Why Chose A 212?

waddaya mean "mebbe" scotto? i've got a golden yellow tshirt all ready for you... :)

sissy? whatevs. i'm 1 mile an hour slower than arrow, on a reworked, stock china and a bike that's half the size.

gonna take some time to build my 50cc bonneville bike, but you guys will crap when its done...:)
If it touched a Morini it was not running right. I have seen that 4 stroke first hand on Scooters here locally and and tuned them.. I fixes them for a living these days. If you set up a clutch or a CVT right a lot can be accomplished!! Yeah I will give that Chinese motor some credit. I be proudly keeping my Two smoke collectiondnut

Just ask Ken (EasyRider) how I was smokin' him and IceMan in the race that I crashed and still came in 4th place. You have no idea Goat till you come and actually attend these races......no idea. I was nearly a half a lap ahead of both........sorry!

#3.....yeah, whatever!
Just ask Ken (EasyRider) how I was smokin' him and IceMan in the race that I crashed and still came in 4th place. You have no idea Goat till you come and actually attend these races......no idea. I was nearly a half a lap ahead of both........sorry!

#3.....yeah, whatever!
Give me a 212cc two stroke and H E L L will have no fury like that will run up on a preddy(p)
Talk is cheap.....verbal diarrhea seems to be your Fort Knox. Need I say more?

see you at the races? didn't think so......
Yup it is cheep. You bunch of 4 stroke worshipers. Ayup both yas came off that track too... I say make it a 40 mile pedal race! With the engines turned off!.ride3^5rotfl Work off them boo's I don't drink!
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the only thing holding back morrinis is single speed, no match for a cvt. anybody bring you bike to chicago next summer, i will DESTROY you with my future bike, kx 65 engine. maybe even 85 or 100 if i find one cheap. still less than half the cc's of a comparable 4 stroke, if you call a utility engine comparable to a 14-25 hp 5 speed mx race engine! i'll be so far ahead the only trace of me will be my tire marks! there is no contest, admit it! muahahahaha! if i could only get it to cali...
I just wanted a 99cc Predator and they wouldn't sell me one......you know the rest ;)

It really is sad to see this trend of so many people lately buying a monster 212cc for cheap and slapping in a cheapo bicycle and thinking is safe to do so. These people are looking for a world of hurt and don't even realize it.

I'm old enough to know better and I do speak from expirience. I built my 212cc specically for racing and not for street use as it is illegal as a street bike here in California. Pay attention here people, have an idea about what you're getting into before you jump in and "try" to build a bike like mine. Don't do as I do until you know what you're doing.....this is not a bolt on engine and it takes fab work and welding skills to build one properly.

Please know that CCC and I are just concerned about you're well being and don't want you building yourself a "Death Trap", an illegal one at that......


This is 100% the voice of vast experience, and anyone would be well advised to heed this warning.
I'd say the other thing holding the Morini back is the cost. Speaking of small motorcycle engines, it's much cheaper to build with a Cub/Super Cub engine or clone. The industrial/commercial engines most of us 4-stroke guys are using may be unsophisticated, but they're cheap and they work very well!
I'd say the other thing holding the Morini back is the cost. Speaking of small motorcycle engines, it's much cheaper to build with a Cub/Super Cub engine or clone. The industrial/commercial engines most of us 4-stroke guys are using may be unsophisticated, but they're cheap and they work very well!
OK I hear you and I do think they are good engines! But how is it cheeper after adding into the equation for a clutch , CVT ,Qmatic , Jack shaft something or other?

Then of course optional an upgraded cam shaft connecting rod etc. How about these plastic cams that are out too?
i will DESTROY you with my future bike, kx 65 engine. maybe even 85 or 100 if i find one cheap. still less than half the cc's of a comparable 4 stroke, if you call a utility engine comparable to a 14-25 hp 5 speed mx race engine! i'll be so far ahead the only trace of me will be my tire marks! there is no contest, admit it! muahahahaha! if i could only get it to cali...
SoCal Motor Bicycle Racing's top class is limited to 11.999 hp and
5 speed / multi-speed motorcycle engines are not allowed in that class.

You would be in the "Unlimited" outlaw class and there would only be
a couple of bikes to race against if any.

Anyone could do what you are planning to build but we are not getting
into an engine war at the races.
I already talked one new racer out of the same idea and he is building
a 212 cc Predator motor now.
If you want to race motorcycles there are plenty of organizations here
that are doing it already on the same tracks that we race on.

You ain't impressing anyone here.....:D
A few of the fast guys like scotto and CCC went out to a track last weekend
and raced along side some very fast SuperMoto's, it's a whole different game.
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Gosh that means a 200cc'ish 2 stroke woulds surly be an outlaw as no one could compete.
Single speed 200 cc 2 stroke that makes 12 hp would be OK. :)
I don't know of any motors that would fit that description, though?

The 4 classes are not based on cc's.

We are competing just fine with the motors that are being used now.
This is 100% the voice of vast experience, and anyone would be well advised to heed this warning.

Anyone with half a brain or more.....I assume this includes bik nuts? rotfl

Eatin' those words yet? Tastes like southwestern.....oil that is , Texas Tea?

Keep chompin'.....it gets better with age!

So a 200cc'ish 2 stroke with a CVT:D Which would be way better than clumsily shifting gears any ol day. But gosh that would be way too powerful!
ok, ok... only 65. how is a cvt not multi speed? its freaking unlimited speed!
i just thought it would be cool b/c i've never seen it done before and it would be passable as street legal with a good muffler. and i could go on fast country roads worry free with a purpose built frame and good wheels.