Some people don't have the money to do your expensive alternative.
Expensive is a relative term, compared to say a Q-matic for example a 4G is ~$100 less and a better design.
It is also relative to how you value quality.
Everyone wants quality, but to make something right costs more.
That's where outfits like gasbike come in.
They cut every corner on the quality of the parts to sell more.
Of course money is ALWAYS an issue for most, even more so here where it is factor #1 for many.
My point is, there are all kinds of things in the MB world out there with no quality at all and fail so in short no good at all, a waste of money.
If your bike is a hobby no problem, something to fix.
But if you have to rely on it for everything you just don't want to use 'cut corners' parts.
Any 'savings' in initial price evaporate in a hurry when you not only need to repair/replace something,
but how much it screwed you when you really needed it.
Being retired I have no idea where you fall in there scrollerguy, but I do know how important RELIABILITY it is to many and there are options out out there for everything that will do the job.