100:1 Mix

Sounds like a plan. I just love the fact there is no oil dripping out of the thing now or smoke. Also the performance now its run-in is much better than my last motor.
I switched to Opti-2 more than 500 miles ago. One of the small engine shops in my area that's an authorized repair depot for a long list of manufacturers swears by it. Contractors are their biggest customer because its the same 100:1 mix for ANY 2-cycle piece of equipment they own.

I took the bike on holiday to visit family. All my nephews drove the heck out of it for hours try to set the fastest speed record. The bike runs as good or better than it ever did. I also like it because there no more oil dripping out of the breather.

Okay, my bikes have been switched over to Opti-2. I'm so anal I even flushed the tanks with straight gasoline just to make sure the first tank was pure Opti. I've only put about three miles on each and they seem to be running just fine. Nevertheless I can't tell you how unnerving it is to mix your first gallon of fuel and see just how little oil you're putting in. Scary when you compare it with what you're accustomed to. It took a lot to keep from tipping that bottle just a little more but I resisted the urge and kept to the instructions. Time will tell. More reports as the miles progress.
Okay, my bikes have been switched over to Opti-2. I'm so anal I even flushed the tanks with straight gasoline just to make sure the first tank was pure Opti. I've only put about three miles on each and they seem to be running just fine. Nevertheless I can't tell you how unnerving it is to mix your first gallon of fuel and see just how little oil you're putting in. Scary when you compare it with what you're accustomed to. It took a lot to keep from tipping that bottle just a little more but I resisted the urge and kept to the instructions. Time will tell. More reports as the miles progress.

I had to laugh when I read your post, Tom. I had just finished draining the gas from both my American Flyers, trying to get out the last few drops from each tank, then carefully measuring the 100-1 mix of Opti-2 for the first time and feeling like the mad chemist. I went through similar anxiety when I went against the common wisdom years back and was using Amsoil Sabre Professional in my bikes at 50-1 even thought the manufacturer said 100-1. I couldn't make myself follow directions...just didn't seem like enough oil. Recent threads here at the forum have made me more reckless and daring.... jumped the Amsoil up to 75-1 with no ill effect and now I'm, giving the Opti-2 a try. I'm about to go for a twelve mile ride to see if I can tell a difference by the time I get back. First one bike and then this evening I'll give the other one a go. Ha! Good luck to us both and to all old farts riding these things. Here Here! All Hail! Ectera...
Silverbear, AKA "Grandpa Geezerman"
Just got back from twelve mile "test flights" for both of my 80cc engines. The one with over a thousand miles on it has never come close to running this smoothly and with as much power. Never idled as well, either. It is like a different motor. I had thought I was using the best oil out there... Amsoil Sabre Professional, which wasn't cheap. But this stuff is something else and even more expensive, of course. With both bikes I was able to climb hills faster and on a couple which in the past required pedal assist didn't get any assistance today. Very nice. Glad I tried it. Opti-2 from here on!
You gotta love this stuff at 100:1 and I am not a salesman for the company, just a satisfied customer!



  • Opti-2 003.JPG
    Opti-2 003.JPG
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Whoa!!!! Something bad is happening :(
Went for a ride this morning with the oldest bike, the Chris Hill 80 with over 1000 miles on it. It has always run like a clock and did the night before I switched oils. The first two or three miles it ran okay, nothing noticable different until today. After less than a mile I began to see a rather dramitic decrease in power. I turned around and headed for home at a blistering 12mph. And that was all she would do, had to pedal up two hills that I normally take at 20, easy. It doesn't idle and is slow to respond to throttle. After finally getting home I've looked at everything. Muffler is clear, good compression, good spark, fuel bowl, line and carb are clean. Good fuel flow. The plug looked good but I replaced it anyway. There wasn't much carbon on the top of the piston and it looks like it did before the oil change. So what's different? 24 hours before the engine was running great. Now with the Opti-2 it won't get out of its own way.
I'm going out now and mix up a batch of my old 2-cycle oil and fresh gas and draining the tank. That's all that's left to try. I'll come back with the results later.
Oh, I have not even started the other bikes after the initial 2 miles or so that I tried yesterday. I don't want to take a chance that I'll screw something up on all my engines.
I'm tempted to ride one and see what happens but I'm going back to the old mix on the CH-80 first, just to satisfy my curiosity. I'll be bock............
jetting could be too rich im thinking.

can i call this one? i really want to believe but after so many years, i just cant. quiiiiiite yet.....
Here goes nothing: New gas and my usual 2-stroke oil. Replaced carb even though it was as clean as a whistle inside. Replaced CDI and the magneto. Stripped off all my heat shrink and checked the wiring connections. I didn't take a compression check before switching oils but the engine has loads of compression. No air leaks at the intake, carb or case gaskets. Checked crankshaft seals, replaced the plug and plug wire and it still will not go any faster than about 14mph and that's down a slight incline that the bike used to easily do over 30 on. The bearings are free, no unusual noises from the engine and I don't have the brakes on. The mix I used was based on factory marking on the Opti-2 bottle. 1.3 oz per gallon of gasoline. The gas was the same as I used to mix the last batch of 2-cycle fuel so I know it's not bad gasoline. And... out of curiosity I just had to try the second bike. Now, after about 5 miles it will not idle, even with the idle screw all the way in and it has lost about 3mph off its top end on that same hill I mentioned above. If anyone has any ideas I'd like to hear them. Oh, yeah, I played with the mixture too. I've raised and lowerd the 'c' clip from the top to the bottom with little to no effect. In all honesty I'm stumped here. Whatever happened is keeping itself secret because I can't find anything wrong. Nevertheless I now have one bike that can't pull me up hills and the other one that has lost power but not as bad as the other because it wasn't ridden as much, I fear. I didn't even chance the last one. I drained the Opti-2 mix and filled it with my old standby. It's still running great. Just my luck?
The placebo effect runs strong in some young Tom.

