I was wanting to run one a mechanical one buuuut its kinda scarry bein on the front rim n all whats your thoughts on this thanx
Wally World (Walmart) has a Schwinn 12 function speedo for about $10. Too bad they 'improved' the design from the one they used to make. The newer ones will not allow setting the odometer. The older style, if you needed to change the battery you'd loose the accrued milage but if you kept track of it you could program it back in after you'd installed a new battery. You can't do that with the 'new and improved' ones.Thanx it does have a resetable trip so i dig it but i do like the idea of average speed n stuff how much was it what kind
I can't post a link via my iPad Tom but the item number is 131043431541Hen,
I like that speedo. Where did you get it? Got a link?
Nice, - I like cable speedos. None of that new-fangled electrickery for this girl.