It ran pretty good for the most part, but occasionally it would just start losing power. I'd fiddle with the enrichment lever, but it would just start 4 stroking, and would continue to slow. Then it would just start picking it back up again until it was back to speed. The slowdowns would last about 1-200 yards, and then back to full speed of about 15mph or so. Had one lump to climb and I thought it might do it on its own but I helped it out. Very pleasant ride.
Lights: The paperwork that came with my motor said it had an LED bulb. NOT.
I was having difficulty with the copper ground strap that went across the back of the bulb moving off it when I put the cover on. I was working on it today and the lens came off and it was a flanged bulb, not an LED. I didn't notice the flange before I attempted to remove the buld from the front and broke it. So, now I'm free to move about and put an LED in it.
Has anyone found a way to put a meter on this thing to see if it's an AC supply, or wheither it might be a positive ground DC? I can't figure out how I'm going to ride this thing and futz with my meter at the same time. I have enough trouble just moving the enrichment lever while under way without a lane change. It's **** growing old I tell ya!
I bought a 8xAA battery holder for lights and sealed it inside a old screw case under the rear rack. I'm using a handlebar mounted scooter switch.

With these turn signals (no flasher required) mounted on a aluminum strip hanging from the rear rack:

I left the headlight off for now and strapped a flashlight on the handlebars. I'm still debating how the brake light will go. I'll likely use a spare ebike brake lever from another build to brighten the brake light when the decompressor lever is used.
I'm having a blast on this thing. It's been a bit hard to start because the tire slipping in the wet weather we've been having, it four strokes a bit (this actually started after I took around 3/4th inch off the muffler pipe but I think it has more to do with the cheapo spark plug), doesn't really take to the 32:1 mix (as previous posters noted, I'll lean it out on the next tank), a little hard to kick-off on my lightweight 20" folding bike, but it's very safe to ride, easy to control and runs very well at a good 15-18mph pace once started and fully warmed up.

Someone needs to mount this motor on one of these, it'd be awesome:

Now just to pick up a good plug and lean the mix. If it doesn't make a difference then I'll experiment with drilling the main jet. .cs.
My latest trial.
Yesterday I put another 7-8miles on it and it did the same little lean out that it had done a couple times during my last ride. I moved the enrichment lever a bit and it picked back up. I decided today I'd spend a little time on it. Pulled the air leaner housing and checked the filter. It looked clean. I drilled the two air inlet holes out a tad and as I was putting it together I touched the top of the plug and it moved. It was loose. I though this might be a good time to install a new plug. The plug was an extended tip, but a short reach. When I looked at the threads In the head they were way longer than the plug threads. Headed to O riellys with the two plug #s recommended in this thread. They had neither but cross referenced to an autolight. It was a longer reach, but the tip is resessed. I put it in anyway, but the sucker hasn't piff for power now.
Going to take a break and ride my Tanaka Mtn bike for a bit. It's a lot faster but not nearly as rewarding.
Got fed up trying to wire brake and turn signals. Broke down and bought one of those Chinese turn/brake/horn combos off ebay and the cable was too short to fit all the way to the rear rack; plus it go in the way of the fold mechanism. So, I decided to extend the cable using cat5 with clip in cable couplers so that I can disconnect the cable when folding the bike up.

Ordered some antique saddlebags.. Red bike, yellow bags. Depending on how it looks, I might paint the gas tank/flywheel cover and air filter cover to match either the bike or the bags.

Mike B saved me in getting this working after I lost a clamp. However, the cheap clamps keep slipping lower and lower on this bike, so next time I'm out I'll pick up some p-clamps and see if they'll hold.

I just figured out there was a choke on this thing.

Had to change the front wheel since the one that came with the folding bike was pretty weak. I replaced it with the front wheel of a Jessie James chopper bike, which meant I had to file out the forks 2mm so the larger axle could fit.

Mine seems to be running at top speed (after it warms up) right out the box. The only thing I've had to do was tighten the spark plug wire to the top of the plug. (Running 32:1)

Last thing, trying to mount this is a real pain on my forks. I think I've come up with a solution by using longer bolts, inserting the bolts facing outward and screwing a nut on. Then I'll place the p-clamps over the bolt and screw another nut with locking ring to the outside. I'm hoping that will make the motor easily removable for transporting as well. Like a Pli-solex:
Crossing fingers...
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Who'da thot ya need leathers for a solex,... damn! #19 there has
nailed Solex extreme with that souped up, water-cooled jobber.
That pipe is reminiscent of a buzz bomb pulse jet.
Oh, If Cannonball's still looking to put bumper rails in his, try
cutting up some aluminum bicycle drop bars. (eh... works for me)