Why Chose A 212?


Well-Known Member
I have seen this motor (212cc) become very popular with people wanting to build race bikes and bikes just to ride. I ask myself why when we have other choices that work just fine, for one the GC160 Honda is a great motor and only cost 100.00 more than the 212, it sits like an old Briggs motor, the exhaust comes right out the front and the carb is at the back, it does not get any better. The motor is only an inch taller and looks real sexy when stripped and naked. Add a jack shaft and you will have a bike that moves real well. I have built two of these and real happy with performance. If you chose to race it falls under the 5 hp class which is a fun class.

If you have any questions let me know...http://www.northerntool.com/shop/tools/product_296_296

We have purchased this motor to the door for 200.00

This is the motor in our new bike:http://motorbicycling.com/showthread.php?t=39900&page=3
Yep that's my next engine when my 212cc breaks but I think I have a while still. What about the billet flywheel that's on my hf 212cc, would that work on the GC160? Or would the stock flywheel stay together and not fall apart?
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have to agree with you. Bottom line, you can buy the 212cc predator for $99.00 - 20% coupon compared to the $200.00 for the Honda GC160.

1. Our society is fixated on bigger is better!
2. Some people are just cheap and will buy the cheapest. That's why HT engines still sell.
3. Some people lack the funds to buy the more expensive item and settle for the cheaper item.
4. We are addicted to speed. That's why auto manufactures and auto magazines promote 0 - 60 M/hr times.
5. Builder's envy. See someone else's build and you want one like it.
6. To be cool!
7. They are too ignorant to know better. Doesn't mean they're stupid, just that they don't realize they don't need that big of an engine.
9. Young and dumb - never took a dive at 55 mph. That's why you see people riding motorcycles in flip-fops, shorts and t-shirts.
10. Blah, blah, blah - you probably already know all this!

Edit: By the way, I am guilty of them all!

Have a good day!

AKA: BigBlue
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That GC160 is a good looking engine.

I have been looking at Harbor Freights website for several days now, and it appears (at least with my searches) that the 212cc is the smallest engine they carry??

I personally have a 79cc Greyhound from HF, and will use that engine for my first build. But I was looking at HF website for engine mounting info on the 99cc Predator, thinking I would make my motor mount interchangable. Now I don't see the 99cc available. Anyone have any info? Is 212cc the smallest now?

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I just wanted a 99cc Predator and they wouldn't sell me one......you know the rest ;)

It really is sad to see this trend of so many people lately buying a monster 212cc for cheap and slapping in a cheapo bicycle and thinking is safe to do so. These people are looking for a world of hurt and don't even realize it.

I'm old enough to know better and I do speak from expirience. I built my 212cc specically for racing and not for street use as it is illegal as a street bike here in California. Pay attention here people, have an idea about what you're getting into before you jump in and "try" to build a bike like mine. Don't do as I do until you know what you're doing.....this is not a bolt on engine and it takes fab work and welding skills to build one properly.

Please know that CCC and I are just concerned about you're well being and don't want you building yourself a "Death Trap", an illegal one at that......

That GC160 is a good looking engine.

I have been looking at Harbor Freights website for several days now, and it appears (at least with my searches) that the 212cc is the smallest engine they carry??

I personally have a 79cc Greyhound from HF, and will use that engine for my first build. But I was looking at HF website for engine mounting info on the 100cc Predator, thinking I would make my motor mount interchangable. Now I don't see the 100cc available. Anyone have any info? Is 212cc the smallest now?


I think the 99cc Predator is available in stores outside of CA only.
I think the 99cc Predator is available in stores outside of CA only.

That's what I thought, but when you look online, it's not in their catalog anymore...at least not as of this AM. I searched for Predator, 99cc, engine, etc. Nada. The 212cc is the smallest I saw.
It's there, you have to search for it. Type in 99cc in the search engine and it will appear. Unfortunately, you can only buy them in the store as maurtis stated. They do sell the 79cc online when I checked last week, but Harbor Freight doesn't have it posted on the website. However, the 79cc is not available in California.

AKA: BigBlue
It's there, you have to search for it. Type in 99cc in the search engine and it will appear. Unfortunately, you can only buy them in the store as maurtis stated. They do sell the 79cc online when I checked last week, but Harbor Freight doesn't have it posted on the website. However, the 79cc is not available in California.

