100:1 Mix

Nobody is offering independent scientific proof of anything Interlube is claiming. So it's try it and see if you like it. That's all I'm saying. :) I hope it's everything everybody is saying it is. Till I know for sure, I'll doubt it because it seems a tall order.

To put this in perspective:
You are mixing(about) 0.30ml of opti to 1oz of gas.

That's FAR less than what a schrader valve stem cap will hold mixed into one ounce of gasoline. Those with a metric ruler can measure out a 3mm cube of clay for instance. Then drop it into 1oz of fluid and see just how little this is. It's nearly no oil. If the 100:1 oils really are doing anything this thin, it is pretty amazing, wouldn't you agree?
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So, I'm finally jumping on the wagon in here. After reading the last half dozen pages - I've got a question to opti2 users.

I know that you run your motors day one at 100:1. But, everything has a "memory" of some sort, be they batteries or be they hinges. Motor top end is one of those things.

People saying "Opti2 @ 100:1 is bad, don't do it" doesn't help anyone at all. People are gonna do what they're gonna do, both sides have been stated, so now - what if someone wants to convert over after they've read enough to make an informed decision? (myself for example) :D

Were I to switch over to opti2 on my next fill up, what ratio would be best in your best ball park opinion? Balls to the wall at 100:1, or taper down from a 60:1 gallon, 80:1 gallon and then 100:1?

Ball parking and hypothetically, lets say I have 2 motors, ones running dino at 32:1, and the other runs 40:1 auto shop synth, would there be any difference in the changing over period?
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Nobody is offering independent scientific proof of anything Interlube is claiming. So it's try it and see if you like it. That's all I'm saying. :) I hope it's everything everybody is saying it is. Till I know for sure, I'll doubt it because it seems a tall order.

To put this in perspective:
You are mixing(about) 0.30ml of opti to 1oz of gas.

That's FAR less than what a schrader valve step cap will hold mixed into one ounce of gasoline. Those with a metric ruler can measure out a 3mm cube of clay for instance. Then drop it into 1oz of fluid and see just how little this is. It's nearly no oil. If the 100:1 oils really are doing anything this thin, it is pretty amazing, wouldn't you agree?

Yep it is amazing.......and it's a fact you will realize as well when you use it, I'm not at the 100:1 but very closeprobably more in the 90:1 area, i have a new engine I'm breaking in right now and it just keeps running better and better everytime I take it out, I just have my fingers crossed and am hoping it is a pretty well put together engine, if so I hope to get the kind of miles out of it that Bairdco get outa his, I do have one with 1200 miles now and it still runs like a freshly broken in engine, starts easy, no smoke....runs great for a very out of balance engine, it has mmore miles than all the rest and will shake you to death almost above 28 MPH with the 41T sprocket, but if your man enough it will hit 37-38mph on flat ground, but you will feel like you are strapped to the arm of a scroll saw if you know how that works..LOL!

I will never knock anyone for running any oil even if they say they run SAE 30w motor oil at 16:1 if it works for them and they are happy with it I say more power to them....only thing is I will never ride behind them......unless I want the skeeters kept off me..........LOL!

These things will likely run with a good dose of cooking oil in the gas if the truth is known, ma ynot last as long but would probably run on it until it got so gummed up it couldnt run anymore...these are some pretty low tech gizmo's we're playing with here but aint they just so much fun........!

So, I'm finally jumping on the wagon in here. After reading the last half dozen pages - I've got a question to opti2 users.

I know that you run your motors day one at 100:1. But, everything has a "memory" of some sort, be it batteries or be they hinges. Motor top end is one of those things.

People saying "Opti2 @ 100:1 is bad, don't do it" doesn't help anyone at all. People are gonna do what they're gonna do, both sides have been stated, so now - what if someone wants to convert over after they've read enough to make an informed decision? (myself for example) :D

Were I to switch over to opti2 on my next fill up, what ratio would be best in your best ball park opinion? Balls to the wall at 100:1, or taper down from a 60:1 gallon, 80:1 gallon and then 100:1?

Ball parking and hypothetically, lets say I have 2 motors, ones running dino at 32:1, and the other runs 40:1 auto shop synth, would there be any difference in the changing over period?

I switched my highest mileage engine overfrom Scheaffer Syn. 2 stroke oil after it had maybe 500-600 miles on it and it runs better now than it did before and I had mixed the Opti 2 @ the 1.8oz per gal. which is stated as being 72:1 and all I had to do was retune my carb a bit to get the 4 stroking reduced, ( I had to down size my main jet in the carb. by soldering it up and redrilling it with a #73 wire gauge bit) now it runs pretty nice and no more of all that smoke and stink it had before, didn't change anything else, and this bike has made several trips of 15+ miles @ WOT almost the entire way, never had a glitch with this engine, and it's not the slant head engine with the 8mm studs either it's the little 6mm head studded engine and is bone stock, only thing changed is the exhaust and spark plug & boot.

