Cool day. Well interesting any way. Meetings and talking to folks who have great power over my little enterprise. Am more surprised at every turn how great and supportive the park folks and the dept. of health is. I was expecting sort of DMV bureaucratic responses but got (over and over) "Interesting idea", a whole bunch of "we'll work with you" and one "cool!" lol. Dunno, is still gonna be a whole big rig-a-maro deal but folks are into seeing it work. Am just grateful and so pleasantly surprised.
In talking with Health Dept, guy was uber cool and gave some great insights and thoughts. But the EPA might have to get involved or at least be notified due to hand washing station waste water disposal. That truly worries me. I was part of a team that recovered a 30 ton anchor from the bottom of the Cape Fear river in North Carolina. It was attached to 6 Naval destroyers waiting to be scraped. Anchor rode failed in a hurricane. So we with our brandy new super side-bar sonar could not find it. Some good 'ol boys came out with (not kidding) a pump, a air hose and a PVC pipe. Pumping air down to get deep in the mud they just stabbed for an hr or so until the pipe went "clunk" LOL These guys did some amazing stuff. Drew out plans by smoothing dirt with their feet and drawing with a stick. (ramble alert, late) Our sonar cost $10,000. Their pump, hose and pipe were "jus' lyin' around"
But we pull up the 30 ton anchor and get it on deck. The EPA sent a launch out to let us know that we had to replace the mud still on the anchor. I replied that it was winter and all the good Mud Stores were closed. I got sent below with orders to shut the **** up. snicker, snork snork.
My point being I am not thrilled with that quagmire.
All this to say might go with a sort of coffee shop/convenience store. Drinks, sun glasses, chips, muffins etc. (StarBunks) The good folks at the HD said it would be far less complicated. (big, big time understatement) There would be almost no loss due to spoilage and would greatly reduce construction cost. The whole thing is based on the silly dream of a floating hot dog cart and will some day but I now am down to 9 and a half weeks to put this together so, seems the way to go. Might even be able to put at least one more boat out on one of the 3 other parks.
I have had this thought before and always talk my self back out of it due to wanting to complete it as I had planned. But this plan of logging and asking you guys (Omegas E Omegas. Guys and Gals) is working great. Easy to stay on trac when you can just go back and re-read your own logic and the thoughts and advise. Just some cool stuff and as always, thanks greatly for the input.
OH!!! ChainM, I did a few informal polls on hot dog brands. Nathans came up more then any one else's and they have a program where you can use their name and some promotional stuff they provide. Is really a cool program. Gonna be the official hot dog of the soon, to some day have hot dogs on the floating hot dog carts. Thanks for the thunk.
This was supposed to be a quickie, just a few notes post.
An I done wrote one of them long books that don't even has no pictures snork
Happy Friday all!
(actual notes; Transite boaters are in great need of "portable transportation" Some thing small, lite and easily stowed. hmmm, wonder what product that might be useful....)