There really is no way any 100:1 oil caused any of these bikes to get 5-10 mph faster. And I sell an excellent 100:1 oil. I don't (do?) want to see the bottom end (or rings/bore) of these engines after months of running any 100:1 oil.
The placebo effect runs strong in some young Tom.

There really is no way any 100:1 oil caused any of these bikes to get 5-10 mph faster. And I sell an excellent 100:1 oil. I don't (do?) want to see the bottom end (or rings/bore) of these engines after months of running any 100:1 oil.
For the life of me I can't see or hear anything that leads me to believe there is damage but something is very wrong. The night before I switched oils I took two of the bikes for a ride. It was a beautiful evening and I put twelve to fourteen miles on both bikes. They were running strong when I put them away for the evening. The next day I switched oils and everything went to h*** in a handbasket. I'm no newcomer to engines, either 2 or 4stroke but this one is a mystery to me. If it had been just one engine I could have placed the blame on the milage and said it is just worn out but to have the same thing happen to 2 different motors one of them with less than 200 miles on it...I can only place the blame on one thing. What is odd, is that I can't find anything wrong. If the compression was gone or the pistons were slapping around then I could say the lack of lubrication was the culprit but that isn't the case. I'm just glad I didn't wreck 3 engines instead of just 2.
Weird, Tom. I took my bikes out again today and especially the oldest motor from Thatsdax with over a thousand miles on it is running better than it ever has and I am not imagining it. The other one is running well, but not that much different... seems to have a little more pull on hills. But they are certainly not worse as in your case. And there is no way the gas was bad? Sorry it didn't work out for you, but I sure like it and will continue to use it.
Just going out on a limb here. New to this forum, but not new in any way to 2-strokes.

It's been my belief for a while that the extra oil we commonly run in these HT's is not for the Piston/Rings, but more for the bearings (lower in particular). Is it possible that 100:1 - no matter how good the oil - just isn't enough for proper lubrication of these bearings?

I've also used Amsoil Sabre with great success, but at 50:1. Recently i've been using Poulan 2-cycle Synthetic at 40:1 (recommended) but added 1 oz. of MMO as well (good cleaning and upper lube).

Any way you go, 100:1 just seems like it's too thin for these China Girls.....
You just described exactly what happens to my engine when I try to run even 32:1 Lucas semi-synthetic.. for the first few miles it runs awesome, then the power/speed gets cut in half or so...

going back to 16:1 or 20/25:1 regular 2 stroke and the power/speed comes back after a few miles...

no clue..

(one would think the rings *should* be set after 800+ miles??...)
Pablo, If Amsoil calls their oil 100:1 How come no one uses it at 100:1 Not even you and you are a distributor.
I never told any one they had to use Opti-2 at 100:1. I just said it is the best oil I have ever used and also all of the Large Lawn Companies here in the City use nothing but Opti-2.
That's all I have to say about the subject, you guys can use what ever you want to use. I am going to keep using the Opti-2. End of Conversation for me!

Just going out on a limb here. New to this forum, but not new in any way to 2-strokes.

It's been my belief for a while that the extra oil we commonly run in these HT's is not for the Piston/Rings, but more for the bearings (lower in particular). Is it possible that 100:1 - no matter how good the oil - just isn't enough for proper lubrication of these bearings?

I've also used Amsoil Sabre with great success, but at 50:1. Recently i've been using Poulan 2-cycle Synthetic at 40:1 (recommended) but added 1 oz. of MMO as well (good cleaning and upper lube).

Any way you go, 100:1 just seems like it's too thin for these China Girls.....
If there was any sign of tight bearings I'd say you're right but the engine is not showing anything that would lead me to believe that's the case. Either hot or cold the crank rotates effortlessly. Bear in mind I'm having trouble with two different engines, one with well over 1000 miles on it and the other with about 200. The lower milage engine regained a little of its previous power after changing back to new gasoline and the regular 2 cycle oil I've always used but the older one is not running worth a darn anymore. Got me stumped, for sure.
Pablo, If Amsoil calls their oil 100:1 How come no one uses it at 100:1 Not even you and you are a distributor.
I never told any one they had to use Opti-2 at 100:1. I just said it is the best oil I have ever used and also all of the Large Lawn Companies here in the City use nothing but Opti-2.
That's all I have to say about the subject, you guys can use what ever you want to use. I am going to keep using the Opti-2. End of Conversation for me!

Don't go away mad...no one is blaming you for my troubles:) The guy who sold me the oil is a rental dealer and he uses it exclusively in all his equipment. There HAS to be something else wrong here. Too many other folks have used Opti-2 with great success. I'm not giving up. I'm going to find out what's goin on and I'll let all of you know.
Still friends, right?