100:1 Mix

:::Stumbles through the finish line hitting the ground breathing manically:::

I can't believe I made it through this novel of a thread whoo.. I'm getting my new Grubee Super rat 66cc tomorrow and I'm seriously considering running 100:1 from the beginning. A couple posts back someone mentioned getting a smaller carb jet. Does anyone else think this is necessary?

You won't regret it. It burns clean and doesn't smoke. You may find with the low oil content in your fuel and thus lower viscosity you may need to go to a smaller main carb jet and lower the needle with the clip in the top groove. I am running a 66 jet in mine. You might try a 68 first. Sick Bike Parts has jets. The stock jet is a 70 (.7mm).
:::Stumbles through the finish line hitting the ground breathing manically:::

I can't believe I made it through this novel of a thread whoo.. I'm getting my new Grubee Super rat 66cc tomorrow and I'm seriously considering running 100:1 from the beginning. A couple posts back someone mentioned getting a smaller carb jet. Does anyone else think this is necessary?

Using A SYNTHETIC at the beginning will cause your rings never to seat The AMSOIL sponsoring mechanic who has a radio car-talk show here urges you to break your new motor in with conventional lubrication.

In an AUTOMOBILE he said several thousand miles. Since we are using a 2 stroke which has twice as many power strokes and only 1 cylinder I am confident the China-Motor-manufacturer's "destructions" to be gentle for a tank or two will be good before switching to full synthetic.

I went 4 tanks on a new motor and when the label peeled off'n the motor I noticed it started easily and it was broke in

I am using AMSOIL now

Opti-2 from day one at 100-1. Listen to how it sounds . I will probably stutter a lot from being rich. Put the needle clip in the top groove. Get a 68 and a 66 jet from Sick Bike Parts. After a couple of tanks with the stock jet put the 68 in and see how you like it. After you get the feel of the 68 put the 66 in. One of the two should make you happy If you live at any elevation the 66 will most likely be best although I run a 66 at sea level.

Synthetic oil and even a synthetic blend will void my warranty ...Manufacturers of my motor say not to use it at all. The dealer of Thats Dax says 100:1 is crazy and not to do it. I mix my gas at what the manufacturer of my motor tells me to and that is 24:1 I'm good at anything between 25:1 and 30:1 and would never go over that.
:::Stumbles through the finish line hitting the ground breathing manically:::

I can't believe I made it through this novel of a thread whoo.. I'm getting my new Grubee Super rat 66cc tomorrow and I'm seriously considering running 100:1 from the beginning. A couple posts back someone mentioned getting a smaller carb jet. Does anyone else think this is necessary?

i don't think it's necessary. i've never had to re-jet a stock carb yet.

i've built 6 bikes that all have opti2 at 100:1 from the very first start.

one i rode daily for over a year, racked up about 7500 miles, full throttle everyday, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. cylinder walls are perfect, piston is perfect, and still running the same plug, and it's perfect.

there's no blow-by, no scoring, and no detonation hot spots or carbon deposits on the piston.

i'm 100% positive my rings are seated. if they're not seated by now, i think i'd know about it.

if you took the time to read this whole thread, you'll notice the only detractors are the people who've never tried it. and out of everyone who uses it, there's only 2 people who've had problems, and one of them was me. and both problems were from switching over from regular oil on older engines.

this thread speaks for itself as proof that it works. unless anyone who advises you against it has tried it, tested it, compared it, and documented it, and showed it wasn't good for these motors, don't listen to them. they're just going by what the "experts" say.

and i don't see any of those "experts" on this forum. they're all sitting behind a desk trying to unload cases of their particular brand of "better" oil.

i will never use another oil in my bike.

as far as a dealer not warrantying an engine if you use Opti2, i'd go somewhere else. if/when i start selling bikes and kits, i'm gonna tell people i won't warranty it if they use any oil but opti2.

that's how much i believe in it.
i don't think it's necessary. i've never had to re-jet a stock carb yet.

i've built 6 bikes that all have opti2 at 100:1 from the very first start.

one i rode daily for over a year, racked up about 7500 miles, full throttle everyday, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. cylinder walls are perfect, piston is perfect, and still running the same plug, and it's perfect.

there's no blow-by, no scoring, and no detonation hot spots or carbon deposits on the piston.

