100:1 Mix

I have been running opti now for a while in my new build. I started it first time with break in with the opti runs great. I just put on a sbp expansion pipe and had to go back to the original jet cause it looked to be running lean now. I will now more tomarrow after tuning the pipe and test runs with plug chops.

The two plug chops I did first one with a 68 jet looked to lean then put the original jet back in and it almost looked the same but a tad darker to me. If that is to lean I just got a sodler gun and a mini dril bit set with handdrill from hf and i will use that starting on the #70 first.
Since opti had been working well in my bike, I just put the same opti-2 mix into my gas hedge trimmer. Seems to run smoother than before, but time will tell. I'd love to end up with only one gas can in my garage for the various 2 smokers. My only hesitation is my chainsaw; I will have to screw up my courage for that one.

Frankly, I was of the snake oil opinion, but it really does seem to be working well so far. I'll be totally sold after several more months of running.
Opti 2 will work fine in your chain saw, I have a 1983 poulan 3700 that runs better on opti than any other oil. I have never had the head off of this saw and cut fire wood every year with it. I run it at 70 to 1.
i have been using opti-2 for about 3 tanks @ 72:1.

my spark plug looks a little gooky to i think i will move to 100:1

i use to peddle half a block to get it started.
now i can start it between 1-4 car lengths. depending how warm it is outside.
now i can start it between 1-4 car lengths. depending how warm it is outside.

I have noticed that as well. I used to get a heck of a work out getting the bike started and needed full choke. Now I have actually started it without even being on the bike - just pushing it next to me and poping the clutch while pushing down on the seat. You have to be fast getting the clutch engaged again as soon as it starts, but I could NEVER have done that before. Also, I do not need the choke to start most times.

I am only one tank into Opti-2 on a new top end, so the choke issue may change when I tune it up in a few more tanks.
The thinner oil ratio Me thinks ran your alls carb richer in fuel. If the fuel is thinner you are running richer because viscosity wise the fluid moves through the carb jet orifice easer. There a few ways and reasons how to tune a carb.
I can start mine by just spinning the wheel - one pull with the tire off the ground and it fires up. Used to take a few pulls on dino.
The thinner oil ratio Me thinks ran your alls carb richer in fuel. If the fuel is thinner you are running richer because viscosity wise the fluid moves through the carb jet orifice easer. There a few ways and reasons how to tune a carb.

Correct-a-mundo GH!

All mine were on the rich side after switching to Opti2 at 1.8oz per gallon of gas, but not super rich, just slightly, was fixed by just dropping my needle one notch if I remember right...... been a while now so I cant swear I didnt reduce jet size also..... things kinda running together here lately......LOL!

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A few pages back, I mentioned that my local Tractor Supply stores have a product called "Arnold 1" 2-cycle oil in 1.8oz packets made by interlube that looked suspiciously like opti-2. I had picked up a pack and now needed to mix some gas so I emailed interlube and asked. They confirmed it is the exact same as opti-2, just private labeled to Arnold. So for those that cant find Opti2 at your local shop, try TSC.
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Hi all
well i am on my 5th tank of opti 2 mix 100:1.
I was out riding 2 days ago, it was hot i mean HOT 99deg with a 90% humidity giving a real feel of 119deg.
I was in stop and go traffic so i was giving my little 66cc no quarter riding hard, and this engine was getting hot and it started to run better and better. after i got to friends house and hung out for a couple of hours i went to start it to go home and i did not use the choke so i had to peddle a bit to get it started,and man what compression. i wish i had a compression gage, and check compression on a new engine and the compression now.
if you read opti 2 info it states the opti 2 uses heat to reform the metal of a engine or to smooth it out so i am sure this is what opti 2 has done, used the heat to seat my rings. This engine is a strong runner now. long live opti 2
I'm so glad that's how your story ended. I was waiting for the bad story about explosions or seizing. I love Opti-2 too! Long live a wonderful product!
LS614 i am not sure if my engine would have made it through that day in heavy traffic if i was running any thing but opti 2.
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I get a kick out of this thread, returning to it every few months to 'catch up'.

I've been using Opti2 in all my two strokes for almost 20 YEARS!
Boat motors,
and now it is only natural that I run the gas bikes on it. I do the 'break in' and run on Opti2. I've broken in two bike motors with Opti2 - I just fill the tank and ride. No smoke, no special mixes, no oily exhaust.

PS - My boat motor has had a steady diet of Opti2 for about 15 years and I have never even looked at a spark plug. It still has the original factory plug! Why would I change it - it starts on the second or third pull, even at the begining of the season. Opti2 also has a fuel conditioner, so I don't waste last year's fuel, I use it.
I'll definitely try it. I'm using the Lusas semi-synthetinc low ash 2cycle oil. So far, i haven't had any issues. I had a leak occur between the intake and the carb, and gas and oil seeped out and got on my chin and sprocket. I noticed it keeps both lubed well. The oil and gas combination also helps to protect against dirt and grit. I did fix the leak but month or so, i check my chain and if needing lubing, i first pour gas on a rag and take the chain off and wipe it down and the sprocket and then lube the both with the oil using my index finger. works great.
a word to the desert folk out there: don't run this during the summer months unless you like re-building top-ends....works great when its under 80* outside or your bike is water-cooled. otherwise you best bore a little more tolerance/slop in your jug. it burns CLEAN AND HOT.
Coryc - did you have an incident with opti2 and if so, what happened? What were the conditions/miles/mix ratio/motor setup/etc?? Inquiring minds want to know.

Many here are certainly running in temps above 80* with no issue.