winter blues

I use to think it was a bunch of crap.

The earth is getting warmer. They call it climate change because of the wild swings in weather, cold or hot. As the earth warms the weather will get more extreme. More hurricanes, tornados and extreme cold. We will also experience hotter summers and milder winters. We may have mild winters followed by one that is extremely cold.

The earth is warming, the polar ice is melting and the oceans are rising. That is fact.

Pollution is warming the earth. There are more people on the earth then ever before. China is literally polluting their country so badly that living in certain cities for a year can lower life expectancy by 10 years.

Fact, more ice in antartica now than there has been in years, fact this year the coldest recorded temp inhistory as we know it was recorded in antarctica at -136'F.

We are actually in a cooling trend and it is mainly affected by earth orbit around the sun as we orbit the sun in an oval rather than a circle and through history a reduction in solar radiation and the particular orbit around the sun such as we are moving into is what has caused seveveral years of cooling globally, top scientist are actually predicting a global cooling trend that will last anywhere from one to possbly three decades, so people better get out there long handles and gloves in the next few years to come, just look at Oregon in its "banana belt area" normally mild weather for that state and this years serious cold freezing weather...... no such animal as man made climate c hange or man made global warming.... it a scam my friend and in time all will see.

Peace, map
Well even if it's the pink space bunnies from Saturn who are doing it the Summer weather here in NZ is getting hotter, we have a lot more severe thunderstorms and waterspouts and tornados which were a rare event are now more common.
In Winter we are having much colder temperatures and last Winter it snowed in Auckland (our northernmost major city) which is something that hasn't happened before.


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The only thing I like about winter is when it's over. Northern Nevada here and it's been pretty cold lately. Not minus temps like some of you others, but colder than this born and raised in the south east guy likes. It's all the other stuff I love about this great state. Surely not the winters.
i been riding in the snow up here in new england for the last week or so and i got around to putting chains on my rear tire and studding the front with 8 x 1/2 in lath screws.

well thr chains work out great..... until you hit 35mph LOL !!!! then i started feeling slaps and snaps and stinging slaps against the back of my legs and back ! it was the chains coming to pieces at 40mph !!!!!! wow that stung ! so i pulled over and clipped off the rest of the remaining chain with my multie tool and took to home. the working load of the cheap chain i bought is only 10-12lbs LOL ! the inertia forced it appart, i am shure with a better chain though this system will work quite well

the studded front tire however works unbelievably well ! the 1/2 in screws stick out about 1/8 or less and its just enough for good traction but not so bad it cant be run on pavement.

i am going to stud the rear the same way as i did the front. first pic is front tire and stud patter there are about 120 studs.

the chain i used was a cheap decrotive chain that had links crimped together and not welded links, it litteraly flew apart at the crimps at around 30mph ! leaving only the zip ties behind around the spokes


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Fact, more ice in antartica now than there has been in years, fact this year the coldest recorded temp inhistory as we know it was recorded in antarctica at -136'F.

We are actually in a cooling trend and it is mainly affected by earth orbit around the sun as we orbit the sun in an oval rather than a circle and through history a reduction in solar radiation and the particular orbit around the sun such as we are moving into is what has caused seveveral years of cooling globally, top scientist are actually predicting a global cooling trend that will last anywhere from one to possbly three decades, so people better get out there long handles and gloves in the next few years to come, just look at Oregon in its "banana belt area" normally mild weather for that state and this years serious cold freezing weather...... no such animal as man made climate c hange or man made global warming.... it a scam my friend and in time all will see.

Peace, map

I disagree with your position. But that's ok. If we all thought alike life would be boring. I hope you have a merry Christmas.
Roger you Kick Ass Brother- While I anticipate Rotator cuff Repair surgery mid Jan. In the meanwhile... I'll be dreaming about the ride I'll be taking in April. Hey Map I hear stuff like that on the tv every time I turn it on. That's why it's out in the driveway in pieces. No not really! Merry Christmas guys!
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I disagree with your position. But that's ok. If we all thought alike life would be boring. I hope you have a merry Christmas.

