What will happen to oil?

Hmm, Muslims and Communists working together in a power grab, can anyone say "night of the long knives".
Hmmmm Cats and Dogs working together in a power grab, can anyone say "night of the long barking meows".
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I was talking about China and it's influence on the world. If you want to talk about religious influence that's fine but I don't see how that has anything to do about the price of oil as yet.
The Muslim radicals are out for domination of the world and will only be using oil if the chance comes their way. They have over the centuries preferred the sword.

If the Russians were helping the riots in the Muslim world why not give themselves the upper hand and let their own Muslim countries go free.
Don't forget Russia is a major supplier of oil and natural gas in their area and Europe and can not afford to have Muslim extremists damaging their pipe lines. The last thing China and Russia need is an unstable Muslim world as they have large Muslim areas that will erupt if the scale tips the wrong way and cause them huge economic problems.

When that happens, sword will be answered with sword, and the cost of gas if you can find it will not be a problem. You will be in your basement hoping that flash you just saw wasn't an atomic bomb.

I'm not sure how true it is, but I heard that Russia is having a problem with their oil reserves. I've also heard that the Arabs are also noting lower reserves too. Once again, I'm not sure how true this info is, but it sure is interesting if in fact it's true.

And then there's Israel, who has a discovery of a huge reserve. That should heat up the Middle East a bit.

As far as China, Russia, Europe, and the Muslim world goes, to me it's just a conglomerate of a 4-way power entity. Although they may not be wholeheartedly working together, they do, each of them, represent the same goal as to being "The King of the Hill", even if it's left to only the region in which they abide.
aey you guys I was talking to my father today and he said that the powers to be are going to start adding more ethenal (alcohol) in to the gas and that is bad news for anybody who owns a older year truck because the ethenal even the amount that they put in the gas now will totolly screw up the engine so what will the additional amount do to our bike motors please exuse the bad spelling:-||
It's also a problem because I can eat corn, oil is good for nothing but burning. Drive around on our food supply, what idiot came up with that.
It's also a problem because I can eat corn, oil is good for nothing but burning. Drive around on our food supply, what idiot came up with that.

yea and like I said what is it going to do to our bike is there any way to avoid this

yea and like I said what is it going to do to our bike is there any way to avoid this

most of the damage is going to occur to the plastic parts in the carb as they sit for long periods in ethanol.... close the fuel petcock before you want to stop using your engine and let the carb run dry. should prevent a good deal of the damage.

unless you add a fuel stabilizer, try not to let fuel sit for long periods before use... even mixed fuel. long periods are anything over a couple months.
Don't know if you caught the news today but the Middle East is on fire. Crude oil prices rose 6% today behind the turmoil and we're seeing the unrest come to our shores now. The protest in Wisconsin aren't related to the causes of the Middle East protest but they certainly look similar. Is the whole world headed to civil wars springing up all over? Don't know but you should have cause for concern.

yea and like I said what is it going to do to our bike is there any way to avoid this

This stuff will stop all the harmful affects that ethanol fuel will cause to a carbureted engine.
Startron Gasoline Additive Additive, 8oz.
FWIW, E85 ethanol fuel has been shown to attack the aluminum and brass in carburetors as well. The potential damage is not limited to just the plastic and rubber bits.
E10 is enough to begin the damage process.
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Fights organic growth without biocide!!!!......boy have they scr*wed up gasoline,nothing grew in gas when I was younger,it killed stuff it got on not fertilized it
I think it does work,we were doing something like that back in the 60's in 9th grade and the teacher was called to the office , we never saw him anymore and they made us do the rest of the year in study hall for that hour,our was metal enclousher was only about three foot across


just .weld kidding,lol
Don't know if you caught the news today but the Middle East is on fire. Crude oil prices rose 6% today behind the turmoil and we're seeing the unrest come to our shores now. Is the whole world headed to civil wars springing up all over? Don't know but you should have cause for concern.

You betcha! Just wait until Summer comes around and rears up what's moving forth in the Middle East. Definitely some interesting things going on, that's for sure.

As far as the rest of the world showing signs of going crazy, I believe we're seeing just the beginning of it all.

Look'n at the news out of Egypt and think'n that I've been here, seen this before. Somewhere around 79 I think. I seem to recall some bad times at the gas pump, that seemed to coincide with all the riots. We could be look'n at some serious prices around here, it's already over $3 and I don't think I can stand $4+ again. I like my bike but it won't carry the load the F250 will.

Any of you old fa*ts remember what I'm talk'n bout?

Yes I do, 1973, OPEC started flexing it's muscle with the embargo
and IIRC gas went from about .30@gal to a buck at the pump.

Having been in the business for better than a quarter century as well as running my own business for the last 12 years, I understand the theory behind the "on the shelf price increase". One must always base the retail price on the current replacement cost. That being said, market forces (competition) will often force a retailer to hold the price on pre-increase inventory, even though replacement cost have increased. When we leave the market alone, it usually operates at the lowest possible cost. It's when outside forces, usually political, get involved, things go crazy.

The turmoil in the Middle East will eventually drive oil prices to levels that will kill our economy. Because oil is the one commodity that effects the price of every other commodity on the market, I see inflation coming big time. Couple increasing oil prices and a devaluing dollar and there may not be much in the way of "good times" in our future.

As far as the Middle East is concerned, I have many questions and few answers. America is the bastion of freedom in the world, the "Shining city on the hill", so to speak. We certainly have based our existence on freedom but I fear me may be short on principle and long on hypocrisy. I understand the backing of Mubarak for reasons of regional stability, just like we've backed the Shah, Saddam, the Saudis. But these people, for the most part, have been tyrants that have brutalized their people and now those people hate America. They see us as the enabler of oppression and God help us, they may be right. I just wonder if casting aside ones most cherished principles for the expedience of short term goals, ever ends well.

Please forgive the early morning ramblings of an old fool.

Good post Kerf, nice to see a balanced take on this amid all the hysteria.
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