Price of Gas these days......Let's Ride!


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
I will stay a yank we are still allowed to basicly own any gun we can afford if we so choose
Is that right being trying to taken away from you though? Ive made a number of facebook friends from the U.S and they are ALWAYS posting posters about pro gun control, obviously they think that right is at jeopardy.

Im not going to get into a discussion about gun control, but being a non U.S citizen i dont understand the love you guys have for guns.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
Meant to ask you to google the Douglas/Peace Arch border crossing. I live about twenty minutes away.
On the Peace Arch it says "Children of a Common Mother" {England}. May these gates never be closed.

There is a large park where you can cross into the other country but not cross through the border crossing. Probably the only border crossing of it's kind.

We both are very privileged to share such trust.

I checked it out, very cool.


New Member
Oct 29, 2011
Columbia Tennessee
as for now in my state you can legally own fullauto firearms. More states are making it easier to carry either openly or concealed with a permit. And more states are adopting the castle doctrine law. A gun is a tool just like any other tool in the wrong hands it can be miss used.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
I heard of a state that wanted it to be legal to carry a concealed firearm into a pub...... that just blows my mind, obviously its the values we've been brought up with, but a concealed firearm in a pub to me sounds crazy.

Have you seen Bowling with Columbine and what were your thoughts?

Im usually fairly anti guns, just how we are brought up here, but in saying that i saw a poster thingy on Facebook and it made me think.... and have a little chuckle.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
I wasnt arguing, i just wanted your opinion Ibedayank...... thats a loaded question. Obviously if the crim had a gun id like one too. Thats why i posted that link. I already said it made me think a little on the pro gun control debate. I can see this going nowhere. Sorry i brought it up. We could argue back and forth for hours. We should add the gun control debate to religion and politics as things not to be discussed here.

Back to those crazy fuel prices hey.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
Where I live bears are very rarely if not never seen. Too many people. You would need to go North or East a 100 km to see a bear with any guarantee and then it would be rare. More of a bird feeder raider just before they den up for the winter or the spring when they come out of the den and are thin and need food and don't care where it comes from.

You would have to go 300 km north September to November when the salmon run up the rivers to spawn. They go nto the rivers to catch salmon then

We have three bear types in B.C. The Brown bear, which is the Salt Water Croc of the bears. They run around 680 kilos. Northern B.C. and Alaska.
Grizzly bears which will run around 360 kilos and up and black bears around 400 to 500 pounds. Alaska and northern B.C. as well as across Canada into the U.S.

To add to the mix we have Cougers or Pumas or Mountain Lions among other names. They put fear into me far more than any bear ever will. They weigh about 60 kg on average and can kill a moose,900 kg with no problem.

You will for the most part never see them until they land on you and they go for a back of the neck bite. Look them and the bears up on google. They attack from behind.

Trade you kangaroos and koalas any time. Bears and Cougars may be a lot more rare but that is a good thing. For you and I.



Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
I lived in the U.S. for 23 years. I'll leave you to your opinion but in all those years I never felt the need for one. May have been luck but my friends who were there for 60 plus years never needed one either and no I have no desire to argue the point with you. To each his own.



Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
Dont worry we have our killers too, snakes, spiders, sharks, crocodiles.

And although a Kangaroo and a Koala look all fluffy and cuddly i wouldnt want to corner one either, they may not kill you but both can seriously mess you up.

My dogs consantly chasing Kangaroos, once she had one cornered in a school playground and it wasnt happy. Those things can get very big.

In fact just the other week me and a couple other people were out the front of my house when a car slowed and warned us a kangaroo was on the loose, i quickly locked my dogs inside, seconds later this kangaroo comes hopping (i say hopping but this thing was freaking moving) down the street and in and out of yards. Poor thing was in a lot of distress, and it was a very big one. Very powerful tails and extremely sharp claws and they aint afraid to use them... i recall as a kid hearing stories of kangaroos kicking people and disembowelling them.... probably not true, but when you are near a wild one it make you think, when you see how far they can jump, and how powerful those legs must be, and how sharp those claws are. They are able to almost balance on their tales and front kick you..... not as scary as a bear or cougar, but still scary :)


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
A couple of weeks ago I saw a video of a kangaroo hop up to a golfer who was standing beside a pond. The kangaroo reared back on it's tail and kicked the golfer into the pond before he knew it and there was no question that the man was in a lot of pain.
He might have had damaged ribs.

