Why we need helmets

As I read this thread and looked at the pictures, it reminded me of a chap who was forced into the curb on his small cycle some 30+ years ago.

I came by on my way to work in Tucson (AZ, USA) and he was setting there by his motorcycle helmet that had hit a fireplug. The helmet was spit into two pieces.

I was only riding trailbikes at the time and had bought a half shell helmet for it. I put several dents in it over the years.

Now with the motorized bike I have some other concerns. I have had eye surgery twice in the last several months and 70 year old watermelons are a bit over ripe and would split easly.

I ordered a 3/4 motorcycle helmet with a built in pull down face mask. Will leave my bike helmet for riders of the electric scooters we take camping

This thread brought to mind that if I am disabled in riding the bike, others will have their lives changed in order to care for me. A bit selfish if I don't take some precautions. The hand / wrist pads have a hard plastic 90 degree insert to protect the heel of the hand. I remember a number times I had road rash there when riding a bike 60 years ago.

Thanks for the wake up call. )

in my state you must wear a helmet.i have been riding 50 years and have seen 5 or 6 people i know die.always remember if you go down and hit your head or see someone else do the same NEVER remove their helmet let the medics do it ,you can cause more bad stuff .watch n.a.s.c.a.r the never take one off.hope you get well soon. harleys dad
I had an accident 30 years past when I was really numb to being a more causes rider. I was running too fast around a winding lake road, and was about to head uphill to my left, I was on the crown of the hard, near 90deg left turn, when my front tire hit the only rock in the center of the road.
That small 2" rock caused my bike to slip over the crown and I was thus sent slidding at 60+mph, down into the curbing. When my front wheel hit, I was catapolted into a 6" concrete encased stell berrier and then flipped wildly up into the air and out into the path of another car. I bounced off the car and then back onto the small turf patch between the conversion of the two directional lanes.
The impact of hitting the pole, split my helmet and fractured my face, it was a full faced racing helmet and was splintered into pulp. The impact of the car and being sent back over to the turf patch impacted my back as well. I spent several months recovering from reconstruction surgery of my face and back.
Needless to say, I always ware a helmet on any motor bike I ride. I still ride my big bikes today and have a bit more caution to uphill swinging curves.:eek::p:D
