What Are Your Garden Tricks?

You can probably tell which picture is of the orange tree 9 months after taking it to a more temperate climate. It is now about 1 an 1/2 years from the place where in winter I took it inside, but still that was not doing it well. Now it is on a path with lots of feeding and care that it has probably over 100 blooms an the leaves are being replaced and branches filling out to tube shape I am aiming for when pruning. The deer may try to get at leaves near the fence so maybe I'll be adding a section of smaller wire grid fence to areas to prevent the deer jaw to fit through an grab at the tree. Hops are starting again as well as blueberries. I have used granular fertilizer as well as the water soluble with sprayer.


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No tricks, Datura seeds on order. Why buy is a good question. It grew in my Uncle Arnie's barn yard, and in tough years his cows ate it, occasionally one died. But Jimson weed is the host plant of Pharaoh Moths.

Until just a few days ago everything in my garden was an edible. Recently a neigbor gave me some Iris bulbs that already have leaves, no flowers yet. The hops yellow powder I did sample a bit before. I was quick to spit an get water rinse. It had great fragrance and I will see how it makes for finishing hops on a lager.
Container gardening is going well this year so far this year. Determinate tomatoes are ripening.
We already had a BLT sandwich, with more in the works. Green and Yellow Zukes, two of each are blooming and fruiting. I am overwhelmed with Eggplant. Good news is the Asian lady Nancy at the beer store will take some. Cucumber are fruiting well. I plant the pickle kind to harvest at no more than 6".
Flavor is so much better than those big O'l watery one's.
I haven't planted corn for years, racoons got most and deer had to have a taste too.
Round here has been a drought since last winter. My unofficial count has us at 6" total rain from the beginning of Spring.
The container thing beats the heck out of trying to water a 1/8th acre garden patch.

Tom our garden is just about done, I have ours fenced in , so far the deer haven’t bothered it. We planted green beans, peas, okra, squash, tomatoes and several kinds of peppers. Okra will produce till frost, or till we get tired of cutting it and I pull the plants up.
Here are the peas I pick yesterday.View attachment 114443
Okra of mine never panned out well. I did get more than 1/2 gallon blueberries and 20lbs of oranges from half wine barrel planters so far. Battery powered digital water timer does most of the work. Fertilize plants a couple times a year and try not to need to weed the garden.

I have sheets of plywood and that out beats using plastic sheets to smother out weeds. I'll see how thin the wood can be.

If your real careful and feel safe enough to put mirrors on the ground, so that reflected sun light also gets to the bottom of the leaves, go for it?



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The garden was my wife’s idea, when she left the work force to be with our grand kids more we started to plant more. She said since she had more time to work in it and can things it would be enjoyable. I have expanded it a couple of times, it’s big enough now to give some to our neighbors.
Orange juice was made by most of the oranges. Sure wish I had a whole grove of orange trees. I think orange juice fresh squeezed can alter state of mind, could be a sugar rush though as maybe 1/2 hr later same old?



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All fruits and vegetables are better fresh, that’s one reason we garden. If we need a tomato or peppers we just walk out and get some. Pick today eat today.
All fruits and vegetables are better fresh, that’s one reason we garden. If we need a tomato or peppers we just walk out and get some. Pick today eat today.
Ya and you can't get any better then that, we use to have the whole back yard as garden when my 4 boys were home. Now I just built 4 raised beds a year ago, with fold down sides to keep the deer out, and no more bending over, love them. I will get a picture as soon as I can figure out how to post them...........Curt
We had two raised beds 35’ long on the side of my shop. Had tomatoes, peppers, squash, zucchini, rhubarb, and a variety of herbs. Every thing was growing great, then some thieven varment got in and ate all my peppers and herbs. Then the bugs went after the zucchini and the squash. Then the drought and heat pretty well destroyed everything else. Oh well the tomatoes were good while they lasted !
Curt, I would like to see tour raised garden beds and details on how they were constructed.
We have been using 15 gal containers for more and more. As long as I keep the plants well watered they are thriving. Tomatoes are ripening, eggplants 4 are are fruiting abundantly. ( Got a oriental lady helping eat those up), Zukes and Cukes are fruiting furiously.
Sage, Rosemary and Thyme, no Parsley are huge. I better post so photos so you know I ain't lying.
BLT with home grown tomater Thurs night was delicious.

I may have to wait till Monday, when my son get home to find out how to get pictures. the regular photo stuff shut down, I use to just copy and paste but not anymore.........Curt