Why we need helmets


New Member
Well it happened,

I crashed on my way to work it was my own fault i was on the side of the road too close to the side walk and there was a grove between the road and the side walk and my front wheel got stuck.

I flew over the handle bars landed on my head and my left hand my wrist is broken in two places my right shoulder is very sore. but my helmet took most of the damage!

oh yea and my safety sun glasses from home depot ($9.99) saved my right eye!

My face has some road rash and my body is aching but i cannot wait to ride again(^) But from now on i will be more careful :eek:


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yikes, not another one.

Ok everybody, stop crashing your bikes. Otherwise my wife will probably make me stop riding. :)

Glad to hear you're ok (coulda been much worse).

This is why I don't like riding on the right of the road. Those grooves are a pain, and so are the drainage things that open up. I will take up more of the road and the drivers can deal with it.
Wow, looks like you hit your head pretty hard to crack your helmet. Good thing the helmet and not your head or neck. This is why I always wear a full face helmet. I've been down a few times and you never know when accidents happen.
Oh No :( I'm with Jason, to many crashes here lately.

Geee MPM, I'm glad you were not hurt worse. I broke my wrist years ago and got a bunch of pins holding it together. It has never been right since and gives me a lot of problems. I hope your wrist wasn't as bad as mine.

EVERYBODY PLEASE WEAR A HELMET....it's not that big of a deal to wear one.

Rest up MPM and take care of yourself, and again, sorry to hear about your crash and injuries

Sorry about the accident. No matter how careful a person can be, they always are taken by surprise. Good to hear that you're alive.
Yikes - dude glad you weren't more seriously injured, but still be careful. Wow.
Wow, the moon and the planets must be lined up wrong or something:D. I hope you heal up quickly....................
I am very happy to hear that it wasn't any worse. You know it could have been. Man I hope it looks worse than it was. That helmet looks like the head inside wouldn't be all that well off.

I had my big falls early on and on bikes with no motors. I'm glad that I did in a way. I got a little road rash but I learned a healthy respect for the bikes.

Hope you get back on it and be careful. have fun but be careful
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As a motorcycle rider, helmets make the ride worth it. Glad to hear your alright with only minor injuries. It is too bad it happened, but you have lived another day, each day is a gift!

Safe ride everyone!
Thanks for all the well wishes, to answer a couple of questions my head is completely undamaged (Just my normal amount of craziness) :ride2:just some road rash on my face, :D

I do think that i should look up some of this zodiac stuff because it is a year and one week from the date that i broke my ankle giong to work on the bus, it really makes me think:crash:
Hope you heal quickly. What a bummer. I'm glad I opted to get a good helmet with a face shield. Thanks for telling us since it helps remind us to wear them!
It is common to see people involved in sports wearing head protection. Football players wear helmets. Rock climbers wear helmets. River rafters wear helmets. Hockey players wear helmets. And for good reason--each sport presents a risk of head injury. Bicycling presents a similar hazard and requires similar precautions. Though the overall numbers and risk are not high, about 75% of all bicyclist deaths each year result from head injuries. More cyclists are permanently impaired by riding their heads into curbs, poles and the pavement. Scrapes and broken bones heal, but scrambled brains may not. Much of this tragedy is preventable. The premier intervention is to learn good bicycling technique, understand motorist behavior and bicycle defensively. The next simple precaution of wearing a bicycle helmet may prevent severe injury or save a life--yours.

Guaranteed ROI
I can guarantee one thing....if you've ever hit your head really hard....you remember it for a long time, sorta.
i won't forget it soon thats for sure! i aust have to be more cautious in the future I know the roads in Montreal are terrible and that pot holes can open up out of no where! In the spring it is know fact you can loose part of the front end of of your car around here.:crash:

2 years ago reporter did a report that compared our roads to those in war torn Iraq our high that goes to the air port was worse that a bombed out road in iraq!
I Changed my front wheel Washed my bike down, made it nice and sparkley, :D checked all my nuts and bolts(not a single one was loose) adjusted my brakes.

Put on a bike helmet.

Took the bike onto the street, pedaled :ride2: and let the clutch out, and wouldn't you know it the bike fired up and ran very well . ^5

The only problem is that the cluich is hard to pull with my cast on !!!!

and my body still aches but it felt soooooo goood to RIDE AGAIN!!!! just allot slower!!!!!!! (^)
Talking of serious head injuries about 5 months ago i went out with the boys to celebrate a birthday. Had a coupla cold ones and a shot then hit the club. Was taking it easy and remember up until leaving the club.

...then woke up in my car!

No recollection after the club at all, just talking to some chums outside then blank. Had one helluva a headache which normally would be a hangover but i wasn't off my trolley (although had enough to be decently over the drving limit) Went to hunt for breakfast at a train cafe which was shut, so decided to sleep it off in the car.

Tap Tap - Police at the window - as this was back in february and it was freaking cold here in the UK so i'd switched the engine on and musta lost conciousness, a member of the public thought i was dead from carbon monoxide and rang the police. I was arrested for Drunk in charge. Whilst being interviewed my story was jumbled and i started to lose the feeling in my left thumb and left side of my mouth so i sounded VERY drunk. Was charged and sent on my way.

Went straight to doctor -told me i'd slept funny hence headache- got worse - went back to doctor - again said tension headache - got worse went back to doctor - said cracked vertebrae in my neck.
Finally when i was paralyzed down the left side of my body and could no longer talk i was rushed to hospital. Doctors thought meningitis then a stroke.
CT scan revealed a DOUBLE haemorrhage.

Later a mate revealed i'd stepped backwards and tripped and cracked my nut on the curb. then stood up and fell into a car door...

That bought me 2 weeks in hospital after undergoing emergency brain surgery which apparently due to the extent of the internal bleeding promised a 50/50 survival rate. And lost me my license for 12 months (judge ruled as i did not have the surgeon present, my medical evidence was meaningless)

My point is if i could do that much damage (which transpired to be near fatal) whilst standing chatting, IMAGINE what hitting the curb at 15mph+ could do. Needless to say i ALWAYS wear a helmet on my MB.