BGF Hongdu/Solex

Hi Fanco,

Thanks for the pics. When you say clutch bolt are you referring to the large nut on the crankshaft in your second picture? Or is there a bolt underneath the clutch assembly? Any luck with loosening it off?

Cheers .... Harvey
Exactly Harvey, the big nut connected to the crank shaft if the one I am reffering to. Getting it off was farily easy, I simply bolted the two nuts from the flywheel back on the end of the shaft, and used that stop the shfaft from rotating. Otherwise you probably won't be able to get it off.

So i got it off, and put it back on with limited pressure + locktight, and it failed miserably within 15 seconds.......problem might be that the nut is also bent out of now i'm going to attempt to find a locknut of the same size and put that on there. I'm assuming i'll never find one as thin at the one needed, and so i'll probably buy a thicker one and grind it down to size.

i'll keep you posted

u2seek42 that looks great! however the ''as is'' does scare me a little.....too bad i can't go down there and have a look for myself.....maybe once I get my engine running properly I'll make the trip ;)
Perhaps this is the way to go...

Damn shame for all the trouble you're having, me I'd have sent it back and as one busted replaced the other, I'd say you know you might check these over before you sell them.

Foolish to sell things that you know may be broken out of the box, and on ebay where your rep is all.
As if things weren't going well enough, my throttle mechanism broke! Anyone have ideas for cheap fix? Don't feel like buying a new piece....seems like you could MacGyver something farily easily......

Cannonball2, you weren't kidding! That is a strage size nut to find. I've got 1 or two more places to check out, but I might have to take you up on that offer.
I have looked and am sorry to say I dont have/cant find the one I thought I had. Try this link. I have bought stuff here in the past. Email them and see. . What exactly broke on the throttle, might have some stuff on that, or atleast some ideas.
Well I got my solex clone 1/2 way mounted on my cheapy bike, but ran it to a issue doing up the top mounts on the forks the bike had.
But I wanted to see if it would run so I kid you not I stuffed a nerf football between the engine lift knob and the handle bars and strapped the whole thing down with a bungee cord..
I was soo shocked when it started right up , no choke no issues.
I am 1/2 way thru my 1st tank ( opti 2 @ 75/1 with a splash of ams oil saber tossed in for good measure), and it just seems like it wants to go.
Kinda funny i have the throttle while open 24/7(no throttle cable hooked up) no brakes on the bike atm , engine mounted with a bungeecord and a nerf football, and only the decompression leaver to slow myself down.
Im almost like that guy that mounted his HT china girl entirely with hose clamps .
Oh Lord protect our demented brother Muddybike as he flies in your face.
Forgive him, as he knows not what he does.

It is the fever Father, the fever!

That's the best I can do for you Muddy!
Solex no go.

Got spark, no gas. No gas to carby.

Removed gas tank and fuel line, gas goes though line. Removed gas line from pump to carb, line clear. Removed fuel pump, diaphram OK, cleaned out body with carb cleaner. Removed and verified jet clear. Put back together and no go. No gas to carb.

Fuel pump must be shot.

I'm done. My legs hurt from pedalling a dead motor.

I like the bike. I'm gonna put a friction drive on it with one of my Tanaka 33's.

Any of you guys want a dead China Solex with some rear brackets let me know.
[QUno go. No gas to carb.

Fuel pump must be shot.

Fuel pulp is totaly serviceable down to dissasembly of the check valves.
That's all that is wrong with it. Ya got trash in a check valve, keeping it from seating.
One of mine had that problem. When I looked into one of the pump's ports, I could see something in the check valve. I used a thin probe to push the valve open and blew it thru with carb cleaner, ans all has been fine since.
WARNING! if you completly dis-assemble the check valve, they're kinda hard to get back together.

I was real close yesterday.

It goes like this.

I get this kit and the tank is so rusty, I get the real Solex tank for $50. While trying to mount the monster to the fork, the bike almost goes down twice and I think I'm going to sell it. Then I spend some more time and money doing the rear mount thing, but it is worth it as the bike is just the coolest thing. I am happy as a clam. I can just let it roll down the driveway, kill the compression release and motor off. Then the French gas tank swells so the cap won't come off anymore and I use a pliers and rip the thing up good. So I buy a new China tank for another $50 (really new, no rust) and put that on yesterday 'cause I wanted to ride and take a break from working on the electric. So instead of riding and working on the electric, I spend the day working on the Solex and giving myself nothing but frustration and leg pain. From the easist bike ever to start to a recalcitrant pig that refuses to pump gas.

I can tell you that I ain't spending another dime on this motor. If it don't run after I do that pump again it's coming off and I'll put a Staton and a PF3300 on it.

And I'm done spending money on it too. So if I can't get it running with one more try, you guys can have "fun".

I ain't working on it today either, I'm going back to the electric project.
Lord we ask you to assist Mike today, before he freaks out and kills a bicycle, hurts his hand and tarnishes his soul.

Attention bicycle, you better get your act together or you'll be comin apart!
OK, you guys won.

I poured some gas down the feed hole (not the carb throat) in the hope that it would wash out the crap. Then I rolled down the driveway and it started right up like before. And then died about 20 feet down the road.

Spent another fifty bucks on a fuel pump, diaphram and mounting base and I also got an air filter and a carb filter from velocruz in utah.

Just hearing the thing putt did me in.

I need help. I'm a Solex junkie.

The next time it's going in the trash, I swear - :)
If you primed it with fuel mix, and it started up for a few seconds, then I presume you have fuel issues. Come on...X fingers you'll get it running.