I say get a coupe packets of the 1.8oz size mix in a gallon of gas put it in the bike after yourun the stuff you have in it now almost out and take off, you will likely need to tune the carb a bit but you will be good to go in my opinion.

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Here's a question for everyone. Out of the reported 'failures', how many were HT motors and how many were some of the newer generation, or so called 'high performance' engines?
Is there anyone with a Tanaka, Morrini, or any of the other high end 2 stroke owners out there using Opti-2 and if so did you break in on Opti or switch over from a higher oil content to the 100:1? Did you make any jetting changes?

I know for a fact that the member who said his engine seized was not an HT owner.

Who can show evidence of an HT with oil starvation damage using Opti-2?

Nobody is offering independent scientific proof of anything Interlube is claiming. So it's try it and see if you like it. That's all I'm saying. :) I hope it's everything everybody is saying it is. Till I know for sure, I'll doubt it because it seems a tall order.
I totally respect your skeptical viewpoint! lol

See my signature LOL
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof." Marcello Truzzi

I first read about Opti-2 here and what experienced and knowledgeable
forum members like Retmachinist, 2door, bairdco, etc had said about how
Opti oil performed for them.

Baird comes on all the local OC rides and I have ridden 2 of his bikes.
They have lots of hard and fast miles on them and still run clean and strong.
We GPSed Baird's fastest Opti bike at 54 mph.

I solicited Interlube to be a sponsor for the Willow Springs race because
I really can get behind their oil. It took several phone calls and emails to
get them to agree to do it. Motorized bikes are a very small market
compared to where they mainly sell.

Interlube doesn't do a very good job of marketing Opti and there is lot's
of proof of how well it works but the best way is to try it for yourself.

I am a 4 stroke guy that is using Opti-4 in my bikes, it was going to be
my secret at the Willow Springs race. LOL I already bought a 20 oz bottle
before I talked to Interlube.

The next 2 stroke I build is getting Opti-2.....

I just mailed flybytaco 2 packets of Opti-2 and he is going to report his
experience here.
Paul at Opti 1-800-332-5851 . Since it is a 1-800 number there is not excuse to continue any arguments on doing this 100:1 mix endeavor. Just call the 800 number. I asked Paul at Opti and he said he would welcome any calls about this thread as I informed him of what the discussion is all about. . He said it was fine to call him. He siad he welcomes the calls.I have no more help to offer.
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Hey.. I have an idea how about let's all call Paul and ask him if what some of us have been doing for several years is Ok to keep doing because after all baird has 10,000 miles on one HT and it may blow any day now if he doesn't find out that what he has been doing all this time isn't recommended and may cause his engine to seize at any moment........

This is Classic if I ever seen it.Wow! Wow! Wow!

What is so hard about just accepting the fact that the 100:1 mix works very well in these engines and that if the engine fails on the Opti 2 it probably would have done it as soon or even sooner on something else at 40:1, like myself and others have said before, these engines almost always fail do to mechanical flaws or the user fails to do their part in tuning correctly or something of that nature.

This reminds me of an argument on the play ground when I was a kid......

( if you don't believe me you just call my daddy he'll tell ya I'm right! )

No offense intended here just cracking me up that's all......


Paul at Opti 1-800-332-5851 . Since it is a 1-800 number there is not excuse to continue any arguments on doing this 100:1 mix endeavor. Just call the 800 number. I asked Paul at Opti and he said he would welcome any calls about this thread as I informed him of what the discussion is all about. . He said it was fine to call him. I have no more help to offer.
I talked to Paul after you did and he is a busy guy. I filled Paul in on the
motorized bike scene and you. lol
Brad is out sick this week from Opti and they are short staffed and don't
need to be bothered by us motor bike users. LOL

I have been briefed on Opti-2 and can handle most questions. You
may not like the answers but Paul would agree with me.

You keep saying that you will not be posting anymore, no more "help"
is needed from you.
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm done reading this thread...

I know I need to shut up myself here, I have probably said to much already and this is just getting plum silly now, nothing getting accomplished none what so ever........

You are right LS614 it is time to step away from this topic.

I think we can all agree to disagree on a few things and still be friends, I think Duane is a great fella and he is always quick to try to help and he runs a very respectable operation that I will continue to support with my purchasing of parts and one of those friction drive kits before long.....

I appoligize to anyone I may have offended with any of the comments I have made here personally.

