Price of Gas these days......Let's Ride!


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
It's the price ya pay for living in (near) paradise. The price of gas here in California is a rip-off, and as I recall, the price of petrol in Australia has been rather spendy since the early 80's. Does that sound about right Harry?

And why do they rip us off with the high price of gas?...........because they can!

All grades are over $4.oo a gallon in San Diego......yes I use premium in my race bike.

I wouldn't know as I was in primary school in the 80's LOL...... But there has been outrage here over petrol prices for around 5-10 years.

Like Bikenut said at least motorized bikes are legal there, we aren't so lucky


a guy who makes cool bikes
Aug 18, 2009
living the dream in southern california
we also have the weather. it's a rare day when we can't go out riding...

my bike is my main source of transportation ever since my 1996 Impala SS got stolen. that thing was drunk on gas all the time. but what do you expect with the 5.7 LT1 350? topped out over 160mph, weighed over 2 tons, and was almost 18' long.

man, i miss that car...

oh, uh, back to the bike. the other day i was almost out of gas, but i carry an ounce of opti2 with me on long trips. my tank holds a half gallon, and i was at a crowded station in newport beach.

it was great walking in and asking for "2 bucks on pump 5..." :)


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
Gas where I live in Surrey British Columbia just south of Vancouver is is between a $1.27.5 a liter and $1.34.9 a liter.
I have to fill a 34 gallon or a 128.7 liter tank on my class B camper. Needless to say I only drive when I have to.

God Bless being retired.

I should add that we supply just over 50% of the oil used in the U.S. but taxes kill us.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
You supply over 50% of the oil to the U.S....... I rarely question you Fasteddy, but that can't be right can it? And if so that would make me nervous, they might start dropping bombs on you soon :)


a guy who makes cool bikes
Aug 18, 2009
living the dream in southern california
yeah, steve. i dunno what people were thinking before they saw my bike. probably that i was poor, and what the heck was i doing in newport beach?!

on the rare occasion that i fill up at a pump, people are always amazed when i tell them the gas mileage. then when they see me ripping alongside of them in traffic on a bicycle, it freaks 'em out even more...:)


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
So we in OZ seem to pay more then you all for petrol, ICE motorized bikes are illegal, electric bikes need to be under 200 watts, by law we are required to wear a helmet to ride a bicycle, our laws regarding registering custom vehicles seem far stricter then everywhere else, and we have lots of deadly animals lol...... Makes me question why we were called "the lucky country".

The only upside is we've so far dodged most of the global financial crisis and our dollar is doing well, which is bad news for exporting jobs like mine but great for buying parts from overseas....... Once upon a time we were US$0.50 and now we are over the US dollar....... we do have great weather and beautiful beaches........ STILL all I wanna do is ride my motorized bicycle :-(


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
If I was in a gas station and a guy came in and said give me $2 worth of gas I would be watching to see just what he was driving and I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one.

Don't people follow you out when they see you with a motorized bike and pepper you with questions about it?



a guy who makes cool bikes
Aug 18, 2009
living the dream in southern california
all the time. everywhere i stop, someone wants to talk about it.

the worst was, the other day when i got the little monster back together for the 4 or 5th time, some guy at the liquor store told me his buddy bought one just like it, same tank and everything. i wanted to punch him in the throat.

instead, i said, "there's not another bike like this on earth, everything's custom made, and telling me your buddy "bought one just like it" is an insult."

usually, i'm a lot nicer to people...:)


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
My favorite story about that is when a friend of mine at the time and I spent two years building a walnut and maple body on a Model A frame. This was a one of a kind boat tailed speedster.
The first show he took it to an old fella walked up and said "Gee whiz, I had one just like it".

I caught my bud by the belt just by luck as he went after the old guy and he had blood in his eye. I know how you feel



Custom 4-Stroke Bike Builder
Jun 3, 2010
Ridin' inSane Diego, CA.
Life is a gas, ain't it?

We need to start drilling here again to create jobs and lower gas prices......oh wait.....were getting to fat and lazy to do that :( Honestly........let's just pay other countries to work and import our gas........yeah, that makes sense?



Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
Trust me. When I said I saw a bear sh8t in the buckwheat I'll produce the bear and the buckwheat.

Alberta ( the next province over} has the oil sands and produces just over 1/2 the oil used in the U.S. Not the best oil. Very heavy but it is still oil.

No problems with the neighbours here. Sort of like you and the New Zealanders. They're ours to argue with but no one else can.

We love 'em



Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
You may love em (the U.S) but just don't call a Canuck a Yank.... They don't like it. So yeah I guess it is a lot like us and those damn Kiwis.

I should have known better to question you, but after I wrote it I realized to myself how big Canada is, and I'm still not doubting you but I wouldn't have thought it'd be that much. I stand corrected.

I know what a bear is, but have no idea what buckwheat is, but if bears sh8t in it, I ain't goin near it :)


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
Meant to ask you to google the Douglas/Peace Arch border crossing. I live about twenty minutes away.
On the Peace Arch it says "Children of a Common Mother" {England}. May these gates never be closed.

There is a large park where you can cross into the other country but not cross through the border crossing. Probably the only border crossing of it's kind.

We both are very privileged to share such trust.



Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
Buckwheat is a cereal grain much like wheat but not as popular these days.

Ya, you and a kiwi might have each other by the throat but toss a Canuk or a Yank in the mix and the two of you would turn on them as a pair right away. ANZAC?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
Off topic for a second, and talking about bears, because who doesn't like talking about bears :) do you see or encounter bears near where you live? If not how far away would they be?

In all seriousness if you were to come to my house for a day I could show you a kangaroo and a koala all within 10 km of my home. Fortunately there aren't any saltwater crocs around, you need to travel hundreds of km's north for that..... But a while ago a baby saltwater croc was found in a local lake, obviously someone released it there.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
Buckwheat is a cereal grain much like wheat but not as popular these days.

Ya, you and a kiwi might have each other by the throat but toss a Canuk or a Yank in the mix and the two of you would turn on them as a pair right away. ANZAC?
Youre probably right, so dont go picking on me and Brett7777 (hes a dman Kiwi) in the same room.... we may turn on you LOL

Yes youre right, ANZAC..... Australian New Zealand Army Corp. We have a public holiday called ANZAC day where we pay tribute to the fallen soldiers of WW1.

But most of the time we just have a fierce sporting rivalry and they all seem to move here, which i honestly cannot understand. They have possibly the most beautiful country in the world..... and a lot of sheep :)