i'm 100% positive my rings are seated. if they're not seated by now, i think i'd know about it.

if you took the time to read this whole thread, you'll notice the only detractors are the people who've never tried it. and out of everyone who uses it, there's only 2 people who've had problems, and one of them was me. and both problems were from switching over from regular oil on older engines.

this thread speaks for itself as proof that it works. unless anyone who advises you against it has tried it, tested it, compared it, and documented it, and showed it wasn't good for these motors, don't listen to them. they're just going by what the "experts" say.

and i don't see any of those "experts" on this forum. they're all sitting behind a desk trying to unload cases of their particular brand of "better" oil.

i will never use another oil in my bike.

as far as a dealer not warrantying an engine if you use Opti2, i'd go somewhere else. if/when i start selling bikes and kits, i'm gonna tell people i won't warranty it if they use any oil but opti2.

that's how much i believe in it.

There are a few people on this forum that I really pay close attention to when they post. Bairdco is one of those people. I have noticed that he speaks the truth and has a good deal of experience, about bikes, frames, components and motors.

Typically I dis-like a quoted post that is this long but sometimes it is important to repeat what has been said. I know I made up my mind on this subject a long time ago. The people I respect on this forum have used and liked Opti2 in their motors from day 1. I will do the same. Any 2-stroke motor I may have in the future will get Opti2 from day 1.
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Yup....very long thread:-) I've used Opti 2 after I broke in my Mitsubishi TLE 43 with regular oil. Runs great, nearly 1000 miles on it and I beat the crap out of my bike- I pretty much treat the throttle like an on/off switch.
i don't think it's necessary. i've never had to re-jet a stock carb yet.

i've built 6 bikes that all have opti2 at 100:1 from the very first start.

one i rode daily for over a year, racked up about 7500 miles, full throttle everyday, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. cylinder walls are perfect, piston is perfect, and still running the same plug, and it's perfect.

there's no blow-by, no scoring, and no detonation hot spots or carbon deposits on the piston.

i'm 100% positive my rings are seated. if they're not seated by now, i think i'd know about it.

if you took the time to read this whole thread, you'll notice the only detractors are the people who've never tried it. and out of everyone who uses it, there's only 2 people who've had problems, and one of them was me. and both problems were from switching over from regular oil on older engines.

this thread speaks for itself as proof that it works. unless anyone who advises you against it has tried it, tested it, compared it, and documented it, and showed it wasn't good for these motors, don't listen to them. they're just going by what the "experts" say.

and i don't see any of those "experts" on this forum. they're all sitting behind a desk trying to unload cases of their particular brand of "better" oil.

i will never use another oil in my bike.

as far as a dealer not warrantying an engine if you use Opti2, i'd go somewhere else. if/when i start selling bikes and kits, i'm gonna tell people i won't warranty it if they use any oil but opti2.

that's how much i believe in it.
The only thing i've seen on this whole forum about that is some one has been tryin very desperatley to sit there and move that AMISOL synthetic AND THIS IS VERY OBVIOUS!!!!
Hey dude!!!! just the price my motor is 370.00 American and it just aint as cheap as yours. All u have to do is buy a new one and I ain't rich!!! There are lots of people here on this forum who are not rich.
I can buy Amisol where I buy my other oil!!! ya thats right!!! it's right there on the shelf!!! U know... I really wanted to buy some because of HOW MUCH I'VE BEEN HEARING ABOUT IT ON THIS FORUM IN THE LAST YEAR AND HALF!!!!! AAAAAAND IT'S THE OOOOOOOONNNLY BRAND that I've been hearing about. but i cannot use it and .....

You understand that the engineers and designers that BUILT my motor ARE THE EXPERTS. It's their engine.....They MADE IT!!!! and they said that ANY HIGHEND 2 CYCLE OIL WILL DO!!! Does the word ANY stand out a bit??? They just simply said not to use SYNTHETIC. thats all
so pease relax and take a pill.... it's all ok my warrenty ran out 3 years ago . :) :):):) nothing personal dude, I'm just sayin what it is on my end:)
The manufactures of my motor do not sell oil!!!! The dealers of my motor do not sell oil!!!!!
NOBODY BUT NOBODY is ever gion to tell me what ratio to use but the manufacturers of my motor because they made it. So wait a minute here. Some one is trying to tell me that they know more than the engineers and designers that made my motor and to go else where?????
Sorry dude but I gotta go by what they say, and they do know what they are talking about . The engine requirements come from the MANUFACTURER and NOT the dealer . The dealers of my motor are nowhere near this forum. They are a very big outfit and they got better things to be doing. They do not play around.

