what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

^Speed run yet? :D

Ran it with a .030 plug gap. Engine likes it better. Better throttle response, less 4 stroking.

Then my clutch cable slipped. *DOH*
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

does that mean it can't be ridden on highways?

Should be able to have it registered as dual purpose, street and off road, as long as it meets the definition of a motorized bicycle. Get a motorized bicycle plate and a Off Road Vehicle sticker and your good to go. Never heard of anybody having a dual purpose motorized bicycle - there is always the first!

I plan on building a machine that I can use on the street and off road. Use a 212cc predator off road and a 99cc on the road.

AKA: BigBlue
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I removed the pedal crank so no it is referred to as MC, motorcycle. Only trail riding where permitted. Sticker Green White Black. I suppose that is the Green Sticker so it is the better one to have.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I'm guessing that past a certain age, multi-colored permit stickers are beyond understanding : (
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I told her I love her. All the guys at the store looked her up & down , It did'nt bother me a bit because I know she's mine . All mine. Besides I hold the key to her chastity belt. LMAO
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Day dreamed about my next build....... keep changing my mind on some things and which bike is next, wifey got me so choked down with honey dooz right now I cant take on anything major on, but I'm gonna squeeze a build in soon I hope, need to get my Dax lower put together the way I want it and then Ill just do an engine swap on one of my bikes which has a good engine on it that needs a stud drilled out on the front mount.

I just keep ordering odds and ends from here and there and hoping when Im done with this one it will be my best and smoothest running engine, if it aint smoother than my others I'm gonna be PO'd big time but if it holds together Ill still enjoy it.

Happy safe riding all.....
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hey Map, you can't feel the purring of the cat until you take it out of the box and turn it looooooooosssssssssssssse. Stop the honeydos get your *** out to the shop and getur done son. laff
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Took the Predator bike down to the Dairy Queen today for a car show. No trophy, but a lot of people were interested in the bike.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hey Map, you can't feel the purring of the cat until you take it out of the box and turn it looooooooosssssssssssssse. Stop the honeydos get your *** out to the shop and getur done son. laff

Lol.....! Trouble is one f my biggest honey dooz right now is finishing my new shop.........!
I got stuff strung all over the dang place but I ll get it sorted out soon I hope, ill get ur done before long, just need to get some the ports cleaned up on the jug make some good jug to case gaskets and a few other mods and then I can go together with the engine, if we get rain like is forcast next weekend maybe that will give me some time inside that I can use to work on it.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I rode it over to a friend's house that is having electrical trouble on a 'bargain' motorcycle he bought.

I've found if you don't pay **** for it, that's usually what it's worth. I'd be more confident on taking my bike cross-country than taking his twin cylinder Suzuki cross-town. Oh well, he's proud of it and I guess that's what counts!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Saturday rode yard sailing for wheels and parts the Trailer build . Today , wax-on------wax-off, sparkling in 78degree sunshine. My gal called complaining her swimming pool water was too cool she wished it was hotter .
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I got bored of the 700c hybrid, so I took the Tanaka Dax-drive off it. I'm going to put it on a single-speed rigid mountain bike with huge slicks. Fun fun fun. I think going 5mph slower but having fat tires and a "gear" the engine can really get on top of (1" roller re-installed) will be more fun than trying to coax the skinny bike into top speed.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Got rained out today, so we parked and see wasn't talking to me today, guess I gotta blame for the rain . But sun shine all day in the morning. She'll be happy to get some leg then. Know what I mean.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Got a used clutch shaft from AZBill yesterday and spent this morning getting dirty and greasy rebuilding it and installing it. Hopefully I don't go gorilla on this one like I did the first when tightening the sprocket.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Installed a brand new led bulb in my brake light, only to find that the stupid thing is only half as bright as the incandescent bulb I had planned to replace with it. So that was a waste of $16.50 (including shipping). But its ok, I found a better bulb for $4 with free shipping.