what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Rode around and around and
around some more. In St.Louis we only Hotties that hang-out. And popvoff is vodka . Not CNS which stands for " Can Not Suffice" or in all case "Can Not Service". LOL RT - "RUNS TERRIFIC"!!!!!! Once you go DAX you'll never go BAX. laff
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I just put about 15 miles on mine in the bright sunshine and moderate temperatures.......wind was blow'n like ****, though. Guess you can't have it all!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

At least it it wasn't torrential rain :D I was already soaking wet because I work on a boat, so it wasn't like I could get MORE wet... haha :)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I took the Pig out for awhile today. First real ride since I had my problems. Very nice!
My Pig fired right up with a tiny tickle and ran like a sewing machine (bolted to a jackhammer) and I rode around until I had blown all the dust off and went home happy.
Every day above ground is a GOOD day.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I concur! Just sealed the deal on my next build --- it's gonna have an expansion chamber and gears!

It's a really fun bike. I've used the SBP pipe before, but this was the one from arrow which fit the bike alot better than the SBP pipe does.

BIG tip though, splurge a bit and get some GOOD single speed chain for the jackshaft to crank chain.

I've used the chain it comes with, but ultimately ended up snapping it several times. (basically once it snaps the first time, it's only a matter of time until it snaps again)

The chain i got is much thicker than normal. I'll find the box and find out what type it is.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I checked my spark arrester screen on my Tanaka bike, and changed from the foam element I made, to a square cut from a busted window screen. I ran it before with ACE bandage screens, and it worked well. The foam made it quieter, so I saved it in the cargo box. I'll see if it runs any better/faster with the screen filter vs. foam filter soon, next time I run it.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Maniac is a heart attack victim.:-||

Dang, Sorry to hear that. I've also had 2 heart attacks, along with congestive heart failure, COPD, Diabetes, High blood pressure and I'm sure a couple other things I'm forgetting about. So I know the spirit will prevail and he'll be up and riding in no time.
I just saw that he IS up and riding. Way to go Maniac.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

It's a really fun bike. I've used the SBP pipe before, but this was the one from arrow which fit the bike alot better than the SBP pipe does.

BIG tip though, splurge a bit and get some GOOD single speed chain for the jackshaft to crank chain.

I've used the chain it comes with, but ultimately ended up snapping it several times. (basically once it snaps the first time, it's only a matter of time until it snaps again)

The chain i got is much thicker than normal. I'll find the box and find out what type it is.

Here ya go-

That the one?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I cleaned out my storage shed and found a dusty purple motor bicycle. Lol. My wife hasn't ridden it in forever. She rides about 1x a year, then complains about the heat or the cold the rest of the year and goes back to watching the tunnelvision set.

I told her last year if she didn't ride it, I was going to paint it hunter green and ride the wheels off it, or rob the motor and put it on my 26" BMX bike.
(which is of course, hunter green and sandy clay brown)
I camouflaged it today with a roll of real-tree style duct-tape (buy 2 if you're doing an adult bike). I put a set of Nashbar Elevators or cycle-pro swiss armies on it (street hybrid tread). I tried it with some DH tires I shaved the knobs off of. It was a great ride, but they're heavy. The DFD tension straps were too short to lift the roller off the tire (cut for 1.75-1.95s, not 2.35 lol), so I went to lighter, smaller tires. Still looks good.


Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

My bad skarrd,thought that was the heavy duty chain. Thanks for the link!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

My bad skarrd,thought that was the heavy duty chain. Thanks for the link!

Lol its all good. I just seem to remember on the SBP site that the KMC chain they include was labeled as being "heavy duty" but I could be wrong.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

You can get the hd chain from staton-inc.com for $1.49 per foot. Best price I've found so far.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Not a dam thing other than a short ride to get soda. It's waxed up new motor, tires running like a cat and with DAX balanced bottom its all about PERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRFORMANCE meow !!!!!!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Adjusted the rear brake. It works now. Half the one pad wasn't even on the rim during braking. Gapped my plug to .025. Bike doesn't run as well now. Runs rich actually. I had it at .035. Gonna try it at .030 when it cools down.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Juiced her up , other than my morning ride not a Dam thing rollin smooth and He!!a fast, 40.7mph @ 6800rpms in 6th gear with 7th gear waiting patiently but the light went yeller on me . Coulda made it , but I wasn't in that big of hurry. brnot