AKA: BigBlue

ugh. I think I was searching "100cc". Thanks.
i, personally, would never put a 212cc pressure washer on my bike.

it's big, it's bulky, it's ugly, and outside of racing, it's illegal in ca.

and it's all youse guy's fault people are putting them on bikes...:)

if i ever get enough time, away from work, my ranchero, my other bikes, putting on races, etc... i'm gonna build a 50cc 2 stroke that'll smoke your wannabe motorcycles...
We inherited an old Thunder Kart go kart for my son with an early 90's 5HP Briggs. I think when he is older and wants some more giddyup, I want to repurpose that Briggs and put two 212cc Preddy's on there, one driving each rear wheel. Since it does not use a live axle setup and each rear wheel is independent, it should be pretty easy to run the second motor through a jackshaft to get the power to the other side...

Not because it is the best way to get more power, but just the idea of two motors on there makes me giddy ;)
Big fish, little pond

Growing up my folks had a camp on a lake, a puddle really, not even a mile long and half that wide. Most folks who had camps there were blue collar and had something like a 15 or 16' runabout with a Johnson or Merc 50 tied to their dock, a little fishing, a little skiing and yeah. It was good fun and no big thing.

One year along comes a guy, bought a camp and put a 200 hp inboard in the water. The lake was so small he could barely open it up before he had to throttle it down. Little man enjoyed lording it over other boats, slaloming up the lake between slower traffic, leaving a big wake, cutting people off.

I remember wise cracking to my old man one day "what a bass hole".
He chuckled and said "meh, more like big fish, little pond".
Re: Big fish, little pond

One year along comes a guy, bought a camp and put a 200 hp inboard in the water. The lake was so small he could barely open it up before he had to throttle it down. Little man enjoyed lording it over other boats, slaloming up the lake between slower traffic, leaving a big wake, cutting people off.

I remember wise cracking to my old man one day "what a bass hole".
He chuckled and said "meh, more like big fish, little pond".

I think that guy lives in my neighborhood now...oh wait, I guess it is a big world so it COULD be another guy you're speaking of...
i, personally, would never put a 212cc pressure washer on my bike.

it's big, it's bulky, it's ugly, and outside of racing, it's illegal in ca.

and it's all youse guy's fault people are putting them on bikes...:)

if i ever get enough time, away from work, my ranchero, my other bikes, putting on races, etc... i'm gonna build a 50cc 2 stroke that'll smoke your wannabe motorcycles...

Baird, stuffit.....you a jealous boy! See you at you're races......mebbe?

Rancheros ain't anything to look at.....no matter the year ;)

lawnmower man.....
Baird, stuffit.....you a jealous boy! See you at you're races......mebbe?

Rancheros ain't anything to look at.....no matter the year ;)

lawnmower man.....

Baird you are a sissy...arrow jumped in your sand box and took your 66cc and ran with it...Now what.. You done with the china girl... I will challenge you on that 50cc bike you say you will build. Cc for cc...

Scotto go easy on that ford...ya know it is transportation and the chicks like....
Since working in a small engine shop I have noticed that good two stroke race engines all had more power than the equal size 4 stroke counter parts. They rev better and leave them behind for he most part. I have to go bigger in cc's to match them for a four stroke .

The H.T. does not even get on the map for a example of a race engine lol. I is talking about real commercial grade engines born on a race circuit.
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I can't help but be reminded of the first time AGK brought a Harbor Freight motor to a race and proceeded to lap a Morini.

That was a only a 79cc Greyhound, wasn't it? :D
I seam to recall a race where Easy Rider went neck and Neck with Scotto's 212 cc beast on his 50cc Morini. Placed ahead by a neck too.:p;)
Of course a 2-stroke makes more power, it has twice as many power strokes per revolution. But 2-stroke powerband tends to be narrower, too.

Edit: no Morini lapped a proper-running HF motor tho ;)
If it touched a Morini it was not running right. I have seen that 4 stroke first hand on Scooters here locally and and tuned them.. I fixes them for a living these days. If you set up a clutch or a CVT right a lot can be accomplished!! Yeah I will give that Chinese motor some credit. I be proudly keeping my Two smoke collectiondnut