Facts are Facts.... but preference is preference also and some for their own reasons prefer to doing things in a way that makes them comfortable and confident, nothing wrong with that........just stay behind me with that 32:1 mix please.........! LOL mine don't smoke so you'll be just fine

Not everyone here is thinking of using it in a happy time.

I am attracted to using it in all of my 2 strokes because then I wouldn't need 3 jugs of gas all at different ratios.

However, I will not run it in the Cag at 70:1 first thing.
I talked to Paul after you did and he is a busy guy. I filled Paul in on the
motorized bike scene and you. lol
Brad is out sick this week from Opti and they are short staffed and don't
need to be bothered by us motor bike users. LOL

I have been briefed on Opti-2 and can handle most questions. You
may not like the answers but Paul would agree with me.

You keep saying that you will not be posting anymore, no more "help"
is needed from you.

I will not call and never intended on it from the very start of this mess, why would anyone need too anyway, most of us here are using the Opti and loving it.........

BiMoPed, all is cool here........

Thanks for everything you said here in backing up the facts.....!
All that is needed to be done to shut up the haters is to tear apart a engine with quite a few miles on 100:1 and show the nice shiny cylinder linings and healthy looking bearings.

Until then I'll just stick with around 24:1-31:1 and not worry about things too much. :)
All that is needed to be done to shut up the haters is to tear apart a engine with quite a few miles on 100:1 and show the nice shiny cylinder linings and healthy looking bearings.

Until then I'll just stick with around 24:1-31:1 and not worry about things too much. :)

Nothing wrong with that if that's what you choose to do, I thought the same thing until I finally tried it and now I love the stuff, but that doesnt mean a thing to someone who is perfectly happy with how they are already doing things, Heck... your engine may out last mine just because it may be better quality mechanically.

Personally I like it for all the reasons it is marketed under because it does just what it was designed to do.....lube the engine well and it doesnt take much to do it and it dont smake and stink the place up in the proccess, to me all of the above is a good thing.

Box of Interlube products for the Willow Springs race.

Hey, My wife is an RN and she uses Opti on her contact lenses. If a medical professional says it's good then it must be...oh, wait, wrong product. Never mind. :(


  • Opti-2 for eyes.JPG
    Opti-2 for eyes.JPG
    106.8 KB · Views: 168
i'm gonna tear mine down soon, before the willow race, just to make sure there's no hidden surprises inside. like i've been saying, this engine has at least 10,000 miles on it, and still working perfectly.

BUT, with that many hard miles, something's bound to go wrong eventually, and i don't want a DNF at the race. IF, something happens to it, it ain't gonna be OPti2's fault.

i actually had the head off the other day, and it's still clean and shiny, piston isn't all caked with carbon, neither is the head, plug looks awesome, and you can feel the slickness on the piston walls.

i'll be sure to post pics.

and in case you're living under a rock (or behind a cloud of 2 stroke smoke) and haven't seen it yet, here's my race bike in action, passing 99% of all the chinas, and trying to catch the morinis, the one electric, and the amazingly smooth guy on his china, who all started in the front of the pack, while i had to battle through the traffic jams...

YouTube - ‪Bairdco's Death Race Main Part One 04-16-2011 (#33)‬‏
Hey, My wife is an RN and she uses Opti on her contact lenses. If a medical professional says it's good then it must be...oh, wait, wrong product. Never mind. :(

Oh My.....!

And all this time you were think contact solution and I was thinking sander.... wow now i understand all the confusion....LOL!


  • Opti Sand L222.jpg
    Opti Sand L222.jpg
    27.4 KB · Views: 190
i'm gonna tear mine down soon, before the willow race, just to make sure there's no hidden surprises inside. like i've been saying, this engine has at least 10,000 miles on it, and still working perfectly.

BUT, with that many hard miles, something's bound to go wrong eventually, and i don't want a DNF at the race. IF, something happens to it, it ain't gonna be OPti2's fault.

i actually had the head off the other day, and it's still clean and shiny, piston isn't all caked with carbon, neither is the head, plug looks awesome, and you can feel the slickness on the piston walls.

i'll be sure to post pics.

and in case you're living under a rock (or behind a cloud of 2 stroke smoke) and haven't seen it yet, here's my race bike in action, passing 99% of all the chinas, and trying to catch the morinis, the one electric, and the amazingly smooth guy on his china, who all started in the front of the pack, while i had to battle through the traffic jams...

YouTube - ‪Bairdco's Death Race Main Part One 04-16-2011 (#33)‬‏

I am making me a copy of those vids so I can watch them on my tv, I really enjoyed them and just wish I could have been there this year.....I told my wife I was gonna try to make it next year if at all possible......