What will happen to oil?

I completely understand the violent nature of fundamentalist Islam. I also personally know many Muslims, that while practicing their religion reject that fanaticism and are very moderate. If we chose to engage the fundamentalist on their terms, the only solution is to kill them all. The other option is to engage the threat in the arena of ideas and with the moderate Muslims, win hearts and minds.

I've never had a problem with killing when necessary but I choose to find another path whenever possible. Our greatest tools in that endeavor are our own principles of Individual Liberty and Free Market Capitalism. Fundamental Islam rejects these principles but they are a very powerful argument in the arena of ideas.

As always, I accept my place as an "old fool".

come kerf nobody is here is advocating killing anybody.... and you know I don't think you are an old fool.

did you see the video clip of Christine amanpour in Egypt??? it is my experience in life that the majority of people that are nice to you want something and are lying.... these people don't seem like they are lying.

ABC News Reporter Christiane Amanpour is Confronted by Protestors ,” We Hate You” | Chimovement
What in the name of God kind of link did you give me? Can't watch that!

Back to the subject, you better believe they hate us. For over thirty years, while proclaiming ourselves the champions of freedom, we've propped up and financed the very tyrant that was brutally suppressing them. We prostituted our most cherished principles for political expedience. We've been hypocrites!

Not much to love there.
What in the name of God kind of link did you give me? Can't watch that!

Back to the subject, you better believe they hate us. For over thirty years, while proclaiming ourselves the champions of freedom, we've propped up and financed the very tyrant that was brutally suppressing them. We prostituted our most cherished principles for political expedience. We've been hypocrites!

Not much to love there.

ugggg.... just google Christianne amanpour we hate you. you can find the video almost anywhere... its all over the place. my iPad won't let me link the YouTube page so I just linked the next one.... I in no way endorse that site.

dont be confused kerf.... they hate us because we dont believe the Koran is the word of GOD and muhammed was the final prophet... the hypocrite dictator stuff just makes it worse.

at least try to educate yourself.
What in the name of God kind of link did you give me? Can't watch that!

Back to the subject, you better believe they hate us. For over thirty years, while proclaiming ourselves the champions of freedom, we've propped up and financed the very tyrant that was brutally suppressing them. We prostituted our most cherished principles for political expedience. We've been hypocrites!

Not much to love there.

here try this link... the first video is the one I am talking about. if you listen... these people are the pro Mubarak/supporters, imagine what the anti Mubarak/haters think about us?

christiane amanpour we hate you - Google Search

Has anyone seen the movie 'Wag the Dog'??

I'm just sayin'... :-{

I don't mean to be offensive but... anybody that bases their reality on Hollywood movies is by definition ignorant and doesn't have enough of a grasp on the situation to contribute anything of substantive meaning.

I'm just sayin'....


for the record... I sincerely hope that I am utterly wrong. if somebody can offer me tangible proof against what I have posted, I would be very grateful.
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I'm not basing my reality on a Hollywood movie... I'm saying we may not know what wool is being pulled over our eyes! ;)

& to say that I'm "ignorant and don't have enough of a grasp on the situation to contribute anything of substantive meaning" is very offensive!! (even though you're saying you don't mean to be.) :-{
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I'm not basing my reality on a Hollywood movie... I'm saying we may not know what wool is being pulled over our eyes! ;)

& to say that I'm "ignorant and don't have enough of a grasp on the situation to contribute anything of substantive meaning" is very offensive!! (even though you're saying you don't mean to be.) :-{

I didn't specifically say you... I said anybody that bases their reality on a Hollywood movie.

if you fall into that category... that is your issue.

if you want to have wool taken off.... watch the link I posted. like I said... I hope walid shoebat is wrong, but I don't see why he would lie.

he doesn't haveanythngt to gain... in fact I would say that coming out against the PLO and other simiair organizations has done just the opposite for him.
here try this link... the first video is the one I am talking about. if you listen... these people are the pro Mubarak/supporters, imagine what the anti Mubarak/haters think about us?

Are you surprised pro Mubarak supporters "hat" us, Obama just tossed the Ol Boy right under the bus.

