i dont think you want one of those look how tiny the tires are you will kill your butt and losten every tooth in your mouth check out the schwinn midway its a 29" with nice tires and there steel they run about 149.00 at walmary and the best thing they ship for free right to your door the delivery guys hate me i buy bikes 3-4 at a time and thats just about every two or three days then thats not even the poor UPS guy bringing me 10 motor kits at a time its cheaper to buy in bulk so i but 10 http://motorbicycling.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=78351&d=1433650769 my ulility room is stacked as you can see and i had to rent a storage unit for the bikes i have 4 of them right now in my front room or should i say my shop LOL my bad ass chrome bike is in the middle of my kitchen
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