What will happen to oil?

So your solution to the dilemma is?

we don't live in the middle east so we will most likely never see armed combat with these people. however, they have become westernized and much smarter as a result. the battlefield on this side of the ocean is a legal one fought in the courtroom... it is a war of ideas.

my suggestion is to bring America out of denial so that we can see the back door attempts to bring sharia into our legislative system.... and prevent it altogether.

it's not that they are going to kill us... they know that will never happen here. They want us under sharia so that we will be second-class citizens underneath them. when they gain the power, the nice little Muslim next door who used to be your friend will become your slave master who spits on you as they call you a filthy dog.... make no mistake.

you need to watch the video I posted.... walid shoebat does a much better job explaining it than I can and they provide supporting quotations from the Koran.

education is your best weapon.
we don't live in the middle east so we will most likely never see armed combat with these people. however, they have become westernized and much smarter as a result. the battlefield on this side of the ocean is a legal one fought in the courtroom... it is a war of ideas.

my suggestion is to bring America out of denial so that we can see the back door attempts to bring sharia into our legislative system.... and prevent it altogether.

it's not that they are going to kill us... they know that will never happen here. They want us under sharia so that we will be second-class citizens underneath them. when they gain the power, the nice little Muslim next door who used to be your friend will become your slave master who spits on you as they call you a filthy dog.... make no mistake.

you need to watch the video I posted.... walid shoebat does a much better job explaining it than I can and they provide supporting quotations from the Koran.

education is your best weapon.

They are already here, the Muslim Brotherhood has held planning and recruiting conferences in Illinois, there is a Saudi school in Virgina teaching Wahhabism and the government can't even see the curriculum. Never see armed combat here, what do you call 3000 murdered Americans. It's not just some issue in some far away land, it's here, it's right now.
They are already here, the Muslim Brotherhood has held planning and recruiting conferences in Illinois, there is a Saudi school in Virgina teaching Wahhabism and the government can't even see the curriculum. Never see armed combat here, what do you call 3000 murdered Americans. It's not just some issue in some far away land, it's here, it's right now.

exactly my point.... don't listen to me; start by reading, listening, and watching their own words. how long does a people have to say they hate you before you listen?

the 3000 who lost their lives didn't have a chance to raise arms against the people who killed them.... hardly armed combat if you ask me.
I have been watching and listening to their own words but it's the video's and words of the radicals. They want to destroy us but the Communist also want to destroy us, it's the radical element we're hearing. I believe the radical element is the minority of the world, no matter whether you're talking religion or politics. Make peace with those that will make peace and we can sweep the radicals aside.
I have been watching and listening to their own words but it's the video's and words of the radicals. They want to destroy us but the Communist also want to destroy us, it's the radical element we're hearing. I believe the radical element is the minority of the world, no matter whether you're talking religion or politics. Make peace with those that will make peace and we can sweep the radicals aside.

in most situations i would tend to agree.... however with islam the problem is systemic and unfortunately includes all devout muslims (if they really consider themselves devout). To which degree the individual person aligns themselves with pure islam is a topic for another discussion.... but there shouldn't be any distinction between radical islam and pure islam as interpreted through the Koran.

The radicalism comes from the koran itself. If you want a historical point of reference study the time just after muhammad was chased out of mecca. The "angels" came to muhammad in the cave before he went to take the message to the people. At first the teachings were peaceful and tolerant of other "abrahamic traditions". The problem was that the people of mecca were already practicing polytheism at the time, and the political leaders became threatened by muhammad's growing popularity.... so they chased him out into medina at knifepoint. This is the historical point at which the koran takes a turn for the violent. The pilgrimage the muslims must make as a requirement of the fifth pillar (hajj) outlines a good deal of this struggle as part of the ritual.

The religion has had a violent overtone ever since.

research the arabic word taqiyya and its application to the west.... the religion is actually perfectly geared for survival under minority oppression much in the same way rules for radicals allows for the survival of the left. their primary tactical guide tells them to lie to their opponents in order to achieve victory.

the ends justifies the means = war is deceit "taqqiya"

again... dont listen to me.... read, watch, and listen for yourself.
I hope you're wrong because if you're right, the most lethal world war the globe has ever seen is in our future. As I've stated before, my personal experience with "devout" Muslims says you're wrong. Either way, I've made peace with my maker and don't mind going, but someone will have to pry them form my cold hands. It's because of my grand children I'll work for peace.
I hope you're wrong because if you're right, the most lethal world war the globe has ever seen is in our future. As I've stated before, my personal experience with "devout" Muslims says you're wrong. Either way, I've made peace with my maker and don't mind going, but someone will have to pry them form my cold hands. It's because of my grand children I'll work for peace.

I agree on all points... Even the part about the majority of the Muslims I have met being for the most part, kind people.

