It had a lot going for it, but for the kind of riding I do, which is mostly street riding I like my bomber a lot better.
That bike isn't their top line bike so it's not terribly fast. I think he said it does about 35 mph. Like that's not fast, what a laugh huh LOL?? Actually it's plenty fast.
For hill climbing it's probably unsurpassed, but in the city it had a couple shortcomings. Number one, it's not silent. Silence is golden when you're riding with a herd of bicycles, or riding on a crowded bike trail. The motor has a kind of irritating sound like gears gashing when you apply a lot of power to it.
Another thing I wasn't wild about is you have to shift it through a few gears riding off from a stop. You don't really have to, but if you ride off in a higher gear acceleration is slow. That's great for hill climbing, but a pia from every stop compared to just gas it and go like my bike.
It doesn't have a CA. You just get 3 idiot lights. Not even a speedo or odometer. For a bike that expensive I'd like a little more information.
He said he's had several problems with it, and had to ship it back to the factory for warranty repairs 3 times. One of the repairs involved the motor mount coming loose, and spinning the motor, which he said cut the power wires.
He's happy with it though, and it seems like the problems have all been sorted out.