Same here phatcruiser, we can agree to disagree and still be friends.....

I beleive ultimately our creator has everythinfunder control and time will tell if history continues to repeat iself.

From my family to yours and to all on this forum I also wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year........GB

Roger you Kick Ass Brother- While I anticipate Rotator cuff Repair surgery mid Jan. In the meanwhile... I'll be dreaming about the ride I'll be taking in April. Hey Map I hear stuff like that on the tv every time I turn it on. That's why it's out in the driveway in pieces. No not really! Merry Christmas guys!

Best wishes on the shoulder repair brother..... I pray you have a very speedy recovery.

Yep lots of junk gets pumped into our home and minds through that one eyd monster we call a tv, sometimes I think a good name for it would be ( devilvision)!

Merry Christmas

Global warming is just one of those polarizing subjects. That's probably why Barelyawake was cautioning against discussing it. Once people choose their side of the fence there is no amount of evidence that will change their perspective so it tends to be a losing cause for anyone involved in the debate. I do enjoy when threads get derailed by interesting conversation.. I think I need to check out the tavern section of this forum.

Back on point, I'm from Northern Michigan so cold weather doesn't affect me too much. In fact I've grown to appreciate the cold crisp quiet. Dress warm and go out on the cold days. It's kind of fun to be the only person walking around. But I've always been a bit of a loner. Many folks don't understand the concept that some peeps actually prefer to be by themselves. Hey, that brings a classic rock song about drinking to mind!
We're having one heck of an ice storm --- again!! Car had about 1/2" on it when I locked the store down at 2am......thought I wasn't gonna be able to open the doors! Finally got the passenger door open then was able to push open the driver's door. I don't mind snow at all, but I really detest having to scrape thick ice off the windows. At least the roads aren't bad --- yet.
Global warming is just one of those polarizing subjects. That's probably why Barelyawake was cautioning against discussing it. Once people choose their side of the fence there is no amount of evidence that will change their perspective so it tends to be a losing cause for anyone involved in the debate. I do enjoy when threads get derailed by interesting conversation.. I think I need to check out the tavern section of this forum.

Back on point, I'm from Northern Michigan so cold weather doesn't affect me too much. In fact I've grown to appreciate the cold crisp quiet. Dress warm and go out on the cold days. It's kind of fun to be the only person walking around. But I've always been a bit of a loner. Many folks don't understand the concept that some peeps actually prefer to be by themselves. Hey, that brings a classic rock song about drinking to mind!


We're having one heck of an ice storm --- again!! Car had about 1/2" on it when I locked the store down at 2am......thought I wasn't gonna be able to open the doors! Finally got the passenger door open then was able to push open the driver's door. I don't mind snow at all, but I really detest having to scrape thick ice off the windows. At least the roads aren't bad --- yet.

Im with you on this one, a little snow is ok but the thick ice is a real pain and causes so much problem for us down here, we aren't prepared for that stuff in central Texas and it just dang near shuts us down in these parts, most people dont know how to drive on it and even those who do have a hard time on ice, I live several miles out in the country and its always c older and worse our here, my private driveway is around 150 yds downhill from the county road and if it ices over we cant even leave home because we cant get up the!

There's now about 3/4" coating everything......except the roads!! Thank goodness!


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You don't need spiders under the wheels if you get boxed in a parking space. With slick enough ice you could just take the chains off and push it sideways, then put the chains back on.

Nice to look at the crystal ice over everything, but maybe I exaggerate the above comment.

As a Texan, it might be 60-65 degrees outside, but that's too cold for a southerner like myself.

I live in central Texas and we always have crazy temp changes might be 70 in the day and it may go into the 20's at night and back up to 60-80'F we're acustom to wild swings in temp around here but I agree, 60-65 @ night is great and then 75'F xcome about noon is perfect......year around like this would be fine with me.