Don't you have the most poisonous snakes of any where in the world and some spiders that will chew through a shoe to bite you?

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Custom 4-Stroke Bike Builder
Jun 3, 2010
Ridin' inSane Diego, CA.
Harry, howabout Blue-Ringed Octopus, Box Jellyfish, Sea Snakes and even poisonous lizards? All very deadly creatures as well. Koalas are viscious and people put Roo-Guards on their vehicles for a very good reason.

On the otherhand you've been invaded by Kiwi's........but they only eat roots, shoots and leaves rotfl

Ironically there are NO poisonous creatures in NZ.......kinda strange that.


Dont worry we have our killers too, snakes, spiders, sharks, crocodiles.

And although a Kangaroo and a Koala look all fluffy and cuddly i wouldnt want to corner one either, they may not kill you but both can seriously mess you up.

My dogs consantly chasing Kangaroos, once she had one cornered in a school playground and it wasnt happy. Those things can get very big.

In fact just the other week me and a couple other people were out the front of my house when a car slowed and warned us a kangaroo was on the loose, i quickly locked my dogs inside, seconds later this kangaroo comes hopping (i say hopping but this thing was freaking moving) down the street and in and out of yards. Poor thing was in a lot of distress, and it was a very big one. Very powerful tails and extremely sharp claws and they aint afraid to use them... i recall as a kid hearing stories of kangaroos kicking people and disembowelling them.... probably not true, but when you are near a wild one it make you think, when you see how far they can jump, and how powerful those legs must be, and how sharp those claws are. They are able to almost balance on their tales and front kick you..... not as scary as a bear or cougar, but still scary :)


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
I once had an Aussie try and tell me that the most dangerous thing you ever saw in Oz was a Kiwi.
Best teacher I ever had was an New Zealand exchange teacher. He treated us like we were human.



Active Member
Aug 19, 2009
San Diego, Kaliforgnia
A couple of weeks ago I saw a video of a kangaroo hop up to a golfer who was standing beside a pond. The kangaroo reared back on it's tail and kicked the golfer into the pond before he knew it and there was no question that the man was in a lot of pain.
He might have had damaged ribs.

Don't you have the most poisonous snakes of any where in the world and some spiders that will chew through a shoe to bite you?


As for the price of gas climbing higher and higher, that's just one of my motivations behind my newest build. I want a reliable means of transportation that can get 100+ MPG and is not a typical moped, and I really like motorized bicycles anyways.
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Custom 4-Stroke Bike Builder
Jun 3, 2010
Ridin' inSane Diego, CA.
I once had an Aussie try and tell me that the most dangerous thing you ever saw in Oz was a Kiwi.
Best teacher I ever had was an New Zealand exchange teacher. He treated us like we were human.

Hey Steve, I myself have been known to eat root, shoots and leaves ;) Some of me best mates in OZ are Kiwi's.....PM me if ya care to know why.......

Did I mention I also dig the Aussies? My first Son was born in Australia and as well, my first wife is an Aussie from WA. I really like everybody.....people are people, hard to judge without knowing.



side note: the very deadly poisonous Funnelweb Spider in OZ may not be able to chew through your shoes, but is very aggressive and can jump upto 2 meters (over 6'). I've heard some true stories about them that you would not believe.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
I dont think we have the deadliest snake, im no expert, but im pretty sure we have a fair chunk of the top 10 deadliest snakes.

And yes Scotto- there are all those deadly animals as well. And i dint even mention dingoes, maybe youve heard of the Chaimberlains (a dingo ate my baby).

Us Aussies and Kiwis are very similar except we dont sleep with sheep :)


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
I'll PM tomorrow. Never met many people i didn't like but them I didn't, I gave a wide berth.

I think we talked about this before but I stood in the airport with a paid ticket to Oz and the love of my life begging not to go. Not long after she was gone and my chance to go to Oz was as well. Often wonder where life would have takrn me if I had gone.



Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
I'll PM tomorrow. Never met many people i didn't like but them I didn't, I gave a wide berth.

I think we talked about this before but I stood in the airport with a paid ticket to Oz and the love of my life begging not to go. Not long after she was gone and my chance to go to Oz was as well. Often wonder where life would have takrn me if I had gone.

Ill tell you, you would be riding an electric bike with a measly 200 watt limit. You didnt miss much Fasteddy