what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

finally put on some sort of front brake(caliper for now) so i dont have to rely on coaster alone(failed too many times)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I did alot of tuning on V2 tons of fun. But if someone would have not 67.5 ish jetted the idle jet. I am sure it would have been much easier but alas soldering and smaller, lets call jet calibrater aka unbent staple. Working fine enough breaks into and almost silent 2 stroke like its not even on but you are clipping along and the four stroking or whatever is rough before you break out great low-mid right now. Lowered needle c/e clip to the middle. last descripiton was at top position. Very Rich. Haven't tried this combo yet. Tommorw we will see.

still jetted the main as well as was ridden.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I put a little over 5 miles on my new build this evening......baby steps, I guess. I wanna make sure everything is good to go before I attempt something farther than my neighborhood. I can certainly say that I'm gonna have to find some higher performance/longer lasting brake pads!

Don't forget yer hand tools,tube and tire pump.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Son dropped me off @ my workplace today (Sunday) to pick up my bike. The pull start rope wouldn't retract, so I loosened the mounting bolts and rapped on the housing until it retracted. I readjusted carb to stock settings, so now throttle response is smooth as butter. Rode to Jack Box for breakfast. Pull start jammed again, and I noticed two mounting bolts had fallen out. Removed pull start assembly and loosened center pivot bolt. Made notes to replace missing mounting bolts. There are two one-mile, medium-sized hill to reach home and a 200-yard super-steep hill. The bike took them on easily, never having to use 46.4:1 first gear. Second gear @ 38.2 :1 worked well enough, even from complete stops. I've been cruising in 7th gear on the stretches, which is 17.73:1.xct2
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Found jets locally, bought a gallon of VP 110 haven't decided on mixing 1/2 and half 110/93. Might be about 104 before oil mix?brnot
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Coaster brakes are very useful (great because water doesn't affect them, and they don't need a lever), but a rear brake alone is not enough.
You can get forks, brakes, etc at www.niagaracycle.com or http://www.custommotoredbicycles.com/
Custom motorized bicycle has a disc/v compatible 1" threaded shock for $60

finally put on some sort of front brake(caliper for now) so i dont have to rely on coaster alone(failed too many times)
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

hapycheapskate- That looks like a great deal! I'll need those on my "Mountain Cruiser" build.

Today I took off the brake handle, lever type throttle I had fabbed up, and replaced it with a trigger style throttle. I re-purposed a shift lever from a parts bike, turned it upside down, made the throttle cable work, and it's good. I have a grip with my whole hand except my trigger finger. Seems safer to me.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I went for a ride to Hardware store and when I was leaving, this big dude comes running over to me yelling " Hey I got one of those, mine's an 88cc I got it from ZOOOM I got it from ZOOM . " I said " Oh? those are ileagle " He said " Ya but it looks like a 50. So as I started to roll away I said if you see the cops ghost peddle like @%#&*#@.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Finally got out for the first T-shirt cruise of the year:

New decoration at the memorial:
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

New decoration at the memorial:

Great pic and cool bike! I've been trying to decide between OD green and desert for my bike. I like what you're doing.

If memory serves... M109 Self Propelled Howitzer, 155mm main gun, current model is M109A6 'Paladin' (Army only).

Most of you guy who KNOW this vehicle couldn't hear me if we were having a face to face right now.
"Skill is better than luck." "Huh?" ;)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well lets see,,
I put red loctite on the choke lever nut,,and nail polish on the flower nut locking screw,,and,,ummmm,,took it for another 20 mile rip hehehe...

Good times ....

Tom :)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Repaired the basket after breaking it (again) carrying my welder to a job.

Broken by the same tool that fixes it....
Wow man, like thats cosmic and stuff!
Cut a strip out of the center of the ruined extra-thick tube and installed the carcass as a tire liner.
Pulling the valve stem off WILL NOT STOP ME using this $14 tube!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

You go guy!
If you paid good money for it, you may as well use it!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Repaired the basket after breaking it (again) carrying my welder to a job.

Broken by the same tool that fixes it....
Wow man, like thats cosmic and stuff!
Cut a strip out of the center of the ruined extra-thick tube and installed the carcass as a tire liner.
Pulling the valve stem off WILL NOT STOP ME using this $14 tube!

They dont call you maniac for nuthin...lol..you would fit right in here with us western Jersey red necks :)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I went to my local bike shop (LBS) and asked for the stickiest brake pads they got, he sold me Jagwire brand.
I can stop on a dime with these, and for soft brake pads, they sure are lasting a long time.

PS, I did nothing to my bike today, but going to spread the slime I put in my tubes with some serious centrifugal force later today, vrooom!


I have an all belt drive motor bike and found that using belt dressing spray really helped it grab on the pulleys and clutch. I don't know if it could be used safely on brake pads, but since I have both front and rear hand brakes I could try one just the rear to test and inspect.

Stopping for me I could I suppose do a little better, but with 40:1 ratio I don't get going faster than 15mph, just climb trials. Desending I find with throttle at idle I have plenty of engine braking. Even more braking from all three belts and spinning the clutch bell once the shoes release from the bell.

It is strange I heard a scraping sound and thought something was out of wack, just clutch shoes pulling back in and the short time it takes to completely release. Starting out they engage so quickly you don't hear anything. Can hop the front wheel a little too.

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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Didn't work on the motorized bicycle this evening, but I did replace the crankshaft sensor and vehicle speed sensor on my '06 Altima. Holy shinola!! The crank sensor was in a place that you couldn't see. I actually took my camera and snaked it in there to get a visual to what my fingers were feeling. Took about an hour and a half to replace both sensors. The dealer wanted $300 to replace just the crank sensor ---- I think "not from me".....
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Started my bike up to come home from work today, and my throttle cable came loose in the throttle grip (barrel end of cable was smaller than the notch on the grip), so I had to pull on the throttle cable to get home. So I get home, park the bike, go down to the basement for some tools and a cable with a bigger barrel. Come back up, go over to the bike and start loosening the cable stop, and as soon as I let go of it, the top part of the throttle flies right off the carb! FYI, this is a stock carb on a 98cc Lifan with external throttle linkage. The return spring I was using was too tight. I found the throttle body, but couldn't find the cable stop. So I went down to the basement and luckily found an old squish-nut type cable stopper from an old cantilever brake, and put that along with a new, less stiff return spring on and that fixed it. I also put the return spring in a different position so it won't pull so hard on the throttle body and pull it off the carb again. re-adjusted my idle and the throttle works much better now. With a softer spring, its also easier to pull.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Car mechanics are evil. I think the motorized bicycles will be more popular soon, for the working joe with a short commute. Yeah, Nissan really crams things together under the hood. No fun. I looked all over for the starter on a 90s
Sentra, found it on top and back of the engine. hahahha.
Didn't work on the motorized bicycle this evening, but I did replace the crankshaft sensor and vehicle speed sensor on my '06 Altima. Holy shinola!! The crank sensor was in a place that you couldn't see. I actually took my camera and snaked it in there to get a visual to what my fingers were feeling. Took about an hour and a half to replace both sensors. The dealer wanted $300 to replace just the crank sensor ---- I think "not from me".....