what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

fiddled with my recumbent and got the dual led headlights wired up and mounted , then took the 4 year old stepdaughter four a mini bike ride through the neighberhood
shimmed my wheel over to the pedal side more with a thick 2mm washer and a thinner nut on the opposite side. also changed my rear 20" specialized 2.125 roller tire with a 1.95 cst cyclops and aired front and rear tire pressure to 60 psi. Also i washed my clown nose air filter on the 21mm phbg carb in the sink, dried and am going for a ride.
Just completed a 'check every bolt, lube everything lub-able'. Gonna take it on a camping trip to SE Oklahoma. That seems to be where the weather is most favorable. Was planning on northern New Mexico, but 28* (-2* C) & precip didn't warm my cockles.

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Not really on the bike but I got bored at work and welded up a small engine test stand that bolts the engine to a post for the front mount and the rear mounts to a small plate, then the whole thing can be C clamp monted to a table or workbench. The unit is small and compact, but very sturdy so it's possible to run the engine off the bike by using an aux tank like those for synching motorcycle carbs and a pull starter or a cordless drill with a beefier nut installed on the magneto side of the crank.

The main benefit of this stand is that I have something solid to mount an engine on besides the bike for other purposes like assembly, disassembly, and test fitting parts I've been fabricating in the shop when I have free time.

Right now it's almost done but I need to refill my argon bottle so I can finish the welding.
Cool, Dave! Pics?
Was goofing around with Manic about doing some thing like that as a emergency generator. Have a truck alternator with a sprocket on the shaft.

Double duty and a conversation piece.
No pics yet but I can take some here in a little bit... Right now I'm out of gas for my TIG welder and I'm hoping I can get my bottle filled in the morning before I open up shop...

Sounds like you got a similar idea because I was thinking about what I could use as a dummy load for the engine to make it possible to do the break in before installing and an old generator came to mind since it's compact and capable of putting a decent load on these engines. Another thought I had was to let it run a large shop fan but then it wouldn't be compact anymore, but with a generator it caould mke the electricity it takes to run a fan which could be used to keep the engine from overheating on the stand...
I have similar for my CDI tester, but decided not to try one for the whole motor as the shaft may get its threads stripped when trying to start a high compression motor, plus I may get my wrist broken if I don't get the drill off that nut very quickly when the motor starts.
Swapping sprockets to change ratios for an experimental clutch. Gnarling the driven shaft. It was not turning the bearings and wore valleys in the shaft. That was a new one on me and didn't know what was causing it until Russel pointed it out.

Thanks, Russel!

I have similar for my CDI tester, but decided not to try one for the whole motor as the shaft may get its threads stripped when trying to start a high compression motor, plus I may get my wrist broken if I don't get the drill off that nut very quickly when the motor starts.

That is great, Crassius. Must make DXing a breeze. Did you post a thread?

You guys got me thinking. I have an old exercise bike thing in the cellar. The rear wheel is just a huge flywheel. Gotta think about this. Would be really hard to get started. hmmmm.....

But for a regular engine stand and to start the engine with a drill (batt. operated for power outages, to be used as a generator) Use a ratcheting socket?
That is great, Crassius. Must make DXing a breeze. Did you post a thread?

But for a regular engine stand and to start the engine with a drill (batt. operated for power outages, to be used as a generator) Use a ratcheting socket?

yes, posted a part1 & part2 since there is a limit on # of pics in a post - don't recall where, but a search on my posts will find them - probably in troubleshooting

I use an exercise stand when my build bench is busy - removed exercise wheel & just put bike on it & pedal start it.
I've also stripped the nut on the shaft by drill starting before but by using a thicker nut it eliminates that problem, the part about the drill twisting your hand off when the engine starts... I'm still working on that, but temp installing a pull starter works great too..
Rode my MB to the polls to vote. The bike attracted more attention than the political candidates. I removed the cap in my new pipe prior to the ride and noticed a slight boost in power. The ride added a little fun to throwing the radcals out so we can vote more rascals in. .flg.
I started playing around with a new pipe. I'm using the blue silicone high temp tubing to determine the proper header length. It had descent torque at this length, but I think it's still too long. I'll start shortening it slowly tomorrow. Dark comes so quickly this time of year!image.jpg
I got a $13 cost with tax totaled and free shipping on a multi-leather punch set made from over seas. It has a nice cloth case with tiny 1/8 inch to 3/4 inch round punches. Total 12 punches. I know they won't really be good on metal, but gaskets is what I would be using them for, like intake and crankcase gaskets.


here is the Amazon link I bought it at:



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Changed back to the one size up from stock jet as i had in two sizes up (bigger) and bike didnt like it at higher RPM (crazy torque though on the topnotch of the throttle pin). Put oil in the bearings under the clutch, (bad move). Major slippage, almost never made it the 20 km drive to where i was going.
Break cleaner was out as soon as i got there, damaged a clutch pad trying to remove to get a clean slate behind the wheel. Went for a test drive, left in light light rain, 5 mins later ended up in steady rain in the middle of nowhere land, probably another 10 km trip for a test,.. Clutch grabbed good, but noticed a weird slapping ticking sound when i started her up that dissipated with higher rpm.
2 kms from the gas station ran out of gas, had to pedal in the rain up hill. filled up, drove by a cop at a light.
that about it.

Changed back to the one size up from stock jet as i had in two sizes up (bigger) and bike didnt like it at higher RPM (crazy torque though on the topnotch of the throttle pin). Put oil in the bearings under the clutch, (bad move). Major slippage, almost never made it the 20 km drive to where i was going.
Break cleaner was out as soon as i got there, damaged a clutch pad trying to remove to get a clean slate behind the wheel. Went for a test drive, left in light light rain, 5 mins later ended up in steady rain in the middle of nowhere land, probably another 10 km trip for a test,.. Clutch grabbed good, but noticed a weird slapping ticking sound when i started her up that dissipated with higher rpm.
2 kms from the gas station ran out of gas, had to pedal in the rain up hill. filled up, drove by a cop at a light.
that about it.


Dang it... NOT a nice ride or overall experience at all...

Glad you made it safely though.

Within the last week I sold my first bike and glad of it. I got my 2nd bike out and started my build with a mental list of things to do, I'm saving a couple of paychecks up for a newer tomos moped for work, a PS 4 and bike parts for my build. I plan to go all out for this next bike. Other then that I'll be happier then a frog on a log.
Seems like we're all in the same big boat with this nationwide cold spell. I plan to get out tomorrow (Sat) when the weather improves with *maybe* some sun and *maybe* high temps above 30.

Skinny tires rule.