what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I've had one good ride out if my Grubee skyhawk GT5 since finishing the build on Sunday. Yesterday I go to get another ride out of it but I tighten up the exhaust bolts first. Jim, at pedalchopper.com let me know to tighten them up after the first few rides.
Anyway I'm tightening the bolts and notice one bolt isn't locking. Long story short I back it out and shine a light into the hole and its nearly threadless.
Afterwork today I'll be getting a tap&die set and getting it back to running.

YouTube Video
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That suck Resetman, you should just get a single tap for like $5 now, and wait for the whole set when they go on sale. $_$

Being the first day of Spring(woo!), got in the mood to tinker on something. Will be doing a reverse jug mod for the 29er with a replacement engine after the aluminum can head gasket debacle... (still gotta split that case to get all the fragments out, hopefully salvage it)

So, started with cleaning the transfer ports. They were maybe 85% open due to slag... bleh. She'll be a happy camper now:

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Killercanuck that does suck. I already got a set from work I'm gonna borrow for the job. It being the first day of spring I would rather be riding it after work! Good luck with that tinkering you got going on.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I've found that if you screw the stud in tight then it has nowhere to go when things get hot and start expanding. If the stud is already bottomed out then when it expands it has nowhere to go except harder against the threads and tends to strip them out easier. I run the stud down, then crack it back just a little. I haven't stripped out a stud since I've been doing it this way.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Fatdaddy I'm gonna take that advice once I get that hole re-threaded. I wanted to get to it afterwork but you know how issh* comes up and plans get averted. Looking like its gonna be a weekend thing but its cool because I'll have more time to get it right.
On the plus side though I did get my rear fender cut to stop that chain from rubbing it on the engine side. So that's why I did to my bike today.
Has anyone done something different to stop their chain from rubbing?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Got a right angle adapter for my dremel. C:

I'll have to see how well I can use it to get at the transfer ports.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Installed my new ngk b6hs...gapped to .028...suppresor boot installed as well...threw on a heavy duty front wheel and new rubbers all the way around...repacked rear hub...charged my battery...more duct tape...painted my tank, headlamp and fender satin blue the day before yesterday...found 2 springs that are 1½" and are 75lb springs...spring loaded idler here I come...and I ordered 2 bp6hs ngk plugs and a suppressor wire from the zone

oh...and I rode her hard for about a 1 mile loop...nice...

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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Woo! Duct tape!

Still plugging on the Bairdwards mod, as Aleman put it, apt, eh.



needs more finishing, but getting there...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Put a piranha throttle on the cruiser

Fiddled with the mountain bike, jetting and re-jetting the RT carb, switching back to an NT carb, changing fuel ratios, searching for air leaks... and still not able to keep the engine from bogging down on hills :(

Thinking about swapping engine with a spare I have laying around.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I tried to catch my garage on fire while grinding to modifying my crank arms.



Watch out for where your grinding sparks go or you could have this happen too. See the Wasp build to see how I modified them.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Attempted to install a new brake on the back, realized I have to take my tank off to thread the new cable savers...which means I have to cut my tank studs off to do this...which means I'm out of a ride until I can get the new studs welded...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I don't wanna wait till tomorrow to post but I guess I'll have to. Package expected to be here when I get home so the garage will be my work site after work and I'll post the details and pics.
It's like waiting for Christmas morning.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Swapped out my pedals today. A few days ago, I discovered that my right pedal was not in the whole way. It also would not easily loosen or tighten with a wrench. So today, I got a seat post to put some leverage on the stuck pedal. It came out about halfway and then started stripping. I started beating the pedal with the seat post in frustration, and the pedal came the rest of the way out. I have a pair of weighted exercise bike pedals that were given to me, and I put those on. Hopefully they will be much sturdier than the $8 Walmart pedals I had on there anyway.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Replaced a spoke on the 66 build-

pedal side of hub- so I got it in without having to take the rag joint off-

not too bad- hope it doesn't become a habit
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Next time you get some stubborn pedal axle, drip transmission fluid (new or used doesn't matter) in the threads from the back of the crank (gravity works) and wait for it to penetrate. If that doesn't help it give way, you can heat the crank (move it around) with a plumbers torch and it should come loose, but will probably ruin the finish. If you need new cranks, try www.vueltausa.com or www.niagaracycle.com

Swapped out my pedals today. A few days ago, I discovered that my right pedal was not in the whole way. It also would not easily loosen or tighten with a wrench. So today, I got a seat post to put some leverage on the stuck pedal. It came out about halfway and then started stripping. I started beating the pedal with the seat post in frustration, and the pedal came the rest of the way out. I have a pair of weighted exercise bike pedals that were given to me, and I put those on. Hopefully they will be much sturdier than the $8 Walmart pedals I had on there anyway.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I put wd40 and pb blaster on it. Finish is already ruined. Had to heat and bend the pedals to clear my 98cc engine.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Took it for a cruise, then had to re-route my exhaust (flex pipe). Where I had it was too close to my left leg and I bumped it twice during my cruise. So I undid the hose clamps holding it to the frame and routed it back towards the rear wheel and away from my legs.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Don't forget! The right hand crank is conventionally threaded. The left hand crank (pedal threads) are reversed! (aka rightly LOOS-EY, Lefty Tightly).

I went for a local ride and pigged out on Grandy's chicken fried steak, even got the apple cobbler today. Tuesday is Ch. Fr. Steak special. Yum! Everyone else in the house is on a diet. hahahha.

I had a good ride, put on a new chain (so nice! crispy shifts!)
The 3 speed freewheel and 3 speed hybrid crank go perfectly together (28-38-48 and 16,19,22) . I can take off in any gear with the motor-assist, and the spread is just right for motor assist cycling, ok for pedal only riding.

Here's a recent dash-cam (front rack) video of my motorized bicycle ride following Tour of Dallas bicycle parade (something like 1000 riders showed up). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lr39-x0j0zQ
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

"Tuesday is Ch. Fr. Steak special. Yum! Everyone else in the house is on a diet. hahahha."

LOL Happy