Well I got my solex clone 1/2 way mounted on my cheapy bike, but ran it to a issue doing up the top mounts on the forks the bike had.
But I wanted to see if it would run so I kid you not I stuffed a nerf football between the engine lift knob and the handle bars and strapped the whole thing down with a bungee cord..
I was soo shocked when it started right up , no choke no issues.
I am 1/2 way thru my 1st tank ( opti 2 @ 75/1 with a splash of ams oil saber tossed in for good measure), and it just seems like it wants to go.
Kinda funny i have the throttle while open 24/7(no throttle cable hooked up) no brakes on the bike atm , engine mounted with a bungeecord and a nerf football, and only the decompression leaver to slow myself down.
Im almost like that guy that mounted his HT china girl entirely with hose clamps .