Velocar cyclecar semi-replica.

Intrepid Wheelwoman

New Member
Oct 29, 2011
Hauraki District, New Zealand
I thought of our Intrepid Wheelwoman when I saw this. It could be gas or electric.
Click on the photos to make them larger.

Ooooo I like that, very elegant :D

Yes Steve the basic design lends itself to a variety of motive power and it wouldn't be all that hard to build it to a smaller size for a single occupant.

The quality of the photos on that website is very very good which is a great aid to amateur mechanics and tinkerers alike :)


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada

When I saw that I thought that the quick and easy way (says a guy who's been building a quick and easy build for the past 5 years) would be to put in an electric motor hidden by a fake set of cylinders, ect.

For the most part it's bent tubing and a rear axle. The rear springs can be buggy seat springs split in half and fitted.
The wicker would be patterned punched metal that would add strength. As you said there are excellent views for the home builder.

The top might be a challenge but what isn't.



Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
Just went back and looked at it again. I keep telling myself why not since I'm not going to Heaven anyway. My mind is already working out the cost and how to do it.

Therein lies a fasteddie story. Years ago a friend of mine decided he had a calling and became a Baptist Minister. If you knew his story like I do you would realize that miracles do happen.

He and I were having an in depth discussion about my chances of reaching Heaven and I told him there was very little chance of it happening. He of course assured me that it was indeed possible if I change the path I was on.

I was forced to point out that I made my choice with a clear mind when I heard it came down to the Stairway to Heaven or the Highway to Hades because there was no way I planned to walk if I could ride.

He didn't talk to me for months.


Intrepid Wheelwoman

New Member
Oct 29, 2011
Hauraki District, New Zealand

When I saw that I thought that the quick and easy way (says a guy who's been building a quick and easy build for the past 5 years) would be to put in an electric motor hidden by a fake set of cylinders, ect.

For the most part it's bent tubing and a rear axle. The rear springs can be buggy seat springs split in half and fitted.
The wicker would be patterned punched metal that would add strength. As you said there are excellent views for the home builder.

The top might be a challenge but what isn't.

I have the old top from my rickshaw which would be useful as a pattern. It's not in very good shape, but it's good enough to be useful as a guide to making another one.
As you say Steve it's a very simple vehicle with a tubular chassis and a back axle mounted on cart springs so it wouldn't be difficult to build. A fake engine could be fabricated from interesting scrap bits and bobs with a little brass and copper here and there. Heaven knows I've got enough of that lying around the place.

Oh and I liked the Daimler Ferret armoured car on that website as well, but I don't think I will be building one of those ;)


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Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2008
Thats KOOL nice find. How are they rated like a moped or a bike in size? i know mopeds have 16" rims and bikes are 16" overall......................Curt

Intrepid Wheelwoman

New Member
Oct 29, 2011
Hauraki District, New Zealand
Terrific links Ludwig - thanks for that :D

As I've been doing lots of intrepid riding in the rain with my old Hercules tricycle this Winter I'm not at all ashamed to admit to wanting better weather protection!
For my first effort I will be basing construction around the lowrider trike frame I've got so it will be a compact little single seater that can get used for experiments and trying out wild strange notions on. My larger cyclecar chassis is still dozing in the garage and will eventually benefit from these experiments.



Intrepid Wheelwoman

New Member
Oct 29, 2011
Hauraki District, New Zealand
Finally getting back to working on my 'Intrepid' cyclecar again. Something I have discovered though is that the splined shaft on this Peugeot CV joint.......

..... matches the splines at the centre of this 16 inch scooter rear wheel I purchased recently.

Discovering this chance fit makes setting up the drive just so much easier than I thought it would be. :D
That modern alloy wheel should be able to be disguised with a disc cover if I find I can't stand the sight of it.


Intrepid Wheelwoman

New Member
Oct 29, 2011
Hauraki District, New Zealand
Yes it was very nice to have a potter about with the 'Intrepid' again. I'm taking things slow and I'm being careful not wear myself out. Much of last night was spent repairing the CAD (cardboard aided design) front cowl area as while everything has been sitting gathering dust the duct tape holding the cardboard sections together had let go. Plainly it was inferior duct tape and I won't buy that brand again!

I think the alloy wheel won't be too glaringly obvious as the front cowl I plan to use covers most of it and it does have the advantage of being lightweight and strong as well as mounting some fairly serious rubber.

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