I too hope that I am wrong...
tiqqyia,I am afraid you are right vtec,and to win the war you must lower yourself to the enemy's standards or further,or sit back and turn the other cheek and lose as they do not care about us or our beliefs
from what I remember . Gas was 25 cents an gallon . It was during the Nixon era . Then the big oil embargo happened and the lines got long at the gas stations . Oh my god we are running out of gas ? We must ration gas , we are running out right ? The prices of gas has been going up ever since . I have read some of Nixon's diary . He knew he was dieing , He said the only thing he regretted was , In his words , I may have inadvertently had something to do with Kennedy's death . I gave that a lot of thought . Who was on that grassy knoll ? But who don't love an Conspiracy theory ?
Well I don't know that . But I do know that after he took an bath with an dude in China , My brother came home from Nam . As far as Egypt go's . I'm not so sure an steam bath would even solve this problem . But one thing for sure , if the U.S.A demands that the anti life and corrupt leaders to step down , then who would lead not only China , but the entire world ? As far as Nixon , would people still had voted for him , if had admitted to accepting money from organized crime ?
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What do I think?

I strongly believe that the price of gas is going to continue to go up. I think it'll level out at around $8-9 bucks a gallon in about two years.

That's my belief and I'm sticking to it.

What do I think?

I strongly believe that the price of gas is going to continue to go up. I think it'll level out at around $8-9 bucks a gallon in about two years.

That's my belief and I'm sticking to it.


I think you would be right were it not for the fact that our economy will completely collapse before we reach $6 a gallon. The riots you've seen in Greece and Egypt will come to a city near you. A loaf of bread will be $15 and people literally won't be able to eat, the increase in fuel prices will necessarily increase the price of everything. Again a small group of very evil people will have plunged the world into chaos and suffering.
going off thread a bit , but the u.s.a is changing very fast , we cant stop this now , not enough people here that want to stop it , or willing to believe in the saying , Some gave some , some gave all ... surley none of us want to die. ( I am not talking about our troops here , but all of us ) I was thinking about what the leader of Iran said about the new world order while standing in Venezuela , Well maybe I am paranoid and watch too much sci-fi . But you know something , it is not but just an hop , skip , and jump from there to the u.s.a . China Wants To Set Up A Rival To The Panama Canal In America's Backyard and an map File:Costa Rica (orthographic projection).svg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ,,, I want to take this time to thank the people here at this site for letting us voice our opinions <> I am not going to stay on this subject long . and will close saying , remember what William Wallace said ( FREEDOM )
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I want to take this time to thank the people here at this site for letting us voice our opinions.)

You are very correct and I want to thank you for reminding me of that fact. I really appreciate the Admin and Mods for allowing us this leeway on this discussion. I also want to assure them that I have no interest in engaging in partisan (Dem vs Rep) discussion here. I am politically active but I'll keep that to myself.

Side note:
The weather look great for Sunday, kerf and his machine will again be tearing up the streets in Birmingham.
There is a large natural gas find here in Canada on the border between British Columbia and Alberta.
The Chinese government is right there trying to buy half of the gas field through their company, China Gas, and that will mean a pipe line to the coast through very sensitive forest. The Canadian government has put a hold on the sale and the First Nations who's land the pipeline will run through are going to have to be consulted and may turn it down.

I'd be more worried about them myself than the Muslims. They have the money to rape the world of it's natural resources and the politicians willing to help them in a lot of countries.

There is a large natural gas find here in Canada on the border between British Columbia and Alberta.
The Chinese government is right there trying to buy half of the gas field through their company, China Gas, and that will mean a pipe line to the coast through very sensitive forest. The Canadian government has put a hold on the sale and the First Nations who's land the pipeline will run through are going to have to be consulted and may turn it down.

I'd be more worried about them myself than the Muslims. They have the money to rape the world of it's natural resources and the politicians willing to help them in a lot of countries.


good wisdom in these words... I think you are correct.

the real danger is when the communists and the Muslims get in bed together under banner of social justice and bringing down the west.
Vetec, that may not happen. Sure wouldn't say never but the Chinese have areas that are Muslim and they have problems with them wanting to separate and form their own countries and we have seen how willing the Chinese government is to let that happen.

I think China is out to rule the world with their wallets and will move everyones heaven and earth to get that. A canal that they control and can be used for their benifit is not out of the question.

Chinese is the third language behind English and French in Canada. Richmond is a city between Cresent Beach and Vancouver and 60% of it's residents are Chinese. To the rest of Canada, Vancouver is referred to as Hongcouver with good reason.

With all do respect Ed... I didn't say the Chinese specifically.

Although you make excellent points... The communist labor movement was strategic in their influence and aid in the egyptian uprising.... And I rather suspect all the rest in Jordan, tunisia, Bahrain, and now libia. El barabai was trained by the KGB.

My prediction is that the power struggle in the near future will between the muslem extremists and the radical communists as both seek to use each other in their efforts to topple the west. I rather suspect the Muslim population will emerge as the dominant power because of two reasons. The first reason is the clandestine nature of radical islam makes it virtually impossible to target eradicate... Even by a complete totalitarian dictatorship such as n Korea or china. The second reason arrives on the back of pure fanatacism... The Muslim people have a religious-strength determination that is simply not attainable through class envy alone. In other words ... If the communists think they can manipulate the Muslims to gain power they seriously underestimate the sheer tenacity and fanaticism of somebody who thinks they fight for GOD.

Not quite sure yet how the Chinese and north Koreans will play into the scene, but it will interesting to see how it unfolds as they are both highly independent but still communists with historical ties to Moscow.