what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Finally added a rear caliper to Pandora. Used a caliper that has a quick release on the cable that will allow me to 'dis-connect' the rear from the front (I use a dual pull brake lever). Should be useful in gravel conditions.

The bike now has 3 brakes including the rear Shimano coaster. She stops quick! Very pleased.

Also lubed the drive chain, did a minor adjust on the rear cones, and did a 25 mile shake down run. I believe that she is now ready for the 2016 Midwest Scarecrow Run.......
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chamber done.jpg well its painted here its in the oven and then it done now to weld it to a exhaust thats broken off the muffler and attack this baby up
Nice looking chamber and heat shield setup.... what did that pipe come off of? And did you need to re clock any of the bends to make it fit?
That color combo works great too
Still slow progress on my road bike build but today I finished up brazing my pipe together and painted it semi flat black with hi temp ceramic paint, then I ordered a pro circuit silencer off a cr80 off ebay.... this bike is getting close to completion but even trying to get to the shop an hour early isn't helping when customers show up about the same time I get there...
I went for a short but exiting ride today
Looked at bicycle accessories at Walmart. (no purchase).
Worked overtime trying to get caught up from a long weekend at the antique motorcycle swap meet, then antique bicycle swap meet, then drag race, and finally a few hours riding around in Amish county. What a weekend!
too old to get the starter out of my car alone, so hung the bike on rear rack & left car at shop, rode bike home - later reversed the process when car was done

nice having spare transpo hanging off back of car
the x chamber is from a 78 Yamaha YZ80 i havent done anything to it yet but it seemed to fit like a glove when i mocked it up there looks like i will just have to leave a little bit of the bend of a poo poo exhaust pipes bend in it and justy turn it around and it will weld right up
thats like the customer that wanted his bike he ends up over here as i was taking the bike out for its maiden voyage and you all know we have to work the bugs out and it takes a little bit longer sometimes well this guy was like why you doing that everything i did he was just right there over my shoulder i told him i would call him when its ready to go and he just shows up should have told him it would be another day till it was done LOL
not today but forgot to post yesterday, I changed the plug and plug wire end, also cleaned the tires and spokes late last night, I ordered a new HD lightening CDI and a sunlite speedometer.


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my ride has been doing well these past few months and I decided to give it a real test. There is a music shop a bit away, Not too far, I've gone there on my schwinn Continental 10 speed before, trouble is there is a big old hill. It wasn't easy getting up it on a bike but I thought my cycle motuer could make it. It got up the hill but not without some fussing and cussing on the bike's part. By the time I got to the top it wasn't running. Turns out if vibrated so much the choke lever moved over and killed the engine. I rode home and decided to stay in my neighborhood for now.
used to have my pant leg throw choke on every so often - I bent that lever a bit on my daily driver to prevent that
Found a staple buried in my rear tire through my tube (completely flat) after I got off work from the commute this morning, so I swapped my rear tube out for a self sealing version after work then rode home. Gave me a good reminder to double check all my tools and spares that I carry, because I found I was missing my pump and tube from my bag. Luckily I keep a pump at work and a buddy drove me to grab a quick tube.
i have tried those self sealing tubes and found that there not worth the money i buy the puncture resistant one and get better wear out of them there thicker and the friction that these bikes make will pop a normal tube in a little time but these last a long time

Well I'm yet attempting to finish this, it requires a rear brake or a way to engage the coaster on it.If had it running and apart several times and no joking currently no brake on it. My plan currently is to remove the jack drive and mount an Archer on the frame the same setup as was featured earlier on this website. I'd like to keep the Nexus but I can't figure in a way to get it to stop and go once it go's. Any suggestions ? Got a few bolt on's that work running a GT 5 piston cut to fit in this with a generous 3 mm x 47 mm increase in the combustion chamber don't not much loss of power but haven't got it opened up in 3rd will likely reach 60 mph easily on these tire tub/wheel set. Anyway not sure if this is seasoned enough for some but here it is again just lately..
I resolve the chain tension issue and got this running again has decent torque with the Nexus 3 but in 3rd it pulls and keeps pull I backed off it about 55 and with no brakes on it it took a long while to slowing it down on the shoulder of the county route. Anyway I estimate it will break 60 without effort this tire and wheel set is great for oil and chip but will likely ware out in a few months of steady riding .Yes it runs well with the larger combustion area granted by the GT 5 piston the ports open quicker stay open longer and it likely runs cooler overall but that's my estimate on the piston swap,the bottom of the piston skirt had to be radius cut to fit the connecting rod modification was to remove to center section,the piston trimmed thin all way round the inside the wrist pin is cross drilled and polished on this assembly as well these are the basics. The reciprocating weight attached to the crankshaft is much less but I did not remove the crankshaft to fit a solid steel rod journal so is still a lightweight far as rebuilding one of these. The work I favored was easy but without a working brake on this bike it's not stress proven I work it up to 3rd at low rpm's ,it will move..No fancy work done actually.
Today wasn't a "what did you do to your motorbicycle" day. It was "what did you do to your shop area" day. Did the full maintenance routine on the compressor --- fresh oil, new regulator, new 50' rubber hose, new couplers on the hose ends and on all tools, and cleaned the air filter.

The new regulator really helped the performance! I didn't realize that I wasn't getting full pressure. I guess that slow changes and my age combined to dull my ninja senses.....
Went to go start it for my morning ride to work only to find i had super low compression and it wouldn't start. i put in a new headgasket and base gasket because i did some mods on the piston and decked it a little bit. It turns out that one of the connectors rattled a little loose and that connection grounding out was the reason for non start. I also put on my new HD lightning cdi and sunlite speedo, I was super stoked to find both in the mail box last night.


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not too much on the go today..
some basic stuff.. check all bolts, true back tire, tighten up axle, straighten sprocket...basic maintenance.
Nothing today, but got my pro circuit muffler the other day, took I apart, cleaned it up and painted the steel parts as well as buffing out the aluminum canister and trial fitted it onto the bike, with the bends it has I should be able to use it on the kx65 pipe without any further mods needed to the pipe or the muffler, just a little heat wrap from the stinger to the silencer to keep from burning my leg....

Also as an FYI for anyone else using the kx pipe, the Honda cr80 mufflers slip right on and have a bend that works well with the kx pipe.