The manufacturers of my motor say not to use synthetic and that's for a reason.
They know a whole lot more than you and a whole lot more than me and anyone here at this forum or anywhere else about my motor:):):):)
The manufactures of my motor do not sell oil!!!! The dealers of my motor do not sell oil!!!!!
NOBODY BUT NOBODY is ever gion to tell me what ratio to use but the manufacturers of my motor because they made it. So wait a minute here. Some one is trying to tell me that they know more than the engineers and designers that made my motor and to go else where?????
Sorry dude but I gotta go by what they say, and they do know what they are talking about . The engine requirements come from the MANUFACTURER and NOT the dealer . The dealers of my motor are nowhere near this forum. They are a very big outfit and they got better things to be doing. They do not play around.

The manufacturers of my motor say not to use synthetic and that's for a reason.
They know a whole lot more than you and a whole lot more than me and anyone here at this forum or anywhere else about my motor:):):):)

Then obviously the oil manufacturers and all the people in this forum have to be wrong because YOU or the manufacturer of YOUR motor say so?
The manufacturer of YOUR motor must not have tried the OPTI 2 in testing, but the owners of the motors (Myself incuded) are doing live testing and the manufacturers of YOUR motor would benefit by leaving ancient world views behind and try putting their business in the 21st century by at least checking out modern products that have been proven for quite some time now.
You seem to have forgotten that there are more "experts" in this world than the manufacturers of YOUR motor, there is also the manufacturer of the OILS. The people that produce the oil do more than just pump out an oil and put it up for sale, they test engines with it to determine effects of their product on the motors and give honest results to the public so the individual can make a decent decision with the options available. Since the manufacturer of YOUR motor does not sell oil, then maybe the manufacturer of the oil is the opinion that matters, they are the ones that really want your repeat business. OPTI 2 is proven and I for one will never use another oil in MY motor.
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Okay guys. We've had this thread going for a long time with some good honest discussion. Don't ruin it with the auguments and hostilities like several others recently. If you have strong feelings either way, post them once then go on about your business, don't come back and flame the next guy just because his opinions differ from yours.
I can and will shut this thread if you can't behave like adults and have a civil discussion.

Now with that out of the way I'll respond to the gentleman who quotes thatsdax regarding the use of Opti-2. Duane (dax) happens to be a neighbor and a friend. We ride together often and all but one of my engines came off Duane's shelf. He scoffs at me and tells me I'm going to ruin my motors if I continue using this Opti-2. He's been saying that for over a year...I'm still riding, right next to him and a few times leaving him behind with my engines that are, according to him and others who have not tried the oil, going to blow apart at any minute. Hasn't happened yet. :)

Just to clarify a couple of things. First, Opti-2 is not made by Amsoil and second, Amsoil is synthetic while Opti-2 is not.
OK..... I've read 44 pages of this..... and what I want to know is:
Do any of the Auto Supply Stores sell Opti-2 on the shelf?
Opti 2 is a synthetic blend. Just confirmed that yesterday.
It used to be a mineral based oil 2 years ago.

That's news to me. Whatever it is it's good and what I use in my two stroke motors. I have bought it on line, off of ebay and here in Maryland I buy it at Ace hardware.
a good lawn and garden shop should carry it. to save some time, just call Opti2 direct and they'll find the closest dealers in your area. they're real friendly folks.

blakenstien, i wasn't making an attack on you, just explaining things my way.

i don't know the manufacturers of your motor, but i do know this; almost every single manufacturer of every single thing in the world has a disclaimer that reads "warranty void if altered, abused, used for racing, modified, etc etc etc..."

it's a CYA for them against the average consumer.

besides my opinion and experience with Opti2, everyone is free to make their own choices. no one's gonna force you to try it. if you don't like it, don't use it, simple as that. as long as your bike's running and you're having fun, just leave it at that.:)