I built a hybrid AWD bike

Toast Points

New Member
First, I built a normal motorized bike from a 4 stroke kit from bikeberry. Bought the kid, found a bike to put it on, upgraded some components and had a little bit of fun. I had a 48 tooth rear sprocket and had a good amount of torque, but a top speed of 19mph and wanted to go a little faster. So, I got a 36 tooth rear sprocket and before actually trying it out, I assumed it wouldn't have enough torque to get up the hills around me (I do weigh 260 pounds) and I didn't want to peddle (really, I want a motorcycle, but I don't quite have enough money for one). So I looked into getting an electric front wheel kit. I decided on a 250w 36v kit.
While installing that, I removed the crank assembly and currently have a cross bar set in place through the bottom bracket to use as foot pegs. It works well, but it's pretty ugly.

I bought a trio of 12v scooter batteries to power it, mounted on a rear rack in a backpack. They are relatively high quality lead acid, sealed gel type bateries. So a bit more stable than regular lead acid and don't care about orientation, but they are just as heavy (Around 8 pounds each). I'm thinking of upgrading to LIon or LiPo cells in the future.
Anyway, I am wondering when I should charge my 12v packs. I charged them at the beginning of the season to about 14.5 to 14.8v each and from being used a little and sitting, they are all around 13.3 to 13.5v. I know it's not good to charge them whenever, unless you're shoving lots of amps into them whenever they are being used, so at what voltage should I charge them? I monitor them by just testing them with a multimeter every once in a while. Though, the battery level indicator on my LCD readout on the bike seems relatively accurate.

So, it does work really well. The gas engine does have less torque, but It will still accelerate with me. But with the electric motor helping it, it's very quick. The electric motor will help the gas engine up to 15mph and with the smaller rear sprocket on the gas engine, my top speed is about 26. But, I still have enough torque to climb the hills around me without needing the electric motor.
I didn't expect it, but the LCD that reads out info for the electric motor still reads out the correct speed even after 15mph, so that's cool. I hooked up a tachometer to the engine, but used my phone before to click speed.

So yeah, it was a cool project and I at least accomplished my goal of not needing the crank set. What I want to do next is to build a lighter weight battery pack and find a better foot peg option. Maybe make a nicer looking seat.

I'll post some pics soon. I have to wait for the rain to pass and put my battery back onto the rear rack.
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So, I finally got some pictures of it and I'm going to upload a video soon. I'm not sure of the image size limits, but I'm just uploading them to this thread.







I'll probably just ask the battery question in the battery section, but what do you guys think I should do about foot pegs? The bar I have is just a dumbbell bar secured through the bottom bracket hole. I've seen some foot pegs for ski bikes, but they don't seem long enough.

Edit: I uploaded a video to the tubes for you guys.
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Congrats on your hybrid build.

Now you have less of a chance of being stranded,
especially with a front hub.

Here's a suggestion re foot pegs:

Reinstall your foot pedals, and
lock both of them in the forward
2 o'clock position.

They might be more comfortable, and
the cops might think the pedals are still operable.
Welcome! I have heared of some electrics that can charge batteries when going down hill, or from breaking action of the electric motor. Also, I ride exclusively off road and got OHV registration legal so the pedals went away for foot pegs. I did notice that horn. I used one like that about 40 years ago. Note, if the valve gets damaged where the horn fits on the can of Freon stuff, it can be dangerous. I had the horn fly up and away and then there was a funnel shape freezing cloud in front of my face. I leaned back and to the side to see where I was heading while breaking to a stop.
Clean build! Perfect choice on the hub It's amazing how well those front geared hubs work..
I am a bit confused why you took the pedals off though as they do make great foot rest just the way they are and serve as just one more way to add power when needed unless you needed a wide pedal crank set to clear the 4 stroke.
Lead acid batteries like full charges. And I would get a low amp charger and keep em cooking ll the time. And overnight.
Your lead acid battery series is large and heavy though. I bought 36 v 10AH, dolphin style Li ion and mounted it on a full suspension. Bike on a rear rack and it weighs in at about 6 pounds I am guessing. You'd be so much happier with a Li ion set up. Cool build. Congrats on best of both worlds

Awesome, thanks for the tips guys.
I have a wide crank set, but I wanted to get rid of all the derailures and extra stuff for a more clean look. It is legal in my state to not have pedals on it since the moped regulations cover all small engine vehicles. However, I do like the idea of locking the peadles on place for the foot pegs. I'd probably do 3oclock as my legs are quite long. I'll give it a shot next weekend.

I was hard pressed on battery options as I didn't have 2 to 3 hundo to spend on a liion battery. This honkin lead acid pack only cost $65 to put together. But, I found some 36v 4.4ah liion packs on eBay, using good cells for $35. I'll buy a few of those over the course of the next couple months and hook them up in parallel. Though, since I'm no longer needing the bike for utility purposes, I may just stick with one 4.4ah pack. I was driving an older camaro and I started building this bike as a way to get to work on good days to save gas money. Now I'm driving a Nissan and no longer need it for that purpose anymore. Now it's just nice to drive around.

