winter blues

It got up to 38º today and that was good enough for me and blue to pull a jail break. Had go get a brass 90º to put in the the new tank before I could install the new SUPER-DUPER SBPs
1/4 turn High flow gascock that went on the new KENT LaJolla build that has one of FIRST
Fred"TightCase "Motors just unveiled that I recently inquired. Did mention that I have a lot of new stuff? I guess I'm close this book because
tomorrow is a new day! LMAOlaff
In my own defense, I lived 1/2 my childhood in the southwest corner of Wisconsin.
I know snow, I know blizzards, I know -20.
My first ever driving lesson was on a frozen lake in my grandpa's car. My dad and grandpa wanted me to know how to countersteer, use the gas and brake at the same time to control skidding and sliding and what to expect when encountering black ice.
I still hate black ice.
Of course, 42 deg F seems pretty warm to those of us outside Southern Cal.

Yet I do kinda pity those folks. After all, they're not used to it and many of them don't have the clothing to deal with it. Rarely needed.

And those who do won't wear them for fear of looking like a fool. Same thing in these colder climates. I do feel a slightly contemptuous disdain for folks who get into that kind of silliness.

I lived in socal for a few years and in central cal also. When the temp hits 60 degrees everyone breaks out there best winter garb, parkas and down jackets abound lol.

Yeah I have an employee that comes to work when its negative whatever outside wearing shorts and once in a while he complains about how cold the shop is, I grin, laugh, point and then laugh again.

good gog its cold today !!!! went to go get my mes at the pharmacy and i could feel the cold blasting through 3 layers of coats !
Many of us secretly, or openly, hoped for another mild winter like the last two.

But this winter has settled in with a vengeance, hasn't it?

It ain't lookin' good.
Climate change is real and always has been, we get cold in winter and hot in summer.....

Many top meteorologist say the globe as a whole is getting cooler not hotter and this is the reason that more and more we are hearing the global warming crowd say " climate change" instead of global warming, the actual science and facts no longer back up the claim of global warming.

Ted Dansen was on the global cooling band wagon back in the 80's and hat fizzled out and so is the global warming hoax.

We all know that through history there have been ice ages in all parts of the world which are now warm climates and vise versa, hmmmmmm....! Wonder what melted all that ice and changed the climate and seasons all around the world over those 1000's of years....?
Was it that the flintstone era cars, trains and planes emitted to much carbon dioxide or was it the huge volume of methane gas sent into the atmosphere when the dinosaur s!

This whole climate change deal is just a hoax and a way for government to get more control over peoples lives and for a handful of polititions and other special interest groups to rob the tax payers of more of there hard earned money.
Polution that harms the soil and water is real and should be taken seriously but man made climate change is a hoax.

Getting political is frowned upon here, so I will keep my response simple.
Agenda is their reason. Science and "truth" can be easily manipulated to suit the agenda.
Figuring out the ultimate goal behind the agenda can have startling and scary results.
Climate change is inevitable. It's been going on since this planet was formed. The climate is in a constant state of flux. To put another name to it, in this case "Global Warming" to suit an agenda is the hoax.

I firmly believe the climate is indeed changing because it has never stopped but to use that fact to generate profits is unforgivable. To prey on the gullible and unsuspecting is the problem. The scaring people into spending money to the benefit of those who propagate those hoaxes and myths should be exposed and maybe even procesuted.

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Climate change is real and always has been, we get cold in winter and hot in summer.....

Many top meteorologist say the globe as a whole is getting cooler not hotter and this is the reason that more and more we are hearing the global warming crowd say " climate change" instead of global warming, the actual science and facts no longer back up the claim of global warming.

Ted Dansen was on the global cooling band wagon back in the 80's and hat fizzled out and so is the global warming hoax.

We all know that through history there have been ice ages in all parts of the world which are now warm climates and vise versa, hmmmmmm....! Wonder what melted all that ice and changed the climate and seasons all around the world over those 1000's of years....?
Was it that the flintstone era cars, trains and planes emitted to much carbon dioxide or was it the huge volume of methane gas sent into the atmosphere when the dinosaur s!

This whole climate change deal is just a hoax and a way for government to get more control over peoples lives and for a handful of polititions and other special interest groups to rob the tax payers of more of there hard earned money.
Polution that harms the soil and water is real and should be taken seriously but man made climate change is a hoax.


i firmly believe that global warming is just a goverment reason to grab at money ! of course the c limate is changing lol it has been c onstantly changing for the last 3 billion years !
I believe we live in what is the second earth age, the first earth age when the dinosaur roamed the earth many things were very different, being a believer in the bible and the history that is laid out in it, I believe that the first earth age was many millions of years long after creation and then after the days of Noah things took a drastic change, before then there for instants was no rain from above and that is why the people on earth for the mostly part didnt believe Noah when he told them for 120 years that a flood was coming and it would rain for 40 days and 40 nights, there were many people on the ark and not just Noah, he was instructed to bring two of every living thing onto the ark, so at least two of each race of people were on it, we know that the continents fit together like a puzzle and in biblical history the 4 corners of the earth were mentioned, which was possible when there was only o e land mass so rounding up two of verythint was possible, I believe that what most of us have been told about bible story history is flaud to a big degree and can only been understood by study of the ancient manuscripts, I believe just as Tom has said, the climate has been changing in one way or another since the beginning of time as we k ow it and it will continue changing until we enter the 3rd earth age and then I believe things will be perfect again as it onc was and steady for eternity under complete control b the creator and it will be once again as it was in the beginning.

