what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Nice work on the trailer, Huffydavidson. The fifth wheel hitch looks like it'll work out well. You might need to rethink the exhaust on the bike now though, maybe angle it down or put a panel or something on the front of the trailer to reduce exhaust going through your stuff. Actually, the latter idea might be good anyway to reduce tire spray into the trailer.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I also want to say nice job on the trailer, great idea on using the caster for the swivel point, I had thought of the quick connect coupler but using the caster was a new idea for me, thanks for all the great pics, and again, you did an excellent job on that trailer, heck I like the whole bike for that matter, very clean well put together rig HuffyD.

The idea of using steel or alum. flashing to wrap exhaust joints rather than using the short lived silicone tubing is something I have also done, I actually put a dab of the high temp silicone on the pipe before I wrapped the alum. flashing around the pipe and clamped it for a better possible seal but I can attest to how well that works and its cheap and simple.

Nice Bike..!

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Made the switch from Royal Purple to Shell Rotella T engine oil today. As soon as I got home from work, I went to the basement and grabbed all my stuff for changing oil (makes it sound complicated lol). My gallon jug that I dump my waste oil into, my funnel, my measuring cup and a makeshift front wheel stand I made by duct taping an empty quart oil container to a 2x4. I have to prop my front wheel up to put oil in the bike, or the oil will just spill right out as I pour it in. Then I grabbed my socket wrench and pliers out of my tool bag that I keep in my one saddlebag. Undid the oil drain plug with the socket wrench, being careful not to get hot oil all over my fingers. Drained all the purple stuff, measured 12oz of Rotella, propped the front wheel up, then removed the dip stick by twisting it with the pliers. Replaced the drain plug, stuck the funnel in, and dumped the Rotella in. In a little while, got to drive to Walmart to pick up medicine and a few motorized bicycle supplies.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Search "carb rebuild" for Norms thread. Good info!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Thanks guys, and map it's beer can not flashing . The best mods are FREE. Anyway today rode to hardware store for bag of POP rivets my stock was getting depleted . Came home got the gas can got gas, came back again and drop off the gas, back out to get stuff dinner.Ate like theres no tomorrow and login to the forum .
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Took the tensioner out of the equation. Now the pedal chain is a bit loose. Might try going up a tooth on the cog and see if it comes back into adjustment.
It's as hot as balls here, but I want to work on stripping the nylon panels on the bike trailer since my wife has offered to sew up a new set out of canvas. She thinks it looks strange to have a flat black bike tow around a rainbow colored trailer that could be seen from space.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Went to Lowe's after work and got a replacement bolt, flat washer and lock washer for my kickstand. I had gotten a new lock washer for it a week or two ago, but it turned out to be a tad large and the darn thing still came loose. So I was going to get the proper size, and undid the bolt and noticed that it wasn't quite straight. So, new bolt and washers. Hopefully it holds up now.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Went to Lowe's after work and got a replacement bolt, flat washer and lock washer for my kickstand. I had gotten a new lock washer for it a week or two ago, but it turned out to be a tad large and the darn thing still came loose. So I was going to get the proper size, and undid the bolt and noticed that it wasn't quite straight. So, new bolt and washers. Hopefully it holds up now.

Blue loctite or a lock nut........ ( the cure )
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Blue loctite or a lock nut........ ( the cure )

