2 of my pumpkins from last year are still left, you think I should carve them and see if inside they are rotted? Only one is big enough to have much room for artwork.
Hop has 4 bines with 4 or more growing upward. 12 foot up there is the first of the 4 and it is looking to go higher, just can't figure out for a few days now why it has not started to turn and go the other way down. It has been my understanding there are no hops cones formed unless this happens. There are time lapse photography of them growing from internet search, but no shows to turn around. Maybe I could set something up.
Orange tree has had 7 flowers and formed 7 pea size oranges. Only this is since it was stunned by cold weather for 2 years growing where it did not like. Even though I put it inside, that is the half wine barrel planter. The out door all the time new location has range of temperature generally through the year at 40 to 80 degrees.
Any one try growing vanilla beans? I read that moist air is necessary, so green house I am not sure I would want the trouble. It said that once the plant seedling get bigger, the majority of the water absorbed is through the leaves and stems, not the roots. So I could see why jungle or green house.