what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

New intake being made for my new chikuni for 212... $18 on eBay


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Today, I drilled two 89-tooth chainring sprockets to match my 5-hole freewheel.
I also drilled them to fit plastic chainguards.

I also made 5" SS discs as chainguards for my 4" bicycle sprockets for both bikes.

My friend welded adaptors onto my Tanaka crank nut, so I can have cordless drill starts.
i started porting a 49cc jug for my 24 inch build,im going to port match it too,and shave the head.question,does anyone think a walbro carb from a weed eater work on this?o yea, a freind gave mr this engine the other day.free is more fun per doller spent
May be a little small, not sure. But the wacker are around 29 cc, otherwise they would work good. Most have there own fuel pump built in, and have high and low speed jets ...................Curt
my stepson works on small engins,he has a small box full of them,im going to look for one about the same size,i want to see how it works.if it works out im going to try it on my reed valve bike
New intake manifold is done, only took 8 hours to make it.

89 jet too small!


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putting my rag joint 40T rim back on since Im having sprocket centering issues with MZ P20170709_083355.jpg arts 40T disc mount sprocket due to offset mods
Not much here. Spent about an hour today using some Meguiars Ultimate Compound on the clear to blend everything in and get a nice deep shine. Aside from that I found out the aluminum threads on my fuel tank were screwed up a bit so I had to wrench in a 1/8" MIP nipple. Going to make a change on that as I found one on Amazon with a hex head that will make it easier to install. Going to hit up local bike shop tomorrow during lunch find out why they haven't finished my wheel yet as they've had it since last Saturday and they told me it was scheduled to be built Friday and they would finish it and call me that day. Never happened. First and last time I let these yahoos do something for me
Modifying my exhaust ---- again. Should be substantially quieter. I'm sure that the "Scarecrow" crew will appreciate that! (p)

I'll post picts when completed tomorrow. It's gonna look a little better, also......IMO.
Using bits and parts outa my scrap bins, I came up with a 'variable outlet' for the muffler on my expansion chamber.


The end of my contraption has slots where I can slide a piece of flat bar stock --- thus creating more back-pressure for more torque and quieter exhaust for rides that require more stop and go's. Remove the stock for open country rides. Just a little louder, but lots better high RPM flow.


Comments or suggestions welcome. I have put a couple of miles on it this morning in my neighborhood with the bar stock in place. Seems to do just great!
Back in the 1950's. some hotrodders installed exhaust cutouts in their head pipe. A short piece of exhaust pipe was welded in, then capped by a 2-bolt exhaust flange. Some used a gas cap to open and close the port.

Others controlled the cutout by a choke cable.

A cable might be a nice way to control your exhaustive innovation.
Back in the 1950's. some hotrodders installed exhaust cutouts in their head pipe. A short piece of exhaust pipe was welded in, then capped by a 2-bolt exhaust flange. Some used a gas cap to open and close the port.

Others controlled the cutout by a choke cable.

A cable might be a nice way to control your exhaustive innovation.

A cable would be good, however, I usually have an idea where I'm going before I start. It takes about ten seconds to remove the restriction if I decide to take an extended ride. I haven't tested the top speed with the restriction --- if it'll do 30 mph, that's fine. Without the restriction, it'll do 43 to 45 mph according to the GPS.

Just call me a "Simple Man".

Lynyrd Skynyrd
for months I've been fighting to properly tune my engine, yesterday I purchased a e3.10 spark plug from homeless despot and cruising 5mph faster, engine runs much better. Up to now have been focusing on carburetor tuning which only takes one so far. When in doubt get a new plug! They're cheap & easy & make a huge difference!
Replaced my front disc brake pads. Have used them about 4 months. Not much longer life than the Salmon Kool Stops I used on the calipers, but it certainly stops much better with the disc.

What is the average life of a bike disc brake pad? This is the first application I've ever used them ---- motorized or not......
My 1" threadless suspension fork never sat well in my Diamondback cruiser frame.

I began to think I had a 1" fork in a 1.125" head tube.

Upon closer inspection, I realized I had a 26.4mm bottom race in the tube. I measured; I need a 27mm headset race.

That's why the fork never seemed to sit right.

Two ball bearings fell out of the head tube.

I think I'll pony up for a new headset with sealed bearings.
Replaced my front disc brake pads. Have used them about 4 months. Not much longer life than the Salmon Kool Stops I used on the calipers, but it certainly stops much better with the disc.

What is the average life of a bike disc brake pad? This is the first application I've ever used them ---- motorized or not......
It changes. For me it is about 1000mi. But then my setup sees much harder stops. I also have to change out my disc every other pad change. I run the metal pads on a 4-piston. They eat the disc. Goes down to .010" under in the middle of the braking surface of the original .070 or whatever disc thickness.
Sometimes, the best thing you can do for your bike is to just take a ride! A relaxing 25 mile loop around a local lake was the perfect improvement ------ for me!