Here's the eBay packs, coming out of Pennsylvania:

He makes them with LG cells too for the same price if you prefer those.

Oh, and thanks for the tip on the horn. I'll work quickly on getting a battery powered one.
I could say I bumped the horn a few times and degraded the valve on the Freon can. So really it might be OK. But this happened and the cloud was really cold too. Easy to burn from cold on hand and face when it went kaput.

Just mentioned it because I have not seen those smaller horns, and they are much like the hand held slightly bigger ones used on boats sold at marine stores.

I have bought an air charged container horn. It came with a small hand pump you occasionally add more air pressure. It runs out of pressure if you lean on it blasting the horn a lot. I may have kept it for a boat I have? Have not seen it in maybe 20 years I think. I used to carry a whistle. If you have all that battery power, maybe some air horns that use electric motor pump?
I would love to build a similar bike, but with lighter LiPo batteries, I realize the LiPo batteries cost three time the price of SLA batteries.I will keep the pedals for street legality.
That is an awesome chain tensioner.
Excellent! I especially like the chain tensioner. I would have kept the pedal power, none the less -congrats it looks great!
Here's a lt. wt. candidate to hybridize: 36v, 250w, 12Kg mtn bike from Sears, (going broke) for $279.
Just add a G.E.B.E. kit & you have virtually unlimited range. There's also this 48v, 750w, 11.6Ah
fat bike for just $1350 or, if you're desperately hard up there's this tinker toy for $169.spr.
The $279 has some decent components for the price, (parts bike?)


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I would love to build a similar bike, but with lighter LiPo batteries, I realize the LiPo batteries cost three time the price of SLA batteries.I will keep the pedals for street legality.
That is an awesome chain tensioner.
Here in Georgia we have to have pedals also, we're suppose to pedal start but can probably get away with the pull start.
My bikes are classified as mopeds, single speed with a top speed of 30mph and 49cc or less. The pull start would be a nice thing to have at times, it is interesting that a person can ride a electric bike without a drivers license from what I've read.
Yeah and on most bike trails if limited to 20mph.
My memory is a bit fuzzy as I checked on this a while back but a motor assisted bike is not classed as a moped. Mopeds have to meet DOT standards. Bikes do not. My local tag office in Newton co classed 49cc scooters as mopeds and would not tag or title them same with MBs. I used to have the regulations printed and carried them, but was never stopped while riding past the locals. The original regulations did read as you say but I believe they have been superseded. Where I live now they don't really care what you ride as long as you are behaving.
I’ve never been stopped here, a few years ago I came out of a super market to find a policeman looking over my bike. He wanted to know all about it, said it was cool looking. I’m like you I try to fly under the radar, they usually have more important things to do than stop a guy on a bicycle.
Where I live now they don't really care what you ride as long as you are behaving. So true, what scares me is all the guys that want to go 60 mph with high Hp, big motors. Sooner or later they will ban them. ...........Curt
Love the 49cc very dependable
Where I live now they don't really care what you ride as long as you are behaving. So true, what scares me is all the guys that want to go 60 mph with high Hp, big motors. Sooner or later they will ban them. ...........Curt
Yep same here. Now I’ve never had a issue but I ride respectful. Even at a show this year I had a straight pipe an didn’t ride,way loud. I use power to avoid cars!
Where I live now they don't really care what you ride as long as you are behaving. So true, what scares me is all the guys that want to go 60 mph with high Hp, big motors. Sooner or later they will ban them. ...........Curt

Curt I agree with you and as you know I've two bikes that will top over 80 mph. with 125cc 5 speed engines. Self control is important when conducting any motorized conveyance. 235 mph super cars and 70 mph limits mostly here in the states comes to mind as does motos like the Ducati's Duke etc.

I typically limit my in town rides on these two bikes to using 1st. and 2nd. gear only, rural secondary roads 3rd. is used. I've replaced foot shift with the more leisurely hand shift lever...so no bang bang shifting of these small motorcycle engines & baffled exhausts keep them to a quiet 4 stroke burble at low speed and the public, including the cops, love them! Slow with low profile noise is the key...self control. 40 mph is max on the back roads and no highway riding at all again with the self control.

I use a private air strip for the occasional speed run 'cause I want to!

Rick C.
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Yeah and on most bike trails if limited to 20mph.
My memory is a bit fuzzy as I checked on this a while back but a motor assisted bike is not classed as a moped. Mopeds have to meet DOT standards. Bikes do not. My local tag office in Newton co classed 49cc scooters as mopeds and would not tag or title them same with MBs. I used to have the regulations printed and carried them, but was never stopped while riding past the locals. The original regulations did read as you say but I believe they have been superseded. Where I live now they don't really care what you ride as long as you are behaving.
I've had my 212cc in two small towns and if you behave the cops leave you alone. A 212cc with the CVT will move you real fast and
it's not a good idea to punch it in town even with a header and muffler on it which will draw attention from the law. I left the pedals
on it without a pedal sprocket and chain on a set of mag wheels.