Tried blue loctite, it doesn't seem to get on enough threads to do any good. Lock nut doesn't really work, since the bolt goes right into the kickstand (no nut at all, there is a hole through the kickstand with threads in it). The lock washer should solve the problem though.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Rode the bike around the block a few dozen times just putting miles on her and checking everything for durability. No problems so far, even though I'm using stock kit chain at the moment. Everything is still tight and true.
Re-torqued the head and the rag joint, both were good. No changes in spoke tension or wheel shape. The hub on this build was absolutely perfect for the sprocket hole to center itself correctly making this a very easy rag joint install!
Motor is still blubbery and puking as it breaks in. I run around varying throttle constantly with a few full pulls through the available revs to help seat the rings. Notching the piston skirt seems to have made it run richer even though the needle is in the second slot per my usual. The engine seems tighter and less buzzy than most of my recent kits so I'm hoping for good results!
Looks like I picked a decent engine to fully tear-down and port match.
The bike itself needs taller bars quite badly. It is murder on the wrists as it sits. I'm looking at some 10-12" rise BMX bars if I can mod the neck for the front brake cable. Straight bars are very uncomfortable for this frame.
So far, So good!brnotxct2
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Before I sanded and ran a coat of paint the other day, I 'walled' off a corner of my garage to hang painted parts in.. sanding specs of dust and crap out and recoating gets old faster than you'd think ;). I had some plastic to work with (a skid bag - bag designed to go on to a pallet to contain leaky batteries, and part of an old matress bag. Loaded the stapler, grabbed the duct tape and ten minutes later I can hang stuff to dry so it's out of the way and less likely to be affected by doing other things in the garage.

Once I got that done I did the work on the tank and hung it in there. Looks good so far, I'm going to give it an extra couple of days before the masking comes off and the clearcoat goes on.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I took my gearbox cover off and adjusted my primary drive chain tension again. The clutch will slip if the chain is loose. I put everything back together and tightened it down. I was looking my back wheel over and trying to decide if I needed to adjust it at all, when I discovered a spoke that had popped loose from the flange on the hub. This definitely explains the problems I've been having with it. I never did figure out why the wheel was wiggling, no matter how I would adjust it. Now I know why. Luckily, I just ordered a replacement wheel from Huffy. Why Huffy? Because its the only wheel I know for sure will accept the sprocket adapter I have, the Howard adapter which was designed specifically for the Cranbrook wheel. The unfortunate aspect is that the wheel is coming UPS from Cali, and is going to take about a week to reach me on the East Coast.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I recently acquired a 45 caliber ammo box. Still deciding if I want to add this to the bike.......may fabricate a detachable mount for the box. Decisions, decisions.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I recently acquired a 45 caliber ammo box. Still deciding if I want to add this to the bike.......may fabricate a detachable mount for the box. Decisions, decisions.

I say build the mount to hang the box off to one side, paint it flat black like the bike and put a www.motorbicyling.com sticker on the side of it.......!

I plan to use a can like that myself in the future on a bike.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I opened an account @ Crow Cycles and made wish list order for payday. Called in a warranty with another SITE VENDER . Then I waxed the bike . dance1
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I opened an account @ Crow Cycles and made wish list order for payday. Called in a warranty with another SITE VENDER . Then I waxed the bike . dance1

I ordered a center kickstand from them fr my 98cc cruiser. Priority shipping was a little pricey (like $12 or 15, can't remember), but worth it. It was the extra tall adjustable black kickstand. Its a quality kickstand, but be forewarned if your bike doesn't have a tab on the bottom of the chainstays to hold the kickstand in place, you will want to upgrade the mounting bolt and lockwasher. The lockwasher that came with it was fairly cheesey and failed when I tightened the bolt a little tighter. But other than that, its a very quality piece.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

My replacement mirror got here today, so I swapped out the broken one and put my new blind spot mirrors on as well. I also played around trying to improve my gas tank mounts. Its a Whizzer style (repop) 4 liter tank. The mounting hardware was designed to fit a fat frame, and I have a skinny frame. I rigged the mounts to begin with, so today I was just trying to make them a little better. I still have to ziptie the petcock to the frame to keep the tank from sliding around on the top tube, but I think I made the rear tank mounts a little sturdier, having upgraded from cheap thin sheetmetal to the leftover handlebar clamp that came with my mirror, which I didn't use to mount the mirror because my front brake mount has a mirror mount built into it. The only down side was that it took me almost 2 hours to do all this in the heat today, which was no fun. But the upside is that the only thing left to do is swap out my rear wheel when it gets here. That part will be a piece of cake. It will take about an hour probably, but still not that difficult, just time consuming.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I didn't ride it, but, if I did I could blow every one else off the road with their golf carts. It's getting up to around 45mph now on the straight a ways in the country. Of course I will not drive it on the highways that fast. I will stay within the law. It's a little scary. The bike I'm sure will hit 50
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