Bike Monster
New Member
Cool fender!
I am really impressed and inspired by your build. I have to admit that I am a little jealous about not getting much work done on the bike I am working on that I would like to look similar to yours, but your bike is completely awesome! I look forward to seeing all the details worked out, but I feel like I can already see what its going to look like, and I love what it looks like.
Thank you for all the pictures and the inspiration to keep working on the extended project that I am working on.
Oh yeah, it's a Tillotson for sure, in fact Tillotson is the only thing I can make out on it (easily), but thanks to your help I was able to find the remains of a number on the float bowl...turns out it's a MT25A...probably off an old 50's era garden tractor with a Continental engine. Now I have some idea of what it may have been off of. I think it ought to work...we'll have to wait and see.Looks like possibly a Tillotson. There should be stamped ID on a machined boss of the float bowl to the right of the intake air horn. Something like ML3A, MT50B or so. If the venturi size is around 7/8", It could be off of a Whizzer or Cushman. The numbers you get off of it may provide the info. There's a few websites devoted to carbs. In any case most that size have interchangeable choke assemblies. I may even have an extra.