give me vtec
New Member
So your solution to the dilemma is?
we don't live in the middle east so we will most likely never see armed combat with these people. however, they have become westernized and much smarter as a result. the battlefield on this side of the ocean is a legal one fought in the courtroom... it is a war of ideas.
my suggestion is to bring America out of denial so that we can see the back door attempts to bring sharia into our legislative system.... and prevent it altogether.
it's not that they are going to kill us... they know that will never happen here. They want us under sharia so that we will be second-class citizens underneath them. when they gain the power, the nice little Muslim next door who used to be your friend will become your slave master who spits on you as they call you a filthy dog.... make no mistake.
you need to watch the video I posted.... walid shoebat does a much better job explaining it than I can and they provide supporting quotations from the Koran.
education is your best weapon.