give me vtec
New Member
I completely understand the violent nature of fundamentalist Islam. I also personally know many Muslims, that while practicing their religion reject that fanaticism and are very moderate. If we chose to engage the fundamentalist on their terms, the only solution is to kill them all. The other option is to engage the threat in the arena of ideas and with the moderate Muslims, win hearts and minds.
I've never had a problem with killing when necessary but I choose to find another path whenever possible. Our greatest tools in that endeavor are our own principles of Individual Liberty and Free Market Capitalism. Fundamental Islam rejects these principles but they are a very powerful argument in the arena of ideas.
As always, I accept my place as an "old fool".
come kerf nobody is here is advocating killing anybody.... and you know I don't think you are an old fool.
did you see the video clip of Christine amanpour in Egypt??? it is my experience in life that the majority of people that are nice to you want something and are lying.... these people don't seem like they are lying.
ABC News Reporter Christiane Amanpour is Confronted by Protestors ,” We Hate You” | Chimovement