Until then we will continue fo have our seasons as always, I do believe they will get more and more crazy I do believe and as we move further into the times of change as things revert in some way back to how they have been in the past and continue the normal cycle, people will. Ontinue to deceive others and take advantage of them and their emotions, that is what they prey on, to many people get sucked into the myths and hoaxes because they allow others to convince them that its OK to follow a feeling rather than a fact, hence all the talk to kids about the seals and the polar bears....... they get into peoples heads this way, red tropical punch flavored cool-aid with cyanide in it still looks good, smells good and taste good...... , but it will kill you graveyard dead..... I just hope people in America and all over the world will wake up, use their brains and stop drinking the cool-aid these crooks are dishing out in schools, TV and the internet.
I'm with Tom and agree the Al Gore types should be made to pay back all the millions they have stolen and then put in jail right in there beside Madoff because they aint one bit better in my book.

Peace, map
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Getting political is frowned upon here, so I will keep my response simple.
Agenda is their reason. Science and "truth" can be easily manipulated to suit the agenda.
Figuring out the ultimate goal behind the agenda can have startling and scary results.

"How far are you prepared to go down the rabbit hole??"

There's so much 'spinning' from either side, it's a wonder that anyone can even stand up!!
I know Im gonna get ripped for what Im about to say here but its gonna get said anyway.

Why not in these simple unheated, non cobative conversations that do include personal opinions related to a subjuct that are founded in scientific fact and historical fact, you go ahead and stay fully asleep instead of barely! no harm here in this thread and no one is having a heated debate, only people who have over several years in some cases had discussions related to many topics that dont necessarily walk on the flawless side of forum rules, we know the rules and for the most part we normally make it a point to stay within those guidelines because we dont want a mud slinging debate, but because some of us are so passionate about certain things that we see as a huge threat to our world and country, we tend from time to time with no harm intended to share some of that passion with others here in the open not only for conversation sake but also as a small nugget that could possibly spark some thought in someone else that may potentially shed some new light in someones mind about something that is believed to be very important concerning freedom and personal rights of fellow brothers and sister throughout our world, if someone is being very critical and judgemental in a very harsh way then a reminder is in order to calm the situation, but to step in and try to take control of a conversation when the attitude of it has posed no threat or immediate confrontation between people is unnecessary and reminds me of a government that always tries to take control or be in control based on their belief that they always no what is best for the people and will even move to infringe on their individual rights and freedoms inorder to rein them in and control their direction in action and/or in conversation.

So there, I voiced an opinion that is clearly off topic in this thread, but also one that I believe is warranted based on the fact that there has clearly been no harm done concerning the climate change rabbit trail several of us ventured onto for a moment, this has been a no harm no foul conversation that was basically at its end and needed no one to step in and make an issue of forum rules reminder, it goes along with something that many say all the time" If it aint broke, then don't fix it" sorry for the rant here barelyawake , but there was nothing broke here and the conversation had in no way got out of hand to the point of needing public or private reminder or reprimand.

Ok... well Im sure this will open up a new can of worms which isn't intended, but sometimes I also must speak my mind on matters I believe to be unjustified over regulation.

And by the way, in central Texas we still having a few winter weather blues, upper 30's and very windy today, very muddy and messy out here in the country on these dirt roads, I have to work all night everynight this weekend and will have zero time for bike riding or tinkering..... this for sure makes me sing the blues a bit, best wishes to all and once again what a great community we have here for sharing our passion for the motorized bicycle and a few other things from time to time that we consider very important in our lives and others even though as humans we tend to stretch a half step over a guideline or two now and then, and my hat is off to all the Moderators here for doing such a great job of making this the very best forum for sharing our love for motorbicycling.

Peace, Map
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Hmmm......I've still got just a touch of snow in the yard. More is due here the end of next week.

Had a couple members of another forum that I frequent come to the house to use my gargage to install an induction hood on a truck. One of my friends runs an automotive paint store and he color matched a red hood for a 2004 model --- no easy feat with red!!

(I'm probably wrong, but with most forums that I'm on, the thread title is usually just the starting point. :D )
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Just allow me to step in for a moment and possibly clarify a situation.
I feel what BarelyAWake was asking was to keep the anti-government and religious overtones out of the conversation. His concern wasn't for the off-topic discussion, (that happens in almost every thread eventually) but for us to abide by our longstanding prohibition against injecting personal political or spiritual beliefs into the thread's contents.
Thanks for listening.

Climate change is real and always has been, we get cold in winter and hot in summer.....

Many top meteorologist say the globe as a whole is getting cooler not hotter and this is the reason that more and more we are hearing the global warming crowd say " climate change" instead of global warming, the actual science and facts no longer back up the claim of global warming.

Ted Dansen was on the global cooling band wagon back in the 80's and hat fizzled out and so is the global warming hoax.

We all know that through history there have been ice ages in all parts of the world which are now warm climates and vise versa, hmmmmmm....! Wonder what melted all that ice and changed the climate and seasons all around the world over those 1000's of years....?
Was it that the flintstone era cars, trains and planes emitted to much carbon dioxide or was it the huge volume of methane gas sent into the atmosphere when the dinosaur s!

This whole climate change deal is just a hoax and a way for government to get more control over peoples lives and for a handful of polititions and other special interest groups to rob the tax payers of more of there hard earned money.
Polution that harms the soil and water is real and should be taken seriously but man made climate change is a hoax.


I use to think it was a bunch of crap.

The earth is getting warmer. They call it climate change because of the wild swings in weather, cold or hot. As the earth warms the weather will get more extreme. More hurricanes, tornados and extreme cold. We will also experience hotter summers and milder winters. We may have mild winters followed by one that is extremely cold.

The earth is warming, the polar ice is melting and the oceans are rising. That is fact.

Pollution is warming the earth. There are more people on the earth then ever before. China is literally polluting their country so badly that living in certain cities for a year can lower life expectancy by 10 years.