What's with the other forum?

I go to the other forum once on a while to updated threads, I thought it was bad when the other guy owned it but it is still pretty much the same. There is a lot of good info there but a lot of bs. This really is the best forum for these motorized bicycles.
Never...maybe you should try the bumble bee. On second thought, if you smell that bed you should be going faster than 18mph
I will just chime in with this as I am in bit of a unique position to have some real insight.

I have half a dozen forum based web sites 3 of which are over a decade old so I know what spammers or just plain trouble causing dicks are first hand.

Since I don't have any sponsored ads people touting their own wares is not a problem with me and I don't get product spammers so with just a couple of seasoned Mods that have been with me that long it's an easy job.

I also know first hand what it costs to host a real web site and it ain't cheap.
At one point I was paying over $100 a month just for hosting which is a tough nut to swallow just to host a site about something you are passionate about with no consideration for the countless hours you work for free to keep it going and that's why most have ad's, just to break even.

Then there is the computer your web site is hosted on and what you can do at that level to combat things like spam or just plain dick head people.

Personally I feel for the owners of both of these main motorized bicycle sites as neither are as fortunate as I am. I have great friends, one just happens to be computer expert in Norway that built me a kick ass Win2K3 server and has it hooked up to a super fast fiber internet connection that I access directly via Remote Desktop to do things that would curl your hair ALL FOR FREE!

For example in about 5 minutes I can cut off access at the server level of an entire foreign countries internet provider which at the moment includes all of Nigeria and most of China and Russia as well.

This is stuff you can't do from a hosting company web site interface.

Anyway, I was banned from motoredBikes.com a couple years back but the new owner (Anton) let me back and even allowed me to put my site link in my sig.
I am an equal opportunity user of resources when I need help as well as share help as there is no such thing as too many thoughts on something.

The bottom line in my eyes is if you help as much as post or promote you are are a welcome member anywhere, if not well what do expect?

Just my 2¢ worth but something to think about before you go about bashing or just being an otherwise not so desirable community member though even doing all that doesn't make you immune no matter how good a member you are.

When a forum has been pounded for a long time with crap you can still get crap from just regular users too which I got recently there with this topic.


As Anton pointed out to the guy that replied to my obvious electric trike bragging it wasn't spam, I was sharing what I learned and did it for the benefit of others too.

Yes, I brag a lot and sure, when I finally have something in production that I could actually ship I'll promote that too but pay for an ad as that is how you generate sales, with real paid ads.
I talked to 2 of their sponsors at my angriest and they both said they would look into canceling their ads. I called them back when all was resolved and told them never mind and I thanked them for at least looking into it. A lot of companies wouldn't even bother. It just shows how much integrity there is in this hobby. Next time I'm looking for some parts or if I ever want to get a china girl these guys will be the first place ill look to buy from.
I love when you call some dude answers the phone and not some machine.
It's called Integrity.
Some people have it, most don't.
It is very hard to earn and can be lost in a heartbeat.
Having it can be costly but in the long run always worth it.
All I can suggest to anyone is strive for it and when you gain it don't let it go.
.. or so I've heard hehehe ;-}
I joined the other forum before finding this one. I got banned because someone flamed on me and I fired back. I registered under a different name but don't visit as often. the last time I was there, I was talking about looking for donations because my pit bull needed surgery and I didn't have the money (we raised the money eventually, but that's another story). Anyway, a member told me that instead of looking for donations, I ought to just shoot my dog because "pit bulls are one of the most vicious breeds and should be eradicated". Never had anyone talk to me like that about my pit bull, and let me tell ya, that conversation would have ended differently in person. haven't been back since.
I actually was over there for years until...A mod name Stanford or something like that started to argue with me about a 4 stroke fitting in a workmans frame.As far as that site goes that dude ruined it for me and others.Well ... then I came over here with everyone else.
I banned them. Never even signed up.

Took a look at the "infractions" list and moved on.

They take themselves a little too seriously me thinks.
Several years back I joined both forums at the same time. The difference in tone and helpfulness was pretty clear early on. I think this site was pretty new then. Many thanks to Paul for setting up this forum and to the moderators who are not infallible, but do a heck of a job keeping things civil and filtering out the bad ones. And what a lot of fine members we have. Long live motorbicycling.com !!!
i get the cold shoulder over there,doesent feel as friendly.
i have made a few (or one) little mistakes here and was immediately corrected.
i enjoy this site,the friendly advice and creative discussions.
the admins here do a great job.i think that is what makes the difference.
I took a shower, Changed cloths and suddenly I found the join link in my email. Believe in omens?? It was in my JUNK mail...laff Seriously! Thats where I found it! So, I guess Im in. Question is: Do I wanna be in???
I think it boils down to personal taste. Kinda like Ford vs. Chevy, which one is better all depends on who you ask. I'm a member of both but I find more info & help here than there, but it seems this place has more members, so maybe that is why, a broader user base.
There was trouble right from the start. The motokruiser site was going strong. There was no need for a second site and the admin had no reason for setting up a new site. He just wanted to be involved. Because of the name, more web searches ended up at the new site because motorbikes was in the title. The site administrator accepted all who applied to be moderators. Unfortunately he could not tell that one mod was mentally unstable. It seemed obvious to anyone who read his threads. Once he became a mod there was no way to politely let him go. The politeness of the administrator lead to a total meltdown of civility. When the Motokruiser site was about to go down I suggested that the gallery should be saved to the new site and I gave a link to the gallery. The mod made up a new rule that you could not link to galleries. He posted his new rule in his reply to me and then admonished me for breaking the rule that he just made up. he said that no other motorbike site would be promoted. They never did anything for us (accept pave the way). All of my posts on the thread were deleted, leaving only his tirade about how wrong I was. The last time I looked the looney in question was trying to set up a racing network based on his bike design alone. Everyone else would have to make bikes just like his to race. His link to reality was severed long ago.
I'm also banned from the 'other' forum... They didn't like that I posted large pictures! :-{

I told them that things like this are the reason why their site sux! (& everyone's using this site instead)! ;)

For many years after that, they refused to even acknowledge that my company existed on their 'vendor review' section until just recently. laff
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