after experimenting with E-cigs/vaping i can say it actually worked... kinda.
Toying around with different tanks and going into vaping with a bit of skepticism i was thinking this was going to be an expensive replacement to smokes,but what i found out is like you got to be scientific and keep playing around till you find where you fit with the stuff.
Last year i started with kanger tech tanks, and hated them, i keep burning out coils and getting dry hits, i tried different juices and all the same problem. I switched to Aspire's nautilus and nautilus mini after trying other tanks and what a difference! I was smoke free for 6 or so months! My breathing improved so much i wasn't winded when i climbed 3 flights of stairs. I was impressed.
However,i just moved (again) and cant get to my old supplier of my normal E-juice. So i tried a few local shops near me and the juice i got gave me chest pains, and started making me have like a smokers cough. So i said screw it and been back on smokes again for like 3 months now,but im not giving up i getting back on the vaporizer again soon, just waiting on a shipment of some new e-juice that is strongly recommended for us smokers who are trying to quit.
To anybody who is new to vaping and dont know what to buy i strongly suggest aspire nautilus full size or a mini with BVC not the BDC coils. Also what juice you get is going to make the difference. Juice is something that you need to take time and sample to your tastes, alot of the tabbaco flavors out there never taste like tabbaco, some come close like some turkish blends taste like a camel,but never cant replicate my Marlboro reds.
Also with juices i noticed the higher the nicotine levels the worst it hits and tastes. I need about 18 mgs of nicotine to fix me. But the flavors start tasting better with lower nicotine levels.But if your like me, then you'll start chain vaping to get back to your nicotine levels on that lower stuff. Then you got to start tweaking your PG and VG ratios, cant remember off hand,but i think the higher the PG the more flavoring you get,but the juice is thinner and may seap out of your tank/coils, higher the VG is more cloud/vapor production,and its also thicker and depending on your tank it it may be to thick to wick up properly.
I know it sounds like a mountain of crap to wade thru to get into to vaping,but personally i can tell you that even tho it worked for 6 months,it actually worked! take some time to try samples,or research and it will pay off if your just getting into vaping.
I hope any of this information helps,and if you got any questions about it hit me up and ill try and help you the best i can.