The three most vocal groups in the streets are the Muslim Brotherhood (spooky guys), the Communist and the Socialist. Darn right they "hat" us, they're all anti capitalist and working toward the same ends, anarchy.
Kinda back on topic. It's been three weeks since I purchased maple plywood and lumber, worked up a bid on a kitchen and guess what, 9% price increase. I'm thinking the majority of that is transportation cost. Groceries have been going up as well, better hold on!
Are you surprised pro Mubarak supporters "hat" us, Obama just tossed the Ol Boy right under the bus.

The three most vocal groups in the streets are the Muslim Brotherhood (spooky guys), the Communist and the Socialist. Darn right they "hat" us, they're all anti capitalist and working toward the same ends, anarchy.

no kerf... those people didn't say we "'hat' Obama that lying traiterous sob". they specifically said... "we hate you, and we hate all Americans. leave now or you are going to meet your maker."

very different statements and you shouldn't confuse the two.

did you see the look on all those peoples faces? did you see the look on chritiannes's face?
Kinda back on topic. It's been three weeks since I purchased maple plywood and lumber, worked up a bid on a kitchen and guess what, 9% price increase. I'm thinking the majority of that is transportation cost. Groceries have been going up as well, better hold on!

ok... oil closed at $104 a barrel. is that better?


And now the same political crap that invaded the other site is over here.


I don't see how the two issues are separate... but as the new guy, I won't cause anymore waves.
Yeah, that look was precious, still sounded like hat to me. Saw dust in the ears, ya know.

The Egyptians have little reason to like us but keep in mind, you were most likely looking at extremist. They still want to create chaos and the political power vacuum that will follow. When it comes to the Middle East, I believe nothing I hear and little of what I see.
Yeah, that look was precious, still sounded like hat to me. Saw dust in the ears, ya know.

The Egyptians have little reason to like us but keep in mind, you were most likely looking at extremist. They still want to create chaos and the political power vacuum that will follow. When it comes to the Middle East, I believe nothing I hear and little of what I see.

you are probably right... in fact I would venture out on a limb to say that all the people involved in the protest were extremists.

out of 8 million egyptians, approx 200000 of them showed up to that rally... undoubtedly the extremist elements. I'm not really arguing that.

my question is this.... what separates the extremists, from the average Muslim that thinks like an extremist but doesn't have the courage to say or act on their beliefs?? in other words.... what difference is there between the person on on the street rioting and the person who sits in their house cheering the riot on.... if they agree with each other?
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I've never been to Egypt and what I'm saying is personal opinion. I would hazard to guess that most in Egypt, are families, they work somewhere or run small shops or businesses, they have children and the worry about them. They are probably just trying to get by and care for their families as best as they can, while trying to create a better future for their children than they had. I tend to find that the majority of people are much the same the world over. Not extremist, not the devil, just people.
I've never been to Egypt and what I'm saying is personal opinion. I would hazard to guess that most in Egypt, are families, they work somewhere or run small shops or businesses, they have children and the worry about them. They are probably just trying to get by and care for their families as best as they can, while trying to create a better future for their children than they had. I tend to find that the majority of people are much the same the world over. Not extremist, not the devil, just people.

you need to read the Koran...

start here...
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For the sake of argument, lets assume that the teaching of the Koran are totally incompatible with our western principles, that all Muslims are blood thirsty extremist, what is your view of our future? If we can't live in peace, what are our options? You seem to have the view that peaceful coexistence isn't possible, then how should we structure our future internal and external policy. Should we prepare for a world conflict that will necessarily destroy 100,000,000 human beings?

I get much in the radical anti Islamic arguments from you, not so much in solutions.
Their belief is structured as kill "and" be killed ,the basic survival instinct is there but brainwashed to the back of prevailing thought patterns from childhood through promise's of after life no matter what you do to arrive there,,as is done when doing military time and other professions in this country.
The koran(sp) teaching makes them preditors same as wolves/lions against grazing animals,
Their belief is structured as kill "and" be killed ,the basic survival instinct is there but brainwashed to the back of prevailing thought patterns from childhood through promise's of after life no matter what you do to arrive there,,as is done when doing military time and other professions in this country.
The koran(sp) teaching makes them preditors same as wolves/lions against grazing animals,

So your solution to the dilemma is?