Update on this bike....
I intended to have this bike done a year ago for 'Greazefest' which is a fairly big ratrod/lowbrow style car/bike show along with my Villiers bike. Well i was a couple of days too late to have this bike ready, i then ended up not taking my Villiers but still attended the show.
Well the show is a couple of weeks away and i entered AGAIN, and probably left things a little late AGAIN, but i never do things the easy way LOL.
The bike was left for the last year as the last picture shows. I sort of lost interest in it as the white paint on the tank and guards went very yellow much to my dismay. Im fairly sure it was the clear that yellowed and ive had this issue on another bike. I just figured it was my amateurish painting techniques. I presumed that i hadnt let the white dry and it leached into the clear.
So over the last couple of days i have stripped the tank, engine cover, primary cover and guards and are in the process of repainting them. I went and bought the same paint, Dulux Spraypak, a quality paint.
Before i sparayed the clear i thought i should do some more internet research (i had done some last year but couldnt find much), and this time i found this article. Its a model builder who built a very detailed plane model and spent quite some time laying decals before applying clear. It turned very yellow. So the model builder sent a letter to Dulux and found that Dulux claim the 'Clear' is actually 'Honey' colored. It doesnt say this anywhere. Extremely annoyed to say the least.
Im presuming the above is true and i now need to buy another brand clear. I just hope it doesnt have a bad reaction with the Dulux paint i have already resprayed.
Anybody had a similar issue with their paint